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hi everybody

surely need to control my eyes but I am not able to see the famous small speaker symbol you talk about Dan and Longedge.

if you see the photo posted by Jirka Bolesh at the beginning of this topic (couldn't also understand how to post a photo here!!) I have exactly the same view when I open PD14 and want to use voice over

so... if someone show me where is this famous symbol... maybe can understand better and why not find the solution?

thanks so much
will see that as soon as possible

keep in touch

have nice day, here it's time to go to sleep!
hi, i never seen that??!! can you maybe take a photo? I am not home and will be back only tomorrow to try to see this window /adjument paly back

thnaks so much
yes i used the moving level, it was just in case i did or didn't do...

but you when you use audacity and then upload the voice in your ending project it's okay with the level immediately? or also in audacity you have to increase your voice?

i used audacity once but honest like so much because at the beginning there is always a small noise, i mean you heard your breathe and impossible to cut it! in my version of Iran, the only time I used audacity I tried to hidden this defect under the music, it's okay fro all comments except 2 or 3 . by the fact this film has been chosen by traveller festival in paris at 1+2 october!

and editing room never used it as i always forgot this exist! but can try of course next time if again problems!

hope not

thanks for all
hi, it wasn't easy with my poor english to descrive the problem.

and yes low volume when I use microphone with PD14! when I used 12 never happened, it was perfect immediately.
now when I use voice over with my microphone M-audio usb producer, always used this and same PC when the capture is on the line on the editing project is so low that you can't heard it!

what I have to try hoping maybe tomorrow is to open 12 and try to register in same condition and see what's happen.
i make so many profs that can't remember if I did it or not.

and yes with this small film about Malta! how could you see it , I just uploaded and time I go to see my friend you see it, you have been surely the first!

well yes I register direct with PD14 and voice over, then to be able to heard me have to go to audio director6 and increase first +8 and then +10 and then used equalization with soft effect. soft effect added a little more increase.

tesi version you can see on youtube is not the first one I did last night: maybe because i was tired, bored and heard bad everything and wake effect. i did again out put , correct just one comment (the one after the traditional boat, by just increase the level direct on the sound line as this comment result always a little low compare the others, but after at TV the wake effect i couldn't heard it as last night.

by the fact I am not of course a good reader, but i tried to give sense to the comment and no have a monochord voice (same level)

in any case i want to change PC by making another one, i used only for editing, and must be powerful for 4K so maybe after this problem can desapear?

before that I had the same problem with my film IRAN italian version, the guy who register italian comments send me the file and always so low... it was incredible as it's different years we work together and always first time his comments are okay, I mean for the level. we were desperate, suddenly he send me file I could heard better and with soft effect better it was. (first he register with audacity and changed with garage band, we thought could be this change the problem, but surely not... French version register with audacity and upload in PD12 without problems italian version with the problem I describe before.

i changed for PD14 because on PD12 impossible to heard the audio file in it lain he send me, so i thought it was PD12 too "old"

now you know all....

thanks for all....

PS ONE QUESTION: when you use voice over room where do you place the level? in the middle: 50 less? more? (number under the column)

hi, some months ago i bought PD14, first I had PD12 and was happy with it and no problem with voice registration or audio files: all worked okay and immediately the tone of the voice was perfect.

now i am editing with PD14 a film and i decided to use the voice register, when i heard the file in the project just after spoken the sound is so low!! impossible to heard, and the voice over is okay, also they are nothing to regulare so easy to used, and with PD12 I used many times so i have to increase maximun to heard me!! it's not normal at all

this problem never happen before with PD12 so why now with 14?

I decided to register the file with sound pad recorder but it's the same when put on the editing it's always so low. I have to increase it with audio director

for me the PD14 have a problem?!

but also when the file make with voice over are increased with audio director, when i heard with audio director they are okay i heard weell, tone is good, but when make the rendering and heard at the TV (TV is new 1 yera old) the sound is okay but the registration make a wawe up and down

so someone have same problem: too low the voice on voice register? or when ad audiofile? and wawe when heard after rendering in TV?

it's semmes a joke or a mystery but if someone have an idea...


