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Hi Peter and all -

I don't have my PC set to German keyboard, but I just tried a couple of things which worked.

The first was to type some words here then copy & paste them into PDR13's Title Designer. That gave me Siebenbürgishe Kindertanzgruppe München, which is how it displayed in PDR.

Next I copied a word from this vocabulary list & pasted it into a title. That gave me Frühstück.

Finally, I just typed an Alt character using Alt + 0252 (Num Lock has to be on) which gives me ü in Title Designer.

The attached screenshot shows how it looked in Title Designer & Preview.

So, I guess it's how PDR is interacting with the German keyboard setting.

Cheers - Tony
If you don't wish to install the full QT (it's no longer supported by Apple), I'd try installing either QT Lite or QT Alternative (which also has the MPC-HC player).

I suspect that may be the missing link with your audio playback. Only suspect - don't know for sure.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Tom -

Here, with QT installed, PDR15 & 16 both play audio from the Canon T3i. Do you have QT installed?

I can't get hold of a sample clip from the Casio EX-ZR1000, even though I came across a previous thread of yours where you'd posted some samples. That's a forum issue, not anything we can fix right now.

Would it be too much trouble to post another sample?

Cheers - Tony
Hi RossCo -

What's the source of your .MOV files? Camera? Model?

I've just checked a dozen or so clips from various Canon & Nikon DSLRs, iPhones & iPads etc... the audio plays back correctly in each case... in PDR15 & 16.

Tom - what's your camera?

Cheers - Tony
G'day David -

Do you have a shorter sample clip in that format/profile? I mean one small enough to upload for testing. That might help in resolving this for you.

Even though PDR15 Ultimate supports HEVC import & production, your video has an unusual set of properties. No audio & a text file (subtitles, I guess).

I tried to make a profile that matched your video & succeeded to a point. Here's a short test file. Check to see whether it imports correctly at your end. MediInfo report is attached.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Maliek -

Really sorry to hear that something's interrupted your prodigious flow of work & creativity. Your tutorials will continue to be a massive benefit to all PDR users.

Whatever the issue is, I hope it's resolved soon & that you're OK.

Cheers - Tony
There's no way to "get drag bars to make it bigger" in Title Designer.

The only way I know is to work with the actual animation files, which can be found in a zipped folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\templates\PowerDirector Content Pack Premium 3\Titles\Action 4

What you want to do is doable, but quick & easy.

An example:

I could rustle up a screen capture to show you how that was done... or send you the project (minus the background video). Guess it depends whether you'd like to know how to do it or have a quick fix.

P.S. I had nothing to do with writing the software. We all just work with what we have. Those template animations are made to be used as they are.

Cheers - Tony
Hi kevinkss -

You're opening a potential can of worms with your question laughing

That blue thing isn't really a "particle", as such. It's an animation made of 300 separate .png files. Because of that, editing it is a bit of a challenge.

How challenging it it depends whether you:

  1. only want to use it as a one-off, or

  2. want to modify the template for future repeated use.

Either way, the initial steps are the same. It's just that option (b) takes a lot more mucking round!

Cheers - Tony
Hi Jeff -

I'm afraid that's a limitation of CL Screen Recorder. The question has been raised before.

If you need to record changes in cursor appearance, the only option is to use a different app.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Veepo -

Yes - that's a little confusing, isn't it?

In the description, it says "CyberLink brings the multi-award winning PowerDirector from PC to Windows 8 tablets!" (despite the button labelled "Windows Phone"). Maybe it only works on tablets. Have you actually tried downloading & installing on your Windows Phone?

No - it runs on a PC too. How long have I been using it? About a minute!

I'd try contacting Customer Services and see if you can get any information. The FAQs don't mention it - all Android.

Cheers - Tony
Hi JT -

What do you see when you click this link? In Firefox, mine looks like the attached screenshot. Microsoft Edge looks pretty much the same.

Back on the WMV Profiles question, I have no idea why those WMV profiles are no longer available. I've left that post unedited for CL to investigate.

I've re-uploaded the zipped profiles for local & online production for anyone interested:

Custom WMV Profiles (whole set)

2.5K WMV Profiles (only)

Cheers - Tony
Hi Veepo -

What's wrong with clicking on the "Windows Phone" button on the page you linked? The OS needs to be Windows 8.1 or higher. Is that the issue?

Cheers - Tony
Hi Alan et al -

I just did a little test here, since we're weighing up using converted files or PDR's shadow files. I understand from Alan's posts that the .MOV files from his dashcam take "too long" to generate shadow files... hence considering conversion in a separate application.

I don't know what the camera is so I don't have sample files to test. Instead I used 6 short 4K/UHD .MOV clips from Canon DSLRs - 5D MkIV, 6D MkII & C200. The clips range in VBR from 520 - 2,298 Mbps (so they'd be demanding to edit in that form). Total duration of the 6 clips is 00:01:57:26.

