Thanks for the reply.
I may not have phrased the question the right way. Let me do it again and keep it simple.
When the vido is on the Timeline and in the PD monitor, it comes up stretched out. As mentioned, I've tried all the aspect ratios in the program and while they do change the aspect ratio, none of them render the video the right size. The video in the monitor is always too large. Maybe all I need to do is down size it, but I don't know how. Is there some way to "free form" re-size?
I hope this clarifies. I'm not an old hand at PD, but I have done a bunch of videos all with good results, but have never had this problem before.
VOB files are from DVD videos and are usually 4:3 ratio, some are 16:9.
Cyberlink does have a limited free trial version of PowerDirector. It is not unlimited. It is limited on High Definition videos.
Otherwise, it might be a SCAM.
When I import 1x1 aspect footage under 16:9 project, PD automatically stretches its size in order to fill out 16:9 screen.
Is there any solution to maintain original resolution?
thank you.
Power Director has a 1:1 aspect ratio; Two ways to set that aspect ratio:
1: If set to enter full mode, you can Click Edit > Aspect ratio > 1:1
2: If not set to open in Full Mode, when you first start Power Director, there is a choice for the aspect radio before you click Full Mode.
To reset (Open in Full Mode) , after PowerDirector is in full mode, Press (Alt+C) > Confirmation > Click the Reset button
OR Click Edit > Preferences > Confirmation > Click the Reset button.
Since Video is not interactive, you have to create separate images of the numbers, that using slideshow change the number image in a timed manner.
If you want to manually change the number you have to be able to access the number images then change the image.
Somebody may have a tutorial on that subject on youtube. I have not looked.
At last! Someone who thinks as I do.
Good to see you posting on here again Carl. It seems a long time since you visited.
Yeah I have not been posting much on Cyberlink. I do post something once in a while.
I do look at the posts where I get a notice on. May be a very old post from years ago.
Thank you for noticing.
Thanks Carl. I have been trying to do a comparison of file settings between the old an new cameras to compare the bit rates etc. Unfortunately the details of the camera files produced by the old camera don't give detailed spec. I will try to find something in the metadata/exif file.
It doesn't make a great deal of difference to the final dvd, but it annoys me (sad person that I am!!) when I can't find the reason for differences which appear illogical, ie smaller dvd files being produced from larger original files.
By the way. Am I better shooting at the best frame rate settings available in camera and letting pd17 reduce the files to the best size for the 8.5gb dvd or just shooting at, what appeared to be, the basic setting, or is this just wasting the 'in camera' storage (of which there is plenty).
You should always use the best picture quality on your camera. You can always reduce the quality but you can not increase the quality if it was not originaly shot that way.
Besides, Memory is cheap now. If space is a concern, use the largest memory card your camera can use. As far as storage of your original videos, there are plenty of external hard drives available. Storage is fairly cheap. I am not a fan of Cloud storage, because you don't have complete control of your content.
Carl - Thank you for your reply and insight. However my problem is not that I want to reduce file sizes, far from it. My problem is getting the best quality DVD (assume large files = best quality) files onto an 8.5gb dual layer dvd.
As I mentioned previously:
PD17 is producing a 3/4gb dvd from original files totalling approx 15.5gb (MTS originals) from my new camera and
PD17 is producing a 5gb (reduced to fit the 8.5gb dvd using smartfit) dvd from original files totalling approx 7.3gb (MPG originals) from my old camera. So the 'pre-smartfit' files would be even larger.
I am trying to understand why from the smaller files from the old camera PD17 produced a larger dvd file than when using larger (better quality) files from the new camera. Size on the finished dvd is not a problem but trying to understand why PD17 is producing smaller sized dvd files from the new camera which has larger files is!!
I would also like to ensure that the new camera is set correctly so that I can get the best quality original files for PD17 to work on (size here is not an issue)
If my posts are somewhat confusing, please accept my apologies, to reason for that is.... I am very confused!!!... sorry.
The maximum bit rate a standard DVD can support is about 10 Mbps.
That limits the qualiy video you can record on a standard DVD disc.
However AVCHD on a DVD is max 18 Mbps. (Requires a Blueray player)
The length for AVCHD video is limited by the data storage on a double layer DVD. (I think the length is about 20 minutes)
If you are creating AVCHD disks you can do a maximum of 1920x1080 @ 18Mbps. This format requires a Bluray player, AVCHD will not play in a standard DVD player.
Different bit rate of the original video will make different size produced files. Bit rate is the main file size creator. The higher the bit rate the larger the file will be.
Size of the final video file depends on the resolution and the bit rate of the video. The easiest way to reduce file size is to reduce the bit rate.
Quote: ["The choice of settings on the new camera is:
28Mbps LCPM (50.00P)
28Mbps (50.00P)
24Mbps LPCM
*current setting - does this need changing?
The difference in camera files is what originally prompted my enquiries about file size. Do I assume that the compression of the AVCHD/MTS files is better on the new camera than the old which is giving the smaller DVD files?? I have no desire to produce wonderful movies, just produce the best quality DVD record that I can of our productions without spending forever in production so I just want to set the camera to the best settings, record and produce a DVD as best as I can.
