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Hi Alan -

I'm happy to be shot down in flames here, but it's my understanding that 360° videos & photos can be viewed in VR players but cannot retain their interactive properties (viewer control) beyond that.

I think what you're suggesting is that 360° videos/photos could be burned to disc (DVD/BR), but I've never seen or read anything that suggests that's even possible... whatever software is used to create the disc.

Enlighten me or shoot me down. I'm OK with either laughing

Cheers - Tony
Hi Dave -

What is available under Tools depends on what you've selected (or not) in the timeline.

If you've selected a video clip, there are many tool options. If it's an image, there are a few.

If you've selected a title, particle, PiP object or nothing, you'll only get Blending Effect.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Robert -

I guess we just read the OP's question differently. I took it to mean that the OP wanted only the first half of the animation.

Your suggestion works perfectly if the purpose is to shorten the duration of the title, but leave the animation as it is.

So - it's not about right or wrong - just different. smile

Cheers - Tony
Hi Novinian -

This response might be a bit confusing after David's & The Shadowman's posts, so I'm sorry about that.

The reason the effect is inflexible like that is that the orange gradient splodge effect is an animation. It's made up of 151 separate animation files (images). You'll see them if you look in C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\templates\PowerDirector Content Pack Essential\Titles\PDR11_Title_111

Now, if you imported the first 75 of those, from E1_00000 to E1_00074, dropped them in the timeline & set the duration of each one to 00:00:00:01 (1 frame), you'd have the animation you're after. Then you could overlay a plain title in a higher numbered track. Your timeline would look like:

The above suggestion gives you a total duration of 00:00:02:15 (2½ seconds) in a 30fps project. If you want it to last longer make the duration for each frame 00:00:00:02 or just extend the duration of the last image.

I've used those 75 frames to make a PiP Object template which would serve the same purpose. Insert the PiP Object in one track & the tile in another. Your timeline would look like:

Here's the template on DirectorZone.

Cheers - Tony
Hi acg -

The short answer is YES, but if the video is stitched at best quality it has a video bitrate of 317Mbps... so PDR might import it and play it back, but your PC might struggle to get it to play smoothly.

Mine just did with this original sample video. It works fine GoPro VR Player if the decoder is set to Windows Media Foundation.

So YES, with a rider.

Cheers - Tony
Hi tadams61 -

The template called "Railroad 16x9" is not a title template. It's a DVD Menu template. You'll find it under Create Disc > Menu Preferences -

"Autumn Train" is also not a title template. It's a Particle template, which explains why it's in the Particle Room -

Cheers - Tony
Hi jonheal -

Are you perhaps using the Ease In/Out options in PiP Designer? If so, applying Ease in/out to both Position & Scale keyframes will help eliminate the problem.

If that's not it, there may be something else you've applied that's causing objects not to "honor the bounds" set for them.

In the attached project (zipped), motion has been set for an object in 3 ways:

  1. straight paths set under Properties tab

  2. curved paths set under Motion tab

  3. Ease in/out applied to Position & Scale keyframes

The motion involves a picture being shifted between frames of different proportions, so "Maintain Aspect Ratio" has been unchecked.

Have a play with it to see if it replicates your issue.

Cheers - Tony
Hi pmikep -

I guess you're a bit up against it using "no longer supported" software & proprietary formats, but you've got it functioning. It's not in my experience, I'm afraid, so I grabbed a sample .wtv file someone in another forum had uploaded in a related discussion.

In that forum, they were mainly talking about converting the file before import... so that's the route I initially took. I used MC-TVConverter which (sort of) did the job.

Hang on! Why not just import the original .wtv to see what happens. I did & (after the initial conversion dialogue) it imported and displayed the wave form in the timeline. Screenshot attached.

Maybe there's something different about your recorded files from the one I tested. Have you tried clearing out your WaveForms folder at C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\CyberLink\PowerDirector\15.0\Cache\WaveForms?

Cheers - Tony
Hi Ron -

Yes - that quite often happens at the start or end of a SmartSound track.

The way round it is to produce the SS clip to an audio only file before trying to do fades or other fancy stuff. I usually prepare mine using SonicFire Pro, so it comes into PDR in .WAV format. No issues with that.

Cheers - Tony
Hi again OFELIA -

I've confirmed the above using the GoPro Fusion Studio app.

When your video is in the Render Queue, click on it to set the output options:

Choosing H.264 will render an MP4 file. Selecting Cineform 422 High or ProRes 422 will render MOVs (at least 4x the file size of the MP4).

Rendered as H.264 MP4, the stitched video plays back & edits correctly in PDR. Rendered as Cineform or ProRes MOV, it won't work properly in PDR even though it plays back properly in GoPro VR Player.

Cheers - Tony

I don't have a GoPro Fusion, but I did grab some sample clips from here. Some were stitched and others not. There were two stitched clips - one was a Cineform .MOV & the other an H.264 .MP4

As you found, the Cineform .MOV plays audio only with the video showing as a white screen (?). The .MP4 I tested imports, plays back & edits as it should.