In Handbrake (free & does batch conversion), the 6 clips were converted to 1080p MP4. It took 5:50, after an initial scan time of ~30sec.

I imported the same clips into PDR, with shadow files enabled. It took 5:55.

From that little test, there is no time advantage. Other converters may do the job faster.

Alan - for your final production, do you intend to use the original clips or the converted ones? If original, you can do that with file substitution shown in this little tutorial. If not, don't click that link laughing

Cheers - Tony
Good thinking Hatti -

Erich, I'd be looking at the settings you're using in OBS!

Your StreamVoD (27).mp4 clip wouldn't even play back correctly in PDR16. The video would freeze on one frame while the audio kept going.

When I produced it in PDR16, the produced file played back fine. It must have somehow corrected whatever was wrong (???).

I opened up OBS and did a few captures using different settings... but they all played back perfectly in media players & PDR.

So - the issue (as Hatti says) is the source material, rather than what PDR is doing.

Something that will fix it in OBS is to use File > Remux Recordings. I did that with your clip and there were no issues with PDR playback.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Erich123 -

That's a weird issue. Your clips - "StreamVodxxx.mp4" - play back correctly in PDR, but come out as stills in the produced file???

What's the source of the clips? screen captures? Could you upload one of those original clips for testing here? Maybe we can replicate the problem.

Your DxDiag indicates you're not using the most recent driver for your GTX970. I doubt that has anything to do with the problem, but it'd be worth updating.

Cheers - Tony
Hi will_s,

You're right about the Online/YouTube uploader in PDR - it goes back to the lowest resolution setting... unlike other parts of the Produce module. e.g. AVC H.264 MP4 opens with the most recent profile used.

That would be a good thing for the development team to consider.

Still - it's up to the user to check the upload details before hitting "Start" smile

When you use ANY of the Online Uploaders - YT, FB and the rest - your video will be uploaded as a WMV. That's the only option. If you want your videos to look good, I don't think that's a good option.

Have a look at these on YT. I used the trailer of Forza Motorsport 7 - thought it might appeal. The original video was 2.5K/1440p - 2560x1440. Both the produced files are 2560x1440, & both are set to play automatically in 1440p on YouTube.

This one is using the YouTube uploader (WMV) - produced file is 209MB 20Mbps & this one was uploaded directly (MP4) - produced file is 313MB 26Mbps.

Cheers - Tony
Quote: Tony - you mention issues with .MOV files - was it the longer time they take to create shadow files or something else? I have just done a couple of project sourced with .MOV files and they seem to take well over twice as long to create shadows, but they eventually do. I just assume its because they are about twice the size of the .mts files I usually use.

The issue was more to do not working than taking too long, such as this thread. The other .MOV issue was alpha channel related.

You're right about some .MOV files taking a long time to generate... but it's not consistent. e.g. a 4K clip from Canon 5D MkIV takes almost 3x the clip duration to generate a shadow file (1:3), but a 4K clip from DJI P3 does it in the samme time (1:1)

MP4s, in general, even 4K with high VBR, generate shadow files much faster - between 1:1 & 2:1 - e.g. 1 minute UHD clip from Sony X1000V generates the shadow file in under 30 sec.

Cheers - Tony
Quote I have this problem with all files including the samples so it doesn't seem to be file specific. Are there any logs I could look at or a debug mode?

Wow Peter! That's serious. I don't have a clue (a) what might be causing that or (b) what to do about it.

I can't replicate what you've described here, but about 24 hours ago (on my tinpot laptop not usually used for editing) I imported 3 4K files - 2x .MOV from Canon 5DMkIV & 1x Samsung Galaxy Notebook - and I'm stil waiting for the shadow files to generate. It's just sitting there. When I check Task Manager, it looks like it's working - just achieving nothing.

Maybe try submitting a Tech Support ticket? There really is some underlying issue there, it seems.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Peter -

At first I wrote: "They don't happen to be .MOV files, do they? There was an issue with earlier builds geenerating shadow files from .MOV clips. If so, installing the 2503 beta patch should fix it. If that's not it, could you post the details of camera/file type etc. That might help track it down."

Then I read your first post where you stated that you had the 2503 beta patch installed. DOH!

Sorry about that. Anyway, if you can provide details of camera & video properties it wil help get closer to a solution.

Cheers - Tony
Hi takimno1 -

It's not a "dumb question". It confounds lots of people.

When you're in Menu Designer, you're making a template (colours, buttons, text formatting, background etc).

When you apply one of the templates to an actual project, that's when you can change the words - "My Videos" etc.

Have a look at this screen capture and the final part of this tutorial. Maybe they'll help.

Cheers - Tony
Scott -

I forgot to mention something else I came across right in these forums. One user posted a Windows version of the XDV-360 app. Don't know if that'll make it any better for you.

Cheers - Tony
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