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Quote: Use the Color Painting, Pencil Sketch effect etc in Effects Room to produce an effect.

Then adjust the result by tweaking contrast, hue, brightness. Save, Re-do on the new clip as needed.

Find other rotoscopes in YouTube and also google search for rotoscope animation forums

Seeing these examples you can now try other particle effects on top of the pencil sketch effect until you get a better result. Remember, what you get will be viewed by your audience without any knowledge usually, of these techniques so if they recognise the players in your movie they will be just as pleased with the result as long as the content is suitable.

e.g. you would not normally rotoscope a wedding or a funeral - or would you ?....

Your video is a rotoscope of the entire frame! I would just want to rotoscope you for example and leave
the background untouched.

Thanks for the response. I just watched a short tutorial on rotoscoping with Vegas Pro.
It's a rather tedious process but definitely can be done.

If it wasn't so expensive, I'd give it a shot!

You would think Cyberlink would be adding frame level type tools....

I'd like to try my hand at rotoscoping.

I'd have a short, maybe 10 sec clip with multiple people in the clip,
however I'd like to rotoscope one person in the clip so he goes from natural
to a cartoonish type.

Can PD9 (PD8?) be one of the tools used? I guess I'd need to store out each frame
in some format, rotoscope then recombine them? And what other tools would you recommend?



Thanks Nicholas. I will definately watch the videos and try the green screen method.


I was just wondering the reason people are using PD rather then another nle application?

I would really like to try Vegas but it's to cost prohibitive. Besides, the video I do now
is mostly amateurish, family stuff.

I love experimenting with 3D, especially titling but PD does not have the alpha channel capabilities.
I know you can always green screen but I have heard about not so good results. Maybe I'm wrong as
I have not tried it yet and frankly I don't know how to do it at this time.

I have a 3D animation program that has the alpha channel option when rendering but when I
import the resultant .mov file into a PD move, it has a black background. Is there a tutorial
available on getting something like this into PD?

Anyway, thanks in advance for your responses...

When will there be a true alpha channel available?

I would like this for doing titles, 3D animations, etc.

I would rather not have to use green screening.



I have a 10 minute clip. I want to cut out certain sections of the clip.

How do I do that?

Maybe I'm a little green as far as video goes, but in PD, I produce an AVI
and I want to convert to .flv I use SUPER for this.

Maybe I should render in mpg then go to .flv?

Thanks Adrian,

Does pazera do .avi to .flv conversion?

Also, I un-installed and re-installed SUPER and that seemed to fix that problem. Although I don't know what it might have broken. I had loaded a couple of video applications after my first SUPER install which probably broke SUPER....


So, my ultimate goal is to upload to a website a video in .flv format (high quality).

I do not want to upload to youtube.

What are the best settings in PD to produce the best output for subsequent .flv?

Right now I go to Produce/Create A File/AVI/Windows AVI/AVI High Quality Profile/settings/No Compressor/ Then I render. A short video of
15-20 seconds produces a 150mb file! How can I get this size down and retain quality?

(note that when I am in the AVI Profile Setting box, when I click the Video/Audio tab here, PD shuts down??? Bug?? This is always repeatable)

Side note: Does anyone use the video converter called SUPER?
When I use the DV-AVI setting in PD, the file plays find in WMP but will not convert to .flv in SUPER??? It complains about DirectShow ActiveX.

Thanks in advance,


Please have a look at my video. I am new at this and I thought it came out
pretty good!

Remember, these are just individual plays from throughout the season.
One of my problems throughout the season was that I would center my shot with the LCD viewer, and then visually look at the team. Then when the play started, I would forget to move the camera to follow the play!! The kids were actually exciting to watch and that would distract me.....
In my last example, the buffering stopped and the video played and looked great. However, after about 80% thru the video it halted and started buffering again. Eventually it continued playing until the end.

You can go here. When it asks to play or save, choose play with Windows Media Player.

How can I get around this problem?



The first time I rendered in wmv and copied it to a website, it played fine,
although quality sucked. This file size was 21 megs...

I then rendered in a higher resolution. The file size was 626 Meg!! It looked
great playing it locally on my PC. After uploading to the website, it will not

I also re-rendered at another resolution. File size is 184 meg. It will not
play from the website either, although WMP is saying it is buffering. It's at 38% but no video???

What the heck am I doing wrong???

Anybody have a tutorial on PD rendering for web viewing??



What are the settings for the highest resolution and quality?
I want to render to DVD as well as a format that I can stream
over the internet...


Ok, here you can view my first "more complex" videos.
It's a little over 10 minutes long.

If you read my query about audio, you will notice it in this video. The music track seems to fluctuate in amplitude. I tried a non-edited mp3 and it did the same thing. I then edited it inside PD.

Now, I can see that the quality of the .wmv is not to good. Did I do something wrong when I rendered it?

I really have no experience with streaming from a website so what hints do you have for that?

I will gladly take all suggestions....

Oh. one mistake I did make is at the end of the video, I forgot to trim the music. It goes on after the closing credits for a couple of minutes....

See the video here:

Thanks in advance,

Quote: Ray,
Why not just adjust the volume in PD7, see if you are unsure how.

If not try a wav file. I have had issues with a few mp3's and audacity but wav always worked fine.


Ah...very nice... I'm still learning PD....I will try to edit the mp3 directly in
PD and see what happens....



I haven't burned a DVD yet but during my editing I am hearing a problem.
I have edited an MP3 using Audacity. All I did was lower the amplitude after
the first 15 secs or so. It pl;ays fine in Audacity after the edit.

I have added it on the Music track in PD7 and I am noticing a rise and fall of the volume when I play the Project back within PD...


Quote: Yes, it would be good to be able to capture a track, I sometimes find a nice set of sounds that would be good to have as a background (running water, surf etc) but you often need to 'clean it up' a bit, ideal if you could capture, save and export.
maybe next release?

There is a feature in Sony Vegas. You can name your audio editor in preferences and then do an Edit Audio! It is pretty neat. I have an
audio editor called Audacity (freeware)...which I am trying to figure out how to use.

Quote: Hi Ray,

I still use PD6 but I couldn't find a way to save/export a sound track so I just played the video and recorded the track with an audio editor. Admittedly, it was only a short track so it didn't take much doing, I suppose a 3 hr track migh be a bit of a pain . Anyway that worked for me and I was able to edit it with effects etc OK

Thanks vn...that surely is a way to do it, but you would think there should be a way to save off the audio right from PD? Maybe a new feature?

First this one is not actually PD related, but what do you guys do when recording outdoors on a VERY windy day. It's a mixture of sustained
winds and gusts. Some of my clips start out sounding like gunshots with echos!!! I use a Sony HDR SR-11 with standard built in mic.

After splitting the audio from a clip, how can I export it? I want to try editing it in an external audio program like Audacity..


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