PS we reapaired the PC as we thought the audio system was broken , I could do a project with succes (audio file, no used voice over) and jsut after having finished all start again

hope have been clear as difficult for me to explain

thanks to everybody
Hi, thanks, but just after to have ask in the forum some solution, I had an idea:
i tryed to import the register voice in WAW in another editing film I had started and all worked!!

so surely the problem was with this version... so all is okay now and I hope for ever!!!!!
hi everybody!

I used PD14 since some weeks, with 12 never have thsi problem!

now for me impossible to import some file in PD14. files are register voice for the film I am editing. it's waw as usual.

since now I could drag from the PC or import from hard disk and immediately was on library ready to be used.

now when i try the program PD14 creush and all bloked!!

someone have the solution??????

thanks so much

here our last film in 4K!! about Venice carnival….

hope you will enjoy it!
you can see the opening carnival when the girl is hanged above the main place in venice

also for 5 minutes one girl explain about venetian masks and make a small demonstration about Pantalone who eat to much bean and have some trouble and duty his trousers… you can jump it of course as difficult for you to understand all even interesting as all in Italian

it was our 3rd time in venice arrival as we live near Venise (3hours train) and always is soooo magical...
thanks so much…

Hi, long time…

today I got a surprise.. i couldn't since several weeks works with PD12…

I opened a project to finish it and all shadow files I turned green were again yellow! and so again loose so many hours as around 2 hours of file

so why??
maybe because i agree to eliminate automatically temporary files every 30 days?

so always in trouble with 4K

thanks so much
hi, happy you like those 2 small video just done as trial to use the new camera and the new video head!

now I have to study what you wrote (my old brain…) and try

by the fact what's happen if you film in 4K and then make output in FHD? it's look okay or what is necessary to settle?

well I can open the film produced with VLC. I tried to update wind won media player and quick time but both were okay and in any case impossible to open the file with them as you only audio!
Hi, well I update window media player, quick time, but both were okay when I wanted to do a note appeared: no update possible now

For director 2-PD12 I have, I bought it around 6 months ago and once appeared the note for update and do it.

By the fact don’t see when I open PD12 the image I saw in the small film you send me where you have a number, your name… so couldn’t compare. When I open my PD12 immediately is ready to make a project. Can’t find loke you. Looked on the setting tools but can only ask to open on last project, or on trial image they give or like I did direct on empty page.

I do all as describe on your small film for the setting and do again the output on desktop as usual.
Well again no possible to open with window media player and quicktime, as only audio file, but I can open it with VLC!! With VLC I can see well, no jump, no stop, perfect! well you can see it on youtube! But I found not so good the quality when saw through youtube. When I looked on PC through VLC I can see the definition.

the film is just about the small town we live and also we were trying the new video head and it was also the first time for the sony ax100 another one I just finished
thanks so much
I just read your post with attention because also I have trouble with editing 4K with PD12.
I used PD12 since some months only and my husband bought theK video (Sony ax100) and so he tryed it and I edited 5 minutes film.
As you when play it only audio and no video!

As adviced I waited that all yellow icone above the files I download from the Sony AX100 became green.
Then could easy work on the project, add music file (download from youtube in MP3) and , add titles and decide at least to produce this 5 miuntes project. (when the icone were still yellow and so not created the shadow file when editing some files jumped, or stoped during editing)

I decided to make a file on desktop (as usual i do in order after to make by example dvd) decided to produce in MPEG4 and choose MPEG4 4096x2160, the file after around 15 minuts appear on the desktop but surprise the icone show not a picture but a music note (!?) and when I play only audio but not the video!!!????????
I tried also with MPEG4 3840x2160 and it’s the same!!!??? Can heard only the song but impossibile to see the video, the file open with quick time player, or window player have same result: only audio??!!
(Both file are for 5 minutes video 1.56GB)

So what I did wrong?????

Like you if I play the edit film created inside the library all play fine… but I need a file on desktop as I need the file to see it on computer, to make dvd blue ray, file on USB key… not so send only throught PD12 to you tube!

I also wait that the yellow icone on the produced film inside the library became green hopping that was the problem because the shadow file wasn’t created, but nothing changed on the file on the desktop, only audio, no video!!

Well I am desperate!