MediaInfo reports are attached.

On the basis of this article, it seems you can export from GoPro Studio in either Cineform or H.264.

Cheers - Tony
Hi CS2014 -

Relax - there's no issue with .MOV files. The issue was/is with Quicktime, when Apple stopped supporting it.

BTW, I have QT installed and there have been no issues (I know of).

Do your .MOV files import & play back correctly in PDR? If so, carry on & save your concerns for something else laughing

Cheers - Tony
Hi Joseph W 123 -

Depending on the complexity of motion, you might be able to do that right in PDR. Not saying it would be a simple task, but it's feasible.

If, say, the scar is on the cheek, you could use Motion Tracker to track the movement of (say) the nose then apply a soft skin-toned overlay image. If lighting on the face is fairly consistent, it would be easier. If the face is in & out of shadows, it would be more difficult.

Guess that's why they employ make-up artists in production studios laughing

Cheers - Tony
Hi strifemit -

I'm not exactly sure what kind of thing you're after, but it would be well worth checking out PDTemplateZone, developed by forum member GodreyZA.

Godfrey has built an eclectic mix of templates - Theme Designer, Express Project, Slideshow etc - many of which may suit your needs.

Each template has an associated demo video whic you'll find on the PDTemplateZone YouTube channel.

Cheers - Tony
Hi keefy -

I don't usually burn any kind of discs, but I've just tried to replicate your issue & failed.

I modified a short project containing multiple clips by applying some (quite extreme) crop & zoom to various clips in the project... then burnt to both BR & DVD. In both cases I created a folder as well. Discs were burnt at maximum speed on my system.

On the PC, the video files created in "My Video" (.m2ts & .VOB) played back without distortion at any point (cropped & zoomed or not).

Similarly, both discs played back without distortion in 3 different players.

Perhaps if you produced the project to a video file/files & used the produced file/files to burn your discs it may overcome the glitch.

Cheers - Tony
I think what you're seeing in VLC Player is what you'd expect (i.e. not an error).

The video is playing correctly as 9:16, but it's playing in a 16:9 player... just like on YouTube or Vimeo.

I replicated your steps shown in the screen capture and got the same result (same as I'd got before). Some media players play it correctly & some don't. Some websites play it correctly & some don't.

The video you made in the capture would play as 9:16 on YouTube & Vimeo, but not on Facebook. As you found, it won't even upload to IGTV without other processing.

Again, see attached screenshot from IGTV.

Cheers - Tony
I get the same outcomes as PowerDirector Moderator when producing to AVC H.264 MP4 1080x1920/30p (13Mbps)... except that MPC HC plays the video back correctly as 9:16. Maybe it's related to the options set.

I still cannot get a 9:16 video produced in PDR to (a) upload to IGTV or (b) play correctly on Facebook BUT after running it through Win Photos, both issues are resolved.

See attached screenshot.

Cheers - Tony
Hi -

PDR can export 9:16 videos, no problem. When you say it's "1920x1080 with the 9:16 video in the center and black bars on left and right" do you mean when you play it back in a media player? or in preview? In Windows, is the thumbnail 9:16 or 16:9?

In trying to work out what you issue was, I made a quick little 9:16 video & produced to 720x1280. Some media players adapt the screen to match the vertical source & others have to be "told".

Next, I uploaded to Instagram's IGTV (which I'd never done previously). For whatever reason, the 9:16 video produced in PDR kept giving me a "FAILED TO POST" message on IGTV. To work around that, I dropped it in the Windows Photos app & made a new video (same thing just re-processed). That resulted in a successful IGTV upload.

Beats me what the difference is. Side-by-side MediaInfo attached.

Cheers - Tony
G'day Bradu25 -

I know you guys have already reached a conclusion, but I'll post anyway for future reference.

If you have 2 PiP objects interacting, as you do, each one (layer) can be saved as a separate PiP Object/Video Overlay template. The two templates are inserted & aligned on two separate tracks.

e.g. these two kokopelli guys are templates that interact separately...

That'll give you a much cleaner output than chroma-keying.

Cheers - Tony
Hi MontagueLord -

It sounds like the projects aren't being packed before sharing. i.e. the only thing being shared is the project (.pds) file.

If you use File > Pack Project Materials, the project & media files are collected into a folder. In taht way, the project can be shared for collaboration.

Example: should contain the media files and open correctly once downloaded.

Cheers - Tony
Hi s2012e -

I use a Logitech C920 too, but I'm not exactly sure what your question or issue is.

You've asked about setting the frame rate. The C920 records at 1080p/30fps (max). As Carl suggested, you can set the timeline frame rate in PDR's preferences. As far as I can tell, there's no way to change that in either the Logitech settings or in YouCam.

There are a number of ways you can use your webcam to record... directly through the Logitech app, via PDR's capture module or via YouCam. How do you do it? I may make a difference to the output.

Cheers - Tony
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