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Audio out of sync
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I am capturing my old Hi8 tapes by putting them into a home DVD recorder.
I then bring the resultant VOB files into PDR6 however the audio is out of sync.
I have heard that this is a common problem when capturing analog and there are hardware fixes for it however I thought that if I could separate the audio from the video I could then move the audio file along the timeline to "line up" the audio with the video hence solve the problem.

Has anybody had any experience with this and does anybody know of a programme that would isolate/separate the video and audio?.

Not a biggie but it would be interesting to see if it worked.


I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
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I have just done a search on this subject (which I should have in the first place) and find that this is a complex problem and my suggestion to solve it was somewhat optimistic.....I understand that you can get a certain video capture card/device that will solve the problem and I will attempt to locate it.

I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
Jim [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 15, 2007 22:38 Messages: 9 Offline
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I was having trouble capturing analog video and audio simultaneously which I replied to in another thread. Anyway here is what I am doing. It involves getting an audio mixer program.

1) I capture my analog video through a digital interface with a USB
connection and record it in Power Director.

2) At the same time I capture my Analog Audio in an Audio Mixer
Program called N-Track.
This allows me to have as many audio tracks as I want. I can then E.Q,
add some compression, reverb or whatever effects I need to make
all the audio tracks sound awesome and then mix them all down into a
single .wav file.
N-Track has a "sync to video" function that matches the audio and
video from Power Director perfectly and puts the composite track in
Power Director's video track. I can then split the audio and video in
Power Director and edit my Video track there. The result is a great
video with awesome sound.

3) N-Track costs around $54.00 but it is a powerful program and user
friendly. You can download a free version to try but unless you buy it
you will get an obnoxious embedded sound in your mixed down tracks.
This is N-Tracks way of forcing you to buy the program. The latest
version is N-Track 5.0.

By the way, I also have a Behringer Eurorack UB1002 which is a
10 track external mixer that I have a microphone, camcorder audio
output, Cassette Deck, CD player, Guitar, Bass, keyboard/midi and
drum machine going into my N-Track. So I am pretty much set to add
whatever sound I want to my videos.

This is a pretty elaorate setup so I don't know if your needs are worth
the cost. The Eurorack mixers have given way to the Xenyx line but
they're still affordable. You can get the Xenyx UB502, 5-channel at for $44.99 or the 10 channel for $69.99. But
you may be able to find some good close-out deals for the Eurorack
series on the internet.

Anyway, good luck in accomplishing your goals.
[Post New]
Wow Jim, that sound complicated however I will download N-track and see if I can get my head around it all as it is important that I get the Video & Audio in sync as I have lots of good memories on the old Hi8 format.

Thanks for your suggestions. Its really appreciated and I might come back to you again and pick your brains at a later date if thats OK.

I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
Jim [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 15, 2007 22:38 Messages: 9 Offline
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Sure Brian, anytime. You can e-mail me directly at if you like.
Josh [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 22, 2007 16:07 Messages: 2 Offline
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I have been experiencing problems with Audio syncing as well. When I edit video, sometimes the audio becomes out of sync for certain shots. Has anyone else experienced this? The problem doesn not occur when watching the raw footage.
[Post New]
Hi Josh,

All of my video capture recently has been digital and via a firewire connection.

I have captured maybe 15 hours and all is well however the last capture I did there were moments where the audio was out of sync and I dont know why.

Do you have any ideas? I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
Josh [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 22, 2007 16:07 Messages: 2 Offline
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I use Firewire as well Brian, but I havent experienced something like that. You should try to capture the video in a different program as well as see if it works on a different computer. Also, make sure that the problem wasnt created when filming. Hope this helps Brian. Also, is the audio out of sync in the raw footage? Or only in the timeline? Because if that's the case, Im not sure what to do and Im awaiting an answer from Cyberlink. Ill post the response here when I get it. Good Luck.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 23. 2007 07:50

[Post New]
Quote: I have been experiencing problems with Audio syncing as well. When I edit video, sometimes the audio becomes out of sync for certain shots. Has anyone else experienced this? The problem doesn not occur when watching the raw footage.

Yep, I added some Fade from the Transition Room and it throws the sync off everytime. Removed the Fade and no problem.
Got to be a bug.
Dave Grace [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 24, 2006 19:29 Messages: 15 Offline
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I have experienced this out of sync myself and have found a couple of things that may/maynot help. First, I capture from my camera to computer with WinDV (freeware program). This fixed most of my problems since prior to this I captured with the PowerDirector. I recently fed an old VHS tape of a family reunion into my computer and found I had a slight out of sync and by using VirtualDub ( another freeware. I was able to offset the audio forward or back in any number of milliseconds.
I try to only do edits in avi format, not on compressed material such as mpeg.
Also found, in one instance, the sync problem was caused by me passing video from an older VCR. Swapped it out for a newer one and no audio issues.
Good luck.
Senior Member Location: N Attleboro, MA Joined: Jul 13, 2006 19:57 Messages: 295 Offline
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Try a different transfer device instead of going to dvd first.
Do you have current digital video camera? It's possible that it can be used as the converter (read the manual!), putting the captured video directly into your hard drive. It solved all my sync issues.
Hi8 camera>digital video camera>computer hard drive.
All you may need is proper RCA connections from Radio Shack.
It's how I do it for all analog to digital conversions, even vhs.
I use Movie Maker for capture, but Win is good also.

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Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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I see this post was re-opened. Last entry 23/07/2007. Since that date there have been 3 Patch version updates to PD6. Therefor a NEW Topic should have been started.

Dave Grace, Thank you for the PM. I see you have placed the same info at a number of locations on the forum - don't. You are using PowerDirector 4. In postings on the forum you should make that clear please as without that info you give the wrong impression.

No more posts at this location - post under a new/your own heading.

I will delete or lock this post.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 17. 2008 05:43

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