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Enough Said.

so, call this number: 952-908-4116 (for USA)

then enter ur order number.

then say u want refund.

and bam.


it only took several hours.
the 10-sec file was 100MB...
instead of entering TSID, hit 9 at main menu, it will take you to real person. tell them u want refund and phone number for your country. they will give it to you along with your order number. the rest I have yet to complete, update coming soon.
yes sir I have. the avi multiplex file gopro renders is not compatible. the only other option is half-width, which is 50% quality.

GoPro only suggests that software because it is a trial version of the $999 software they want you to buy. lol. like thats gonna happen.

thanks for the suggestions.

edit: native 3d is a seperate left and right file, which is exactly what it does. just ask Avatar.
Alright everyone, I'll make it simple.

The software is missing Left/Right seperate image file (native) 3D support.

I am currently halfway through an FTC complaint about the false advertising based on missing 3D titles, the "end-to-end" lie about 3D editing, and the fact that they have no customer support (yes I tried the support ticket, and I got a copy/paste answer, multiple times now)

So, guy with headset, let people read this and be enlightened about these failings for a couple days, then do what you wanted and delete this, delete me, whatever. if people can't handle it, then let them continue to be lemmings (or sheeple) or whatever.

I'll get my refund, even if I have to take them to small claims court. They will not get away with cheating me. You all shouldnt let them either.

Quote: I do not think you are stupid, nor have I noticed that anyone else thinks that.
And you have a very nice computer, it's your language and abusive attitude.
Please, return the software, I'm begging you. PLEEEEZ.

I can't, because:
1. they have no phone number (seriously, $30 to call them???), and their corporate number hung up on me when I pressed 0 to get to an operator
2. the support ticket i filed days and days and days ago has not been answered

and I didn't start the bad language, as I said, that troll who keeps using his country's weird slang started it. i'm pretty sure he said something about wanting to look at my ass, or w/e, i dont remember.
Quote: Look around, if it's the same Mr Moto, he is not so well-liked in other forums, either, so I guess it must be us!

my name has been stolen by a lot of people, i can't imagine why such a simple name could be already taken? Hmmm... motorcycles... riding them... 420 (rebellion against government oppression (but some ppl just do drugs, which is sad))

anyway, get back on the 3D topic, or stop diverting the thread.

if you have a solution, then post it, like headset guy did... otherwise, say "idk, I guess they did leave out that feature" and move on.

and as I posted with the PDF, i have found no solution, only an ever-increasing reduction in quality when trying to work with true native 3D video.
Once again, you trolls are contradicting yourselves. You are completly diverting away from the issue, that this software is missing key features that were advertised.

Its simple, there is no current solution, as, by request, I have proved through (useless) dxdiag files, and a pdf file showing exactly what is wrong.

I am not the one causing the issues. I made a post, that a feature was fasely advertised and was missing, and aside from the help of the guy wearing a headset in his pic, everyone else is being an ass and saying I am stupid and that my computer is shit.

And to my other posts, except for telling off that troll who keeps telling people their computers are shit, I have simply stated obvious facts.

You people can't even see past your own systems out into the world.

YES, this program has serious flaws. But at the same time, yes, its an ok program for simple and non-professional editing. That is not what they advertised.

So, either get back on topic about the 3D issue, or shut the fuck up, and go troll somewhere else.
Quote: MotoRider420;
Quote: how stupid do you think I am?

On a scale of 1-10, based on your attitude taken with those who contribute their time to help here, 11

Quote: are u ------ kidding me? a dxdiag for a missing feature? i don't think directx has anything to do with not having a 3D import option for seperate files.

For those who have suffered through your "spewings" to read this thread, the DXDIAG file helps editors/engineers determine the platform that PD10 is running on...your platform... This gives us the ability to eliminate issues and make sure that the problem is not a combination of hardware, video file and PD10 failure/glitches.

I didn't ask to date your sister..just to look at your hardware platform...take a cleansing breath, will you??

Quote: I have, after much more research on non-cyberlink sites, found that I will have to return the software.

O, what a nice Christmas gift for the visitors in this forum THAT would be!!

You must be friends with that ass who keeps telling people he wants to look at their "cray". Stop trolling. You want my dxdiag? here ya go! the only thing it'll tell you is that you are out of your mind.

