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Been having problems for months and months with blu ray playback due to system freezing and requiring reboot. Upgraded garphics card to ATI 5670 and now all just fine. Thanks Cyberlink for NOT knowing about this and wasting so much of my time.
Rest of my set up is Dell XPS 420 factory fit running Win 7 Home premium.

Footnote. Also no thanks to Dell for NOT updating firmware on CD Drive PLDS BD-RE DH-4B1S. Needed new drive to play modern blurays.
Problem solved. UPdated graphics card to ATI 5670 from 2600XT and that was it. Question is why did Cyberlink support not suggest this or indeed know that Dell XPS 420 with factory fit and 2600 has problems with bluray?????
Does anyone have an idea why this new phenomenon would start apparently after problems trying to resolve the AACS loop issue. On my system this was never resolved after lots of back and forth with Cyberlink.
Now running 9 ultra v2201 as the only way out of the AACS loop as even paying for PDVD 10 did not work. For modern blurays I have to use AnyDVD which works very well indeed but irritated at having to pay more because Cyberlink cannot appear to solve these problems even in 10 Ultra.
Running Win 7 on a Dell XPS 420 factory spec and since I have had so much trouble with PDVD on this system I am beginiing to wonder if Dell and Cyberlink never really got it together in the first place to create a stable compatable system.
Ideas Welcome.
Just a quick update. After the latest patch did not work, Cyberlink support recommended I install Version 10 trial edition. What a mistake, this just goes straight into the update loop, many others are complaining about and will not play anything. The irony is that Version 9 still worked just fine for all Blu Rays except Avatar. The quest for a version of Power DVD which delivers on the company's claims and is stable in use continues...........
I just wish Microsoft would pay the royalties or whatever to Sony and build blu ray functionality into Media Player. We can dream...............
I had this problem in June and Michael's solution worked prefectly.

I cannot get this fix to work with this version of Avatar. It does the same thing with Build 2320 with or without patch 2528. I have gone back to patch 2201 following Michaels fix and now all my blurays play again except Avatar. Any ideas would be gratefully received.
Dear Michael, Thanks for your response and interest. Please see below the info you requested (I think).
PowerDVD 9 Ultra
PowerDVD SR Number DVD 090918-04
Operating System Windows 7 x86
PowerDVD is a Retail download.
Used VGA ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT
Used VGA driver version 8.661.0.0
Used Audio device ATI HDMI Audio Realtek
Used Audio device driver version Realtek Microsoft compatibility publisher
and SigmaTel High Def Audio Microsoft Compatibility publisher
Which kind of display connection - HDMI
Are you using singel or dual monitor environment Single Sony Bravia
Are you using clone or extended mode (if use two display)
What kind of Antivirus SW are you using AVG Version 9
The detailed issue description as in original question Illuminati is called Angels and Demons in English versions.
Just installed Patch 2320_R1(TaRe45)_DVD091117-01 and lost sound as well a playback on bluray ie BBC Planet Earth and Illuminati. Program asks to upgrade to play these discs???? All just fine before with v2201 after Dell finally released new firmware for the CD ROM drive(after 9 months????). Using Dell XPS 420 Windows 7 and have had one problem after the other. Amazing since Cyberlink is an OEM supplier to Dell. Am I unlucky? or do these companies simply not cooperate very well??
Problem is now fixed. It was the firmware for the CD drive PLDS BD-RE DH-4B1S all the time. Dell released an update a few weeks ago which I just found and that was it.
If anyone knows how to invoice Dell for the days of trying fix this problem then please let me know.
Thanks for this and sorry for delayed response. Unfortunately this does not fix the problem on my system. These discs actually crash Power DVD, lock up the disc drive and crash parts of Windows functionality so that the machine hangs during shut down requiring a manual power down and restart. Cyberlink still are at a loss. The strange thig is that Power DVD ver 7 played these particular titles just fine. What did Cyberlink do I ask myself ????
Thanks for your response. Cyberlink have asked to look at my set up again so we will see what happens this time.
For 8 months I have gone backwards and forwards with technical support to try to get the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, Nightmare before Christmas, Narnia Chronicles and Wall.E to play. A few months ago a patch fixed WallE and Narnia but not the rest. These discs crash the computer during loading and lock the CDtray. Strange in so far as all my other bluray titles play just fine using version 9 patch 2029. Does anyone have a similar experience or suggestion as Tech Support just keep suggesting waiting for the latest patch. 8 months is a long time!!!
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