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Hi greystone -

One option that would save you a lot of time is - rather than use cropping - just resize the first video in the preview window or PiP Designer... the copy the keyframe attributes and paste them to all you other .MOV clips.

What the viewer sees is exactly the same as cropping.

On quality, the more you upssize or crop, the greater the image quality that is lost (unless you're happy to produce to a lower resolution).

Cheers - Tony
I agree it would be useful for PDR to be able to generate videos in aspect ratios other than 16:9 & 4:3, particularly for social media & websites which can cater for different options, like 1:1 or the (roughly) 8:3 FB cover videos.

Still, whatever software you used, you'd have to do a bit of resizing/rearranging/cropping/masking to get your 16:9/4:3 videos and photos of various ARs to fit into the 8:3 space. Yes - even with Adobe Premier.

I don't see too much wrong, for this purpose, of simply regarding to top & bottom spaces as "voids" because they won't be visible, & working within that limitation. You could easily use an overlay like the one attached as a guide for resizing, arranging & masking.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Vinny -

They probably look like they're zommed in because you may have to preview screen view set to anything but "Fit". Check the little drop-down beside the time code under the preview window.

Cheers - Tony
This question has been going round for a while...

If you want to use PDR to produce a cover video for a Facebook page, here's a simple way to do it.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Abodsford -

I've worked out the simplest way to do this... i.e. make a cover video for a Facebook page. N.B It has to be a "page", not a regular profile, so you first have to create a "page". I just did that, then made the video & uploaded it.


  • create your video/slideshow with duration 20-90 seconds

  • include whatever video, photo & audio content you wish

  • make sure any text is vertically centred

  • produce to AVC H.264 MP4 1920x1080

  • upload to your Facebook page

  • reposition in frame

If your 1920x1080 video looks like this...

... when it's upoaded as a cover video it will be cropped (top & bottom) like this...

It's so easy, even I could manage it. Here's the one I just put up.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Islander -

Well - it's not a new feature but that doesn't matter.

Proxy files (shadow files) are created in your designated output folder in a sub-folder labelled "ShadowEditFiles" so, in that sense, you can choose where they go.

They're not deleted automatically after closing the project (you might need them again). After the project is completed you can ditch them from the folder in the same way you delete anything on your PC.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Mike -

If you have an audio or video clip selected, the Audio Ducking option should be available under Tools.

"Restore to Original Volume Level" will be greyed out, unless you've previously modified levels. Other than that, I'm not sure what "Restore" tab you mean.

Cheers - Tony
Hi jmone -

Highly adaptable piece of gear, that XF400. Makes my poor old XA20 look a bit sad frown You've possibly seen this, but I'll post it here in case anyone's interested.

Thanks for posting your procedure for getting all the audio into PDR.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Wanstronian -

Over the last few days, I've been packing old projects for archiving (partly because my PC's giving me occasional signs it doesn't want to play anymore). These are projects that have no "working folder" so videos, photos, graphics & audio clips are scattered far & wide on my PC.

In each case, I check "Include unused clips". I've just checked about half a dozen and the packed folders all includes the right stuff - everything that was in the timeline & unused media in the media library.

I can't recall your observation about missing media in packed projects being reported before.

Cheers - Tony
No - if you have QT installed, you can use them in PDR16.

I just posted some similar ones on Direcorzone too. They're video overlays (PiP Objects). The links are here.

Cheers - Tony
Hi BigKahuna -

If you only have 1 menu template installed, you're probably missing a stack of other templates too... video overlays (PiP), particles, titles, styles etc.

What's happened is you haven't installed the Contents Packs that come with PDR... or they haven't installed correctly.

To check, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\templates - what do you find there? Are there any sub-folders? What do they contain?

Cheers - Tony
Hi Neweditor -

These aren't PiP objects, but they might suit your purposes... and they're free.

They are actually alpha channel videos, so you'll need to have QuickTime installed. QT Lite or QT Alternative will do the job too.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Chris -

On your original question... when you download multi-track music from Digital Juice, it comes in a .zip file. Once you've unzipped it, you'll have a folder with the various .wav files - one for each instrument. These can be imported into PDR & put on separate tracks, as shown in the attached screenshot.

Did you use the Produce > Online option for Facebook, or did you select AVC > MP4 and upload your video manually? Either way would work. At what stage did it fail?

Cheers - Tony
Hi Chris -

I'm getting old too!

On the Digital Juice site, once you select a piece of music, it might be labelled "Full Multi-Track" (as yours was). If you look under the preview window it says "Looking for the standard version?" (see attached screenshot).