Hmmm... whats that? no errors, OMFG, its almost like I know how to use my computer o.O
or all my drivers are up to date, oh no, thats not good, no no no, its always a driver out of date.
wait, wait... u mean, that a missing driver or error in directx can't be the cause of the entire feature in the program to be missing? wow... who knew that? well, i did, and so does every one of the computer engineers I go to school with. OMFG, its blashphemy!

OK, heres my process and issues...
Quote: MotoRider420,
As an independent video editor, I assist others and have done so for years. There are many on this forum who have skills which show they delight in editing video. These editors, like I do, have passed on their knowledge and give assistance by answering and resolving problems. At the same time they broaden their capabilities. I have yet to see from you any assistance to a fellow editor, perhaps you'll have the kindness and be polite enough to provide the information you've been asked for. We all (senior forum members) have read rants, bluster and loudness and some members can even play a tune using a stick to poke the moment! Would you rather be mocked or assisted?

James, I'm concerned you cant load your GoPro footage into PD10. I will load 1129a (sorry been really busy and only downloaded it overnight) but at present I have the previous build of 1012 and have tried your GoPro 1080p footage out on 2 PC's without any problems. One has loads of stuff on and the other is just an editing machine... just has the QT which came with PD10 1012.

I have carried out a simple test using James' 1080p video. Zip file attached.
For Example: Full Side by Side =
Width : 3 840 pixels
Height : 1 080 pixels
Was produced.The Zip will show the image/selections and how easy it is to adjust clips to become Side by Side for Full and half width.

Grid Lines were used to reposition the video.

My one area of concern is that reducing the size of the video in Preview may result in an image degradation of the finished FullSbyS or the Half SbyS which is what has been complained about.
The PC I used for this experiment was a 2core quad! the smaller of the 2 PC's.


The attachment contains a group of images - showing James' GoPro footage being used to create a 3D Side by Side 3D video. 2x Media Info of the 3D video created.

yeah, I see what ur tryin to do... um... let me see if i can do the same to show whats goin on... hmmmm... give me bout 10 mins
Quote: MotoRider420,
As an independent video editor, I assist others and have done so for years. There are many on this forum who have skills which show they delight in editing video. These editors, like I do, have passed on their knowledge and give assistance by answering and resolving problems. At the same time they broaden their capabilities. I have yet to see from you any assistance to a fellow editor, perhaps you'll have the kindness and be polite enough to provide the information you've been asked for. We all (senior forum members) have read rants, bluster and loudness and some members can even play a tune using a stick to poke the moment! Would you rather be mocked or assisted?

James, I'm concerned you cant load your GoPro footage into PD10. I will load 1129a (sorry been really busy and only downloaded it overnight) but at present I have the previous build of 1012 and have tried your GoPro 1080p footage out on 2 PC's without any problems. One has loads of stuff on and the other is just an editing machine... just has the QT which came with PD10 1012.

I have carried out a simple test using James' 1080p video. Zip file attached.
For Example: Full Side by Side =
Width : 3 840 pixels
Height : 1 080 pixels
Was produced.The Zip will show the image/selections and how easy it is to adjust clips to become Side by Side for Full and half width.

Grid Lines were used to reposition the video.

My one area of concern is that reducing the size of the video in Preview may result in an image degradation of the finished FullSbyS or the Half SbyS which is what has been complained about.
The PC I used for this experiment was a 2core quad! the smaller of the 2 PC's.


The attachment contains a group of images - showing James' GoPro footage being used to create a 3D Side by Side 3D video. 2x Media Info of the 3D video created.

i know your just trying to help, and I appreciate it, but, it seems like all u keep telling me is that i'm wrong. i am glad for your help, but I have, after much more research on non-cyberlink sites, found that I will have to return the software. i appreciate your help, but I am not wrong. they are missing a feature, and there is no way to fix it without losing quality. thank you for your help, again, I appreciate it. have a good holiday.
Quote: I have only the trial version of PD10 and cannot import my GoPro video, but I have never had a problem with PD9 accepting it. While it is an extra step, GoPro does have a free software solution to convert the 2 video clips (left/right) into a side-by-side video that I assume PD10 will work with.

