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of course will keep PD14 on my computer as many finish project are there!

the trial version is a good idea but not sure to finish the project in 30 days.....

I think to remember when from PD12 upgrade to PD14 I was editing Iran and could continue without ptoblem with 14, but as not sure witch version I do it why i ask!

i use director suite PD14 and think to upgrade with director suite PD16.
actually I am editing a long film and want to know if I can transfert the project not finiseh on PD16 without problem?

thanks so much

did you think to upgrade the driver of your microphone??????

as this morning when wanted to register suddendly again the problem, sometimes it was okay and sometimes not... and suddendly we thought about drivers, as we know the micriphone have 9 years and after having upgrade the drivers now ... we hope... all is okay!

we could think about before instead to waste time and became angry!

hope this will help
I thought was same as anytime , with my low kwnoledge in data and program, and alos afraid to do something wrong, i tryed to fix, to look, to change... and also think all was 100 for elvels, but seems wasn't like that!!

in any case now I'll try to register comments and make an out ut to se the film in TV and in different places, as our film club, as sound is always different, maybe at home is okay and go to a freind and have diferent devices and sound is not so okay...

just hope it'll working.... as in any case is not a problem to rgister trought any pream or in a registration studio or audiacity... but it's also easy direct in the program to have idea when making editing what you are doing.


Thanks for your feedback. But unfortunately I have checked all input levels and they are set at 100 percent. This includes when boost is set to maximum. As I said before I am sure it is my system as input levels are too low in all applications.



you will never beleive it! today arrived the man to fiy the PC and try to understand why low sound in output with PD14.

well we tryed, we thought, he looked at PD14 and can't really find something crashed, microphone was okay and all i had too, rivers also for microphone, jsut a lille old (2009) but this no problem in any case, all was running weel, connected...

so he thought something about levels... so look at that and on the mixer audio (the icone you can see on the left down of the screen of the PC) he increase untill the button (100) (when you clik on this icone appears a window MIXER where you can change different items, look for levels)and we tryed. now levels are around 80 and seems good!

first wasn't okay too low (but I spoke far from the microphone), so we tryrd with another editing program (Vegas Pro 14) couldn't remember I had this program and never opened. so in few minuts we understood how to register and tryed and... the volume of the my voice was okay!!

and so we tryed in PD14 immediately and... it was okay!! as when used PD12

so just try to see also you if your levels inside the computer aren't too low. surely when using old PC I without knowing and udersting it I touch thoses levels and the problem started and when he make the new one didn't look at that!

so no need pream... no need to increase... just speak!

by the fact when you open the voice over room you can make some change, by default PD give you 8000KHZ 8 bit Mono 7KB/sec

try to register with this profile: 44100KHZ 16 bit, stereo, 172KB/sec and you will heard a difference, really better.

i just hope that the nightmare is finished!!!!!

thnaks to everybody for the kindness
thanks so much, will try!

Quote See this post: . You could supply a DxDiag.txt for other users to look at. I believe that the shadowman is right that there is a microphone boost that you overlooked in the record setup. Analog Device and Realtek chipsets have them. So do the sound card from Soundblaster. You may only need to update the driver.

Look on the internet. You can build your own mic preamp for a few dollars if you are tech savy like in this video: . It may cost about $5 in parts.
if I found what it is and can repair I will tell you as maybe can be something stupid and cheap??!!
alos my computer has been build and powerful only for editing film.

the problem is not to find the solition by recording comment in a program ad audiacity or sound pad... this is also easy, the problem is also why we have to amplifiy the files from the pream to get the good level?

as me when i register with audiacity I ahve to amplify if not same problem on the PD14 the voice elvel is loow

and today i gt an idea as on a other lap top I have the light version PD12 i tryed to edit a small film and register direct with the voice over and... voice had the good level!! so all working perfect with the microphone of the lap top!!!

so surely we have a problem even our computer ar e new and perfect condition with software or /and the audio card?

what I wanted to do if to take /copy the capture on PD12 light version I did and copy in the new PC, but it's impossible to copy on desktop from PD program a capture with voice over!! because if was possible I could copy on the new poject in PD14 and see if the level was same or not than PD12 light version on laptop.

I am happy even i regret for you that also you have thsi problem because when you talk to people seem you are the only in the world...

what we can also do to maybe uderstand from where arrives the problem is to register with the sound register on the computer, I could do that with the old PC before to renew it and can't remember how was the result but in the new one a window appears and it's written: can't find the sound register!

because I think if the sound register on the PC is not good we can understand the problem is from the audio card (someone told me that long time ago)

but we have to think that the rpoblem can be the audio card + something else

it's a nightmare!
thanks so much!

since I have this problem I also register comments throught a program as sound recorder or with audiacity.

and I had to amplify the comments, also now I tryed with audiacity as i did for the last editing film about Iran and have to amplify because without amplify I don't heard the voice!

in an italian forum ( they told me I have to disintall PD12 and 14 as surely problem of the sofwares.
Hi Collie,

can you give me name of the the pream you bought?

thanks so much
yes on voice track the level is on 100
thanks so much, also me I did so many proves thsi korning and same issues: low voice! and i open audiacity program and amplify the voice and so import the files and works.