If you click that, you'll get a mixed track as a single .wav file... & you'll have no trouble importing it into PDR16.

As I understand it, right now you have a folder with a bunch of .wav files (1 for each instrument). Those files should import into PDR.

Once you get the .wav files imported, you can just put one on each track (you may have to add extra tracks) lined up underneath each other. After adjusting levels etc, you can produce it as a single mixed file.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Chevy1976 -

As Barry & Bill have suggested, SonicFire Pro is the way to go for completely customising SmartSound tracks.

In some previous versions of PDR (when SmartSound was part of the package), SmartSound Express Track was included. This was based on Sonicfire Pro. If you have access to that, it will possibly suit your needs. On second thought, maybe Express Track was available as a free download when you purchased music (???)

DUH! Sometimes I'm not real bright. I believe you can stil install SmartSound QuickTracks 5 by downloading from this page.

Cheers - Tony
Hi thecantina223 -

The short answer is no undecided

I share your loss. It's a feature I used a lot in previous versions of PDR (before 15) & I miss it.

2 workarounds:

  1. Take the snapshot in PDR16, then open the image in other software to make the black transparent.

  2. If available, take the snapshot in PDR14 or earlier & import it into your PDR16 project.

That's all I can suggest, sorry.

Cheers - Tony
Hi tvi -

Unfortunately, when you set a custom motion path in Magic Motion it cannot be saved for fututr use. In PiP Designer - yes. Magic Motion - no.

Within the same project, once a custom path has been set, you can copy & paste keyframe attributes to other photos. That will apply the same motion.

One way around it is to set your motion paths in PiP Designer, where custom paths can be saved. Another possibility, even though it's pretty clunky, is to:

  1. Create a project containing images with your favourite custom Magic Motion paths set.

  2. Save it as "Magic Motion Paths" (or something)

When you want to access & use those paths in future projects...

  1. Insert the Magic Motion Paths project, then

  2. Copy & paste keyframe attributes to photos in your new project.

Ideally, the photos used for copy/paste keyframe attributes would have the same aspect ratio.

Cheers - Tony
By default, PDR's YouTube uploader is limited to 15 minutes.

As Adrian suggests, that can be changed by editing the registry (REGEDIT). It's shown in this video.

I don't generally use the YT uploader either, but I just did the registry edit & set the YouTube Time Limit to 60.... then uploaded a 40 minute video through the uploader. All good.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Dave -

Sorry - I wasn't aware that you has already set up the projects in 4:3 & it failed to sink in when you said you had the projects "ready to produce".

The whys & wherefores of cropping images or modifying aspect ratio is a bit complex & a personal choice. Cropping loses content, but not quality (if you do a 100% crop) e.g. a 4:3 5275x3957 (~20MP) cropped to 16:9 will be 5275x2968 (~16MP). Yes, you lose content (top & bottom) but not image quality.

If you right click on an image in the timeline & select "Set Clip Attributes" > "Set Image Stretch Mode" you can use stretch or CLPV. Using CLPV stretches the edges more & the central section less. In my own projects, I never use it, preferring to crop. Screen shot attached.

The reason I suggested 1920x1080 was that it matched much of the video content you have. Also because it didn't register with me that you already has 4:3 projects set up.

Using 4:3, the default production options are limited but if you click the + button you can make a custom profile (i.e. there are more options).

Producing to a 4K profile would be fine for your stills, but your video content would be compromised (stretching pixels). That's why I suggested Full HD resolution.

Cheers - Tony
Hi WanderingPinto -

That's a bit of a complex task you've set yourself, but it'll be OK.

You have a mixture of aspect ratios & frame rates... not to mention resolution.

Resolution/Frame Rate: I'd produce to 1920x1080 @ 30fps, but probably use the 1280x960 video from the Kyocera E6810 as PiP, like this:

The background can be images/slideshow or video.

Aspect Ratio: If you wish, you can either crop your 4:3 photos/videos to 16:9 or use the "Set Aspect Ratio" feature to change them to 16:9 (use the CLPV method if you do).

That's a start anyway.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Peter and all -

I don't have my PC set to German keyboard, but I just tried a couple of things which worked.

The first was to type some words here then copy & paste them into PDR13's Title Designer. That gave me Siebenbürgishe Kindertanzgruppe München, which is how it displayed in PDR.

Next I copied a word from this vocabulary list & pasted it into a title. That gave me Frühstück.

Finally, I just typed an Alt character using Alt + 0252 (Num Lock has to be on) which gives me ü in Title Designer.

The attached screenshot shows how it looked in Title Designer & Preview.

So, I guess it's how PDR is interacting with the German keyboard setting.

Cheers - Tony
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