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First thing to do is make sure you have installed ALL the PowerDirector Content Packs.
Open CAM (CyberLink Application Manager) & select Effect Packs. You'll see which packs have been installed. There's PowerDirector Content Pack Essential, and Volumes 1-5.
You can also check at C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\templates where the template folders are stored.
I've been following this thread & trying to replicate the issue using both PDR365 & PDR21 on different PCs. I've now downloaded Warry's packed project and trying it with that, but I'm yet to see the "wrong thumbnails" issue here.
Jeff - you said "very easily to replicate, just takes time" - do you mean time working on the project? Not doubting what you're saying because - yes - similar issues have been raised before.
Even though I tried to replicate your scenario by using a snapshot from a video, I noticed in your screen capture you were using other layers (transparent background & title)... which I didn't do in my testing. I've since added the same layers, but adjusting sharpness still works as expected.
Have you tried adjusting sharpness on a single photo with no title/background layers?
Is there anything you did to any layer that may have interfered with the sahrpening adjustment?
Like optodata, mine's working fine (update or no update). On one PC, I hadn't updated PhD to the latest (14.6.1730.0) build so I tested your scenario both before & after updating.
Like you, I used a snapshot taken from a video. These have been cropped to highlight the differences.
Not sure what's happening at your end, but it's definitely not consistent with what I've observed.
I gave it a shot and the output files are visually equivalent to Photopus & other tested software. I was surprised to find the image compression was higher quality (i.e. less compressed) than many of the apps. Pretty good for an online tool.
There's a PDF attached showing the results I got comparing the software listed in the CL blog (plus a few others). Sorry about image quality - resizing in MS Word is not a great idea. A link to download the images I used for testing is included in the PDF.
Back to Ian's original question... if I had to do bulk inversions (hundreds of photos) I'd be using Photopus or another app that does bulk processing.
If I only had a small number of inversions to do, I'd use PhD's Edit option (not Adjustment). Admittedly, there may be some step I'm missing that could correct the odd results I've seen with some photos.
I'm getting some weird results in PhD14 I'm still working through it, but the steps I posted above (manually inverting the tone curve) are producing odd effects on some photos... and definitely not the same as inverting colours under Edit.
I was reading through the link tomasc posted comparing different apps' capabilities with colour inversion & wondered how the writers would arrive at a "rating". So - I tested some photos in each (most) of the software listed. I won't bore you with my comparison results but it did show me the "ratings" were massively subjective.
When I was getting odd results in PhD, I started comparing the same images inverted in Adjustment & Edit. The differences are huge with some photos/images but more subtle with others. I should mention that using "Invert Image Colours" in Edit is consistent/comparable with other software.
With the 9:16 videos tested, when I step through the produced files frame-by-frame there is NO frame interpolation evident... just 4x the same frame. There are no intermediate frames generated.
When I read mathew MJB's first post, I took the "2160x3840" to be a typo. Not so.
Anyway - I've just discovered the Orientation Lock on the GoPro & shot a few 9:16 clips... then followed the same steps I'd used previously:
Import clip into a 9:16 project
Adjust video speed to 0.25
Check frame interpolation option in settings - Apply
Return to timeline - check playback
Produce to standard 9:16 profile
Next, I tested the same procedure on some 9:16 clips from different phones. No issues that I can see.
When trying to apply the Interpolation setting after I slow down GoPro footage Power Director always crashes.
In my testing PDR21 didn't show a hint of balking at the task, let alone crashing. Nor did it throw up any alerts that what I was attempting was inappropriate.
Jeff - I've been scratching around in the help file & I can't find any reference to frame interpolation not applying to 9:16 videos. Could you please give me a poke in the right direction?
I shot a few clips today on my GoPro 10, with settings that match what you've described (MediaInfo attached).
HEVC - 3840x2160 - 119.880fps - 99.6Mbps
I tried to replicate your issue, but couldn't in PDR21. The speed settings I used matched those shown in the Video Speed settings info, under Interpolation Setting info (see attached screenshot). You didn't mention what speed you adjusted your clip to. Did it match the ones shown in the screenshot? If not, that may be part of the problem.
For anyone who'd like to test, you can download this GoPro clip. Don't expect to see a 70 year old snowboarding, skating or BMX riding (!)
Have you tried Jeff's suggestion of converting the MKV with Handbrake? It's probably the only viable option.
I grabbed a sample MKV with DTS audio & PDR couldn't read the audio, as has been suggested. After transcoding with Handbrake to MP4 with AAC audio, I'm now able to edit fully in PDR.
It's actually a pretty tough question because you have indicated anything about the style you're after, the type of gathering/party or the person who's turning 50. Those two factors would influence the direction & choices you make.
Years ago, I did quite a few "big date" type presentations (video, slideshow, graphics), including a big one for my dad who was turning 80. The big gathering, including career friends & family, dictated the editing choices I made.
I could show you some bits of it, but it would be likely inappropriate for your birthday person. In fact, when I look at it now it's completely OTT & I'd be unlikely to do it that way now (even though, at the time, it went down well).
Thanks for the heads-up about Krita. I like what I've seen so far.
Krita isn't PhotoDirector & neither is trying to be the other. PhD is essentially photo management/adjustment software with some extra options. Krita is a drawing/painting app. They're different.
You'd have figured out already that you can use PhD for the purposes it suits & Krita for the purposes it serves. Easy. uses analytical cookies and other tracking technologies to offer you the best possible user experience. By using our website, you acknowledge and agree to our cookie policy. For more information on cookies or changing your cookies settings, read CyberLink’s Cookie Policy.