I also assume this means that there's no SVRT for GoPro's MP4? Not too surprising. It's a niche market, but I think they will be surprised by how fast GoPro is growing. Everyone is using them, including the pro's.

that only converts to a multiplex avi that PD10 will not recognize and being anything but 2D, and yes, i clicked the "select 3D format" option.

or u can convert to half-width, but I am not, no matter what giving up 50% of my quality.

thanks anyway
Quote: MotoRider420;
Seems like you are very unhappy. I see 14 messages from you but ONLY 2 topics created by you.
You are abusive and seemingly unwilling to participate in this USER FORUM.
All of the senior contributors here, are here because we WANT to help.

There are other gopro users here, but I don't hear them whining about this issue..I am sure they, too want a solution.

Have you attached a DXDIAG file for your machine? I couldn't find one, but I did read a lost of "sour" posts from you. Not the way to get good attention here!!!

are u fucking kidding me? a dxdiag for a missing feature? i don't think directx has anything to do with not having a 3D import option for seperate files. how stupid do you think I am? if i was having crashing problems that were caused by directx, i'd fix it myself, or have my friends who are computer engineers fix it. this thread is about 3D support features missing. AND YES, others have complained, or they don't care about loss of quality, which I do, because I will not, no matter what, upload anything less than perfect 720p to YouTube.
Quote: In a lossy digital world, i don't want to recompress twice, when i have free terabytes..
An update would be very good for supporting dual files input.

That makes at least three of us that agree that PD10 is missing the seperate left/right video file import option.

I really, really hope they get that fixed,... or at least allow us to composite it into a full-width side-by-side video, and then edit it...
Quote: "What does not work as far as I have seen up to now, is that you cannot import two video streams, one with the left and one with the right video stream."

THANK YOU! Finally someone understands this huge flaw in the 3D system. Have you been able to find any resolution? I tried compositing first into half-width side-by-side but the quality loss was too high.

Is Cyberlink planning on fixing this? Are there any workarounds (without spending more cash)?

I really don't want to have to ask for a refund... but, idk what else to do... I didn't buy two GoPros and the 3D hardware for no reason, lol.

I have more than just 3D issues with this program. The 2D files I have tried to render are even worse. Slow, unreliable, etc... The timeline contantly freezes when I try to scan through it, and I can barely split a clip without the whole propgram lockinh up for 2 minutes.
You must work for cyberlink...

The professional studios have two Cinema cameras (set up like eyes) that film in seperate streams, have you never seen Avatar's special features (or any other ACTUAL (non-converted) 3D movies)?

Those crappy 3D "splitters" that you add to a camera are not professional, and not true 3D. Even the Nintendo 3DS has two cameras in it, and its just a toy.

AND, I cant take my left/right files and convert to full-width because PowerDirector doesn't have anything higher than a 1920x1080 output option. So, how am I supposed to do (1920x2)x1080?

Look, its simple, PowerDirector obviously didn't finish the 3D support, and they rushed it into PD10 just to trick people into upgrading.

And to your othe comment, I HAVE MORE ISSUES WITH 2D FILES THAN 3D in this terrible program. So stop discrediting other's comments just because you magically have no issue with this program.
Quote: What you need to say is the program does not work for you, that does not mean it does not work for everybody!

But as your 'making a phone call' it's probably good your just moving on and leaving the rest of us to our torment trying to make this inadequate program do our bidding... Shh don't tell anybody but it works just great for me!

So before you go how about posting the outstanding specs of your computer, I'm sure we'd all like to drool over your mini Cray...


I don't know what mental issue you have, but i said "the more I use it", "I" meaning me, not everybody, so learn to read.

Plus, everyone always trolls "what r u specs, what is ur dxdiag, blah blah blah" so I simply stated my specs were higher, and i was still having problems. i was not bragging, etc...

and once again, over here in the USA, your phrasing is unknown to me, so why don't u stick to the technical stuff, huh? if you dont have anything to contribute, then shut the F up.

And to contribute further to this thread, when I am trying to render in 3D, i have had the program crash 50% of the time. My drivers are-up-to-date, directx is up-to-date and clean, i have plenty of power, ram and hd space... so, yeah, FOR ME, it works like shit, especially compared to PD9. So, to re-assert my statement, before you started trolling all over the place, I agree with the OP, profoundly.
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