I used already this solution inather film i edited because thsi problem (it was before I change computer) and also because in PD12 it was so long before the capture arived in the voice line! i have no patience!

but what i can't really understand is why before when using another programm of editing and PD12 it worked good and suddendly stopped?

maybe something wrong but where with the amplification of the voice? this problem i got it alwasy with pd14

if I found another solution I will told you!

thanks so much

Quote hi evrybody!

I reinstall PD14 as changed the computer and now I tryed to register a comment of the film I am editing and when wanted to lsiten it: too low! impossible to heard it!

when i register the scale of the voice was on the top (100)

if I knock on the microphone okay I can heard right the noice! but my voice not and I do as usual with same microphone , in same room...

when I knock on the microphone the line on voice over desing levels but with my voice not at all, the line is flat withut level even I speak or not! so microphone is okay!

a mystery

thanks so much

Hi I recently also changed my computer to a more modern one and found exactly the same issue. I could not get sufficient volume using the microphone that had worked perfectly before or indeed any other microphone. In the end I purchased a cheap preamp to boost the volume.


hi evrybody!

I reinstall PD14 as changed the computer and now I tryed to register a comment of the film I am editing and when wanted to lsiten it: too low! impossible to heard it!

when i register the scale of the voice was on the top (100)

if I knock on the microphone okay I can heard right the noice! but my voice not and I do as usual with same microphone , in same room...

when I knock on the microphone the line on voice over desing levels but with my voice not at all, the line is flat withut level even I speak or not! so microphone is okay!

a mystery

thanks so much

will try to do that on next days as soon as possible and I will told you about.

thanks so much
hi Longedge


(wawe extensible) (WDM)

i hope I look in the right place!
Hi Longedge,

now not at home to wrote you about my audio card.

at the begining indeed I thought could be this and ask to reparator to see and clean or repair the PC explaning about the problem of the audio.
also bewcause when by example usng sound recorder voice i couldn't heard me in the PC

then after the cleaning i could heard also on PD but low and ahve to increase in any case

now as told before after the proof of this morning seems the sound okay... hope for ever?!

but when I used PD2 more than 3 years always same sound card and never problem! of course maybe getting older as now after 2 years all is old!!!!

Always when I used voice recorder I shut down all traks as really impossible to register when you heard the music or noice, you can't be concentrated at all!

now I decided in any case to improve my PC who si usde only for editing because need to have more momory especially if we uses 4K, so will ask also for sound card...

keep on touch
thanks Dan, never think could be this symbol as only think it was inside or below the window of voice over!!!
now not at home to control it

but this morning when I did the 2 proofs i touch nothing and in any case I never touch for sure this micro symbol.... so what to think... maybe as Longedge the problem is the sound card as I thought it could be at the begining of the problem...
okay thanks for the hint to attachement

just now got an idea:
1. open PD12
2. upload a photo
3. open voice over
4. use same microphone (the only i have) with same PC!
5. register my voice
6. listen and...
7. the voice is hight and good as must be

so this means my PD14 have a bug o anything else with voice over????

I think so...

PS never touch /change... something in voice over in PD12 since I have it

START just after to do same with PD14... and sure nobody can or will beleive it.... but my voice is okay : hight same as PD12!!!!!!

I can't understand because I changed nothing, do nothing PD14

the only difference I can see is about the line of the registration:

when the caputure of voice over end on PD14 the line don't show the spectral of the voice I mean a line who make up and down according the words you pronunce (graphic line) , it's a big line where you only can only guess the pause between words, so impossible or with real difficuties to regulate a word by example, as it's impossible to distingused something in the line . it's so difficult to explain sorry!

with PD12 for voice over (or audio file register by ex with audacity.).. you have a graphic spectral line

that means something is not really well working with voice over in my PD14?

pity I have no idea how to upload video in this forum as I could send you the 2 proff I make with voice over with 12+14
to Richmond Dan

thanks for your comment about my videos!!

i am glad if you liked them even maybe difficult to understand the comments as French or and Italian

hi everybody

surely need to control my eyes but I am not able to see the famous small speaker symbol you talk about Dan and Longedge.

if you see the photo posted by Jirka Bolesh at the beginning of this topic (couldn't also understand how to post a photo here!!) I have exactly the same view when I open PD14 and want to use voice over

so... if someone show me where is this famous symbol... maybe can understand better and why not find the solution?

thanks so much
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