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Thanks Tony,

I did submit a report to Cyberlink, but I don't think the link was from the DirectorZone page. If I try from there will it duplicate the original profile request I submitted to Cyberlink?
Hi there,

I am putting up this post in trepidation that it maybe removed- or heaven forbid - censored in some way.

I have purchased in the last month or so the Mobius 1080p Action Cam. I specifically upgrade from PD 12 to PD 14 to use the lens correction feature. But on viewing this feature, I found that it is not on the list of supported cameras. I have contacted Cyberlink support - including information on the camera - expressing my wish that it should be supported. The reply I recieved indicated to me - I hope that i am wrong - is that they will look into it, but that is as far as it goes.

Do any other PD14 users have this camera? If so i would urge you to contact Cyberlink support and ask that it be included in PD14 via a patch. I don't want them to "hold off" until the next PD upgrade.

I again apolgise for my "rant" on this post.


PS: If this is not the right forum for this post, please feel free to put it in the right post, but seeing it is to do with PD14 i thought it was right.
Hi there,

I want to upgrade from v12 to v14, but don't want to lose all my downloaded titles, menus, etc. Will v14 recognise all those downloads?

Also do I have to uninstall V12 or just install the upgrade to v14 over the top.

Anything else I should know in doing the upgrade?

Thanks guys, that sorted my problem! laughing
Thanks Carl,

That button wasn't there before! embarassed

Anyway, here is the attachment.
Hi there,

I am modifying a title template in Title Designer and I want to split the line of text into 2 seperate lines. See attachment. At the moment the 2 lines a formed by hitting enter in the middle of the line, but I want the second line to come in after a short delay.

I have previously added a 2nd line in another template but forget how i did it! embarassed


OOOOPPPPS!!! How do I add attachments? Been a while since i was here and can't seem to find the attachment icon!!!!
Hi There,

A while since i've been on the forums as i haven't had any problems with PD12. laughing

But i have a query. I have ordered a Mobius Action Cam and i think it has a fisheye lens. Suppose to be about 120 degree lens. I would like to know if the images can be "straightened out" with PD12. I am not a fan of fisheye images, as when you see images from a moving vehicle in a straight line, that's what they are - a straight line, but with a fisheye they appear to be continuously going round corners !

I have heard that there is software that can change that. But I don't want to purchase more software if PD can do the job.

Hi there,

I have just burned a project to DVD, but it won't play on 1 machine. I have 2 DVD and 1 Bluray player. It plays on Bluray and 1 of the DVD players. The player is newer than the one with no problems. Also it plays OK on the computer.

Anyone have any idea why this is happening?


EDIT: I thought the problem might have been the re-installation of PD12 after my HDD decided it wanted to go to HDD heaven. But on checking projects prior to August this year, the same problem existed on projects produced since October last year (2014). Is it a problem with PD12 itself or just my - and other peoples - DVD players. It can't be age because my primary DVD player is about 10+ years old and it is OK along with the Bluray. The secondary player is about 3 years old.
Quote: Let us know if this does what you want.

Partly, but then when I resize the clip and expand the window, it causes the image to "grow", thereby obscuring the image on the sides, top & bottom cropping off parts of the clip. If this can't be avoided I'll have to put up with the black side edges. This is no big deal though.

I have just downloaded a video from Youtube and converted it to AVI. The problem is, it appears to be filmed on a mobile phone and the video is on its side. Is there any way in PD12 that it can be rotated 90%. i don't like holding my head sideways to view the video.

Thank you for that! laughing
How do I get rid of the attached icon from the desktop? It is most distracting. I probably don't need Power2Go but I would like to get rid of the BIG icon!
Are the downloaded titles and menus, once installed, located in a specific directory/directories?

Hi Tomasc,

Actually I still have the hard drive here. laughing I have to send it back next week, so I'll get my Comp Tech son to have a look to see if we can find the missing files.

Thanks again for both your replies.
Thanks Tomasc,

That worked fine. laughing
Hi there,

I'm in a quandry on how to modify a menu template that has a Root menu & Titles/Chapters menu. I can modify the root menu (change background) but can't seem to get to the Titles/Chapters menu to modify it. See attachment for the menu I want to change.

Am i missing something?

Hi there,

I had to have one of my Hard Drives (Disk0) replaced as the boot partition was faulty. It wouldn't boot from Restart or Shutdown. I thought all data had been transferred, but cannot find my Director Zone downloads. Where abouts on the drive would they be located?

Ihave just finished re-installing PD12.

I have some of them as a downloaded file, but later ones i just clicked run when they download instead of saving. (being lazy embarassed )

Thanks for any help.
All is now well. Contacted customer support and they advised to uninstall, run the cleaner, then re-install. Then, in the meantime I had problems with my main Hard Drive (Disk0) as it was not booting from a restart or shutdown and had to get Dell to replace it. Consequently I had to do a lot of re-installs. Re-installed PD12 and its updates and all appears OK.

I have another query but will add a new post.

OOOPPPSSS! embarassed

I don't know what I did to miss that, but i eventually found it. I think I may have gone into LOCAL_MACHINE embarassed

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I changed it to VMR9, but it didn't help. cry

In the meantime I will email CyberLink customer customer support. Hoping the issue may be solved here.

Hi Borgus

The only item with VideoRenderer is DX_VideoRenderer Type and the Value Data =5

That had no effect. frown

I should have mentioned at the start, that the problem is with Menu Designer. Every other part of the software is OK.

FWIW I downloaded/installed the latest Nividia update yesterday, but that didn't help.

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