Hope you can help

HI, I saw your film and I liked them and so wanted tot o show you my first film in 4K, but there is something who don’t work right!!???!!!

So following Eugene advice I waited that all yellow icone above the files I download from the Sony AX100 became green.
Then could easy work on the project, add music file (download from youtube in MP3) and , add titles and decide at least to produce this 5 miuntes project.

I decided to make a file on desktop (as usual i do in order after to make dvd or anything I need to do) decided to produce in MPEG4 (following your advice and also was my choice) and choose MPEG4 4096x2160, the file after around 15 minuts appear on the desktop but surprise the icone show not a picture but a music note (!?) and when I play it it has the audio but not the video!!!????????
I tried also with MPEG4 3840x2160 and it’s the same!!!??? Can heard only the song but impossibile to see the video, the file open with quick time player, or window player have same result: only audio??!!
(Both file are for 5 minutes video 1.56GB)

So what I did wrong?????

Same time I produced the file on the desktop I have also the file inside the library (where you see the file sto be able to work on a project) and if it plays fine in editing (it’s openned inside power director 12 and not outside), and of course you can’t open it with another programm and see it directly on computer as a normal file created on desktop, or copy it in a USB key. Blue ray…

So how do you did to have a mpeg4 4Kfile in your desktop?? As my aim is to have the file in desktop to produce later DVD blu ray and can copy on a USB key to be able to paly it when I want and where I want… and not only to send the produced film to you tube directly from PD12

Different of the films we produced have been chosen to participate to traveller festival in France or Italy and so I need t o give them a DVD or aUSB key

I also wait that the yellow icone on the produced film inside the library became green hopping that was the problem because the shadow file wasn’t created, but nothing changed on the file on the desktop, only audio, no video!!

Well I am desperate!

Hope you can help

PS I work not on laptop (notebook) I have a special computer only for making video.

(I have still to contact the engeneer reapring computer to see what we can do according your advice)
thanks so much.
i'll call the repair man to change all you explain me.

i finished to create all shadow files (for 3 small projects) seems at the end all was going faster… surely just an impression!!!!

by the fact when download the last project from the camera I forgot to follow your above advice about take off enable hardware decoding (I remember just when finished!!!) do you think this helps also to go quicker for shadow file creation? or only for the creation of the film?
by the fact the 1st project film I did, the one who jumped or stopped during the work process of making the film when now I saw it seems okay: no jump, no stop….

now have to make the file and see the result!
hi again me!
happy new year to everybody!

well for a while couldn't look at PD12 and 4K… today try to read again all messages, try to apply different solution and in a private message some one told me that until the shadow files is not created he has same trouble of me!

1. today i download some 4k files my husband filmed and saw that on each file the icon is yellow and not green as usual when filmed in FHD and under it's written shadow file e in progress.

suddenly I saw some minutes some icons starting to turn on green! and so when click on written shadow file okay! but after 30 minutes only 13 files are turned green and total is 60!

the main question is: do you know a solution to create quickly shadow files for each files? because it's very long and now I have only 10 minutes of files but when I'll have 5 hours or more as we did usual… do I have to wait days???

- can help to have more than 8 RAM as I have now? many quicker if 16RAM????

2. another question: when project 4K finished to make a file on your computer which is your choice? MPG4? something else…which is better?

I understand I am not so clever at all with PD12 and 4k (until now no problem at all, could manage all) so just be patient with me and my old brain!

hope someone can help me

thanks so much
Hi everybody

sorry for the delay and i attach the information about PC and Nvidia
hope this can help to understand why with 4k PD12 is slow
and so be happy as you are by editing 4k with this program!

thanks for all
thanks, will in any case follow your helpful advice until don't find the right solution

Hi, thanks, I did it lowering preview quality but I found it was not good to see well what i was editing, so again put on hight quality

but I am quite sure the problem is too not enough graphic card. will ask who understand better than me! when bought PD12 some months ago we upgrade memory, but not graphic card as it was okay to support the program as request, as 4k need a lot I bought it could be this.

but about the fact when produce the film we did in MPEG4 4K 3060x1020 I got only a music file do you think it's also because problem of my tower PC?

have nice day
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