If there is any simple guides on the web that anyone can point me to, I would be very grateful."}
Lets take this one step at a time. The Bit rate of the Video is the largest contribution to file size and quality of the video.
You can reduce file size by reducing the bit rate of the video. (Do not do that on the original video, make a copy).
Your camera is producing 24-28 Mbps videos, which is great quality video, at the cost of much larger file size. For a DVD 5 Mbps is plenty good. By producing your camera video to 5 Mbps, you can reduce the filesize to a much smaller file without losing much quality, the normal bitrate for a DVD is in the 5Mbps range which is how you can fit a two hour video on a DVD. (not true for a Blueray. disk)
The amount of compression is dependent on the CODEC used. Compression is an act of throwing away bits of the video to make things fit a small package. Bitrate is the biggest contributer to file size. Secondary is quality of the video.
The easiest way to reduce file size is by reducing the bit rate. For HD video anything 5 Mbps or greater is great quality.
Can you see the difference?, Yes you can but it is a small difference to our eyes.
I downloaded the manual for your Canon Vixia HF W-10 camera, I do not see a connection for an external microphone for that camera.
What you can do is use an external audio recorder, of which there are several models avaliable, The audio recorder can use built in microphones or an external high quality Microphone.
The advantage of the audio recorder, is it can be placed close the sound source. They are small light weight devices.
Your Blue screen says you have a memory problem of some sort.
Try increasing your virtual memory. See if that helps, It won't hurt ot have more virtual memory.
Heap corruption just means some system is trying to modify the memory in the same area Windows is using.
When I run the Audio Resource panel it shows "Checking for Updates" and goes no further.
I have updated the Application Manager and the issue remains.
You can download and install the most recent version from here:
That will most likely fix the "Checking for Udates"/
You should delete your current Application Manager.
Put the Star Wars clip on a higher number track will make it appear in front of whatever Is in lower numbered tracks.
If the star wars clip has transparency, parts of the lower numbers tracks will show through.
You can use Chroma key to make the Green screen transparent.
If you want to stop the playback at the point you are watching, Pause the video by clicking the play button on the preview player. (it is a toggle) Click again to continue playing.
Pause will stop where the cursor is. Stop will always return to the beginning of the Movie in movie mode or the the start of the clip in Clip mode.
You can extract AC3 audio from your video using some free audio editors. Audacity is a free audio editor. You can open a video file that has AC3 audio in Audacity, you get just the Audio track, you can then save that audio as any format you wish such as AAC or Wave.
Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to add your own music as background music. I was trying to make a youtube video so I went to the youtube studio audio library downloaded a royalty free song. But when I went to powerdirector, I couldn't figure out how to add the song in.
I was also wondering how to change the audio volume. if I try to use the db slider in the audio tab it only changes the volume at the spot where the play indicator is.
Help would be appreciated.
You can put audio in any audio track, or you can use the music track or the voice over track. The Voice track is where you can record your own voice using a Microphone connected to your computer.
You can adjust your audio levels in Audio Mixing Room (F9).
I just installed the newest version Powerdirector 365, I began to do a simple video with a narration from the recording feature, only to find no matter which microphone device I use, there is a tremendous amount of background static, it is not from my environment, the area is very quiet. Any suggestions?
The first thing I would check, to to be sure your microphone connection is noise free. Any bad connection or even loose parts on the microphone can cause static.
It takes a lot of editing to create what you wamt.
The key factor is how PowerDirector treats its tracks.
The hightest numbered track is on top of the lower numbered tracks. You can change that somewhat by using transparency. If a higher number track has transparency, then parts of the lower numbered tracks will show though.
You have to choose which artist you put in the highest number track for the duration you want him/her seen.
There may a a tutorial somewhere on Youtube that may demonstrate how that is done.
I.E. track 3 is shown on top of tracks 1 & 2. Audio from all tracks are mixed into one stereo audio.
Your old images are still useful. There are many free photo/graphics editors.
Irfanview, Paint.net, Windows has Paint, Paint has been in Windows for many, many versions.
Of course, there are the paid programs (Photoshop) and the Free GIMP.
By the way, I am still using Microsoft Office 2000 on my Windows 10 computer. I do have the converter for Docx files.
Two queries about using PD18 for a new project
1. Are there any objects - pointing fingers, arrows, teardrop markers and similar - available in the program? As in add a object to a track so that an element in the timeline clip is emphasized or pointed out. Are they are supplied, and if so where are they??
2. What I want to do is add a colour panel in the timeline, and add text in the text track to explain something. Are there colour panels - just plain colours such as red green sky blue white black - that can be seelcted/placed in a track?/and if so, where are they??
Question 1: There are many objects on Director Zone. You can also download from Google images, check the copyright.
Question 2: PowerDirector has 'Color Boards' those are sold color images that can be any color and any size, you can place Titles on top of the color board.
Titles are in the Title Room, Color boards are on the Drop down in the media room.
Is there any option to add automatic subtitle to my video?
It's a long speech and I don#t want to do it manually
PowerDirector does not have the ability to convert speech to text.
However there is software that can. How accurate is unknown. Search for "Speech to Text", you may find a low cost software.
There is also Subtitle software that is very good at editing Subtitles.
You need a *.srt file to import into Powerdirector Subtitle room. SRT has time codes, TXT does not have time codes.