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OK---got excited and spoke too soon.

Lots of autosaved projects (usually when PD crashes, upon reopening it asks "want to try to open the last project?" and opens it as untitled blah, blah.

Anyway, in autosave folder are lots of the autosaved files....however, the ones that simply dissappeared when the running program disappeared are not there.

Guess I'll just take most recent autosave and start from there but it WOULD be nice to find out what the heck happened.

*PDS same thing....."oh where, oh where have my little PD files gone...?"

Color me completely confused....but determined.
PS: PatC-

Tried the search function in Vista with a wildcard pds but it kept taking me to the web rather than searching within system.

Operator error no doubt.....thanks again.

Heroes you both are!

Found autosave files....."curious" has to what happened but all I really care about now is getting this thing finished!

I owe you lobsters. Thanks!

Melissa in Maine
Aghghgh! PD8 2220

Just looking at project in menu designer and POOF!!! Suddenly was staring at my desktop. Didn't try to preview--was just looking at screen. Was there then gone.

Worst part is that whole thing has disappeared from desktop where it was saved. So too the other versions of it I was working on today.

Opened PD8 to check "recent projects"....they are listed but I'm told "file not found".

Does anyone know where my project might be? Is there a ghost copy hidden within PD system files?

Melissa in Maine

Hmmm....whole template, eh? Nice workaround although I would be happy to just be able to get one project to actually burn without crashing.

Sorry, messed up reply.

Template in preview window, yes.

Under it is "box" with the default music in it. To the right of that is a MUSIC NOTE with a plus next to it. Click and then you get to the screen with the "three little dots" that you click to search your files and find the music you want. Also the screen in which you can do your music start/finish/loop etc.

Melissa in Maine
Under the template in the preview window you'll see music clip...look to the right and there's a music note with a + and that will take you to screen that you can search, import and trim etc. the music you want. I think.

This link is to pretty good "authoring" menu design vid. Helped me quite a bit. Good Luck.

Melissa in Maine
I'm usually the one asking the questions but thought I would try to help as I'm struggling with "menu" thing too.

First, there is a great vid on "authoring" (which is what "making a menu for your project is apparently called) at:

Describes title changes etc. It helped me quite a bit although I've still got a few questions I'll post later.

Re: music thing.....when template is selected, below it you'll see the default music associated with it. Click the three little dots next to it to browse and import new music. Once you do, you have options to trim beginning, end points as well as fade in/out and whether it loops and/or is applied to all pages or just "root" page.

See if you can copy/paste link: vid is short but again, helpful (at least to me.)

Good luck.

Melissa in Maine
thanks for the help attempts. Nice to see it isn't just the audio sync being out of whack, its only for those clips after the clip in which I've used a power tool.

The clips themselves are trimmed, ready and lined up with pips and all that: then when I "sped" up one little clip (high speed effect necessary for this particular "piece" of vid)...well, that's when the audio within all vid clips that came after was thrown off.

Splitting each and every clip (grrrr...) does seem to solve it as some sort of Neanderthal workaround. Just splitting the audio from video. No adjustments once split....."just" splitting each and every little clip and voila: mouths actually move with words again.

Bill-maybe that would work for you too?

Yes, the tracks should all move at same time with that edit preference box ticked. Mine don' say I add a few frames to a primary piece of vid or a pic: all pips/effects/particles and timing must then be adjusted to incorporate that little change. No clue as to why checking the box has no effect except that my download apparently has a mind of its own.

So too with the no sound/produce thing. Yet, converting the no sound Cyberlink product again yields a very nice piece except for the little audio syncs thing. Hopefully this splitting of audio from every bit of video will solve it so I can get it in mail.

Then......on to tech support. Like Ricky Ricardo used to say: "they got some 'splain'in to do!'.

Peace and thanks again.
Melissa in Maine

Began to split vids and that fixes synch within the vid problem. Don't "get" why but it does.

If I can get production/no sound problem fixed, might be able to mail today!

Still would like to know about the track link problem as well as explanation of audio synch within a vid before splittlng.

Me Again in Maine
Vista 32 with plenty memory. 3 problems (one asked before but can't recall/find answer.) And yes, I've "searched" forum and watched vids.

1. Several vid clips, one after another. Audio is NOT split and mouths move in synch with the words they are saying. That is, until after a little vid clip with power tool applied to speed it up. After that, audio/video WITHIN vid clips (not split) is out of synch.....words not heard at the same time the mouths are speaking them. No way, without splitting, to tinker within a clip. Don't understand how the audio/video gets out of whack or how to fix it without splitting. Don't want to split because:

2. Tracks don't link! Edit "link all tracks" is ticked, yet any change to main track throws everything else out of place, necessitating re-positioning everything manually for each change (screws up timing of pics and music too.) What is the problem with this?

3. "Produced" the thing thinking the audio/vid problem was perhaps due to a "preview" issue. Not. And, produced to MPG which failed to produce any sound on windows media player, wouldn't play in ITunes.....converted it with converter software to mov file and then got sound.....but still is out of synch.

Long story but 100s of hours into this thing (much of it repositioning every little pip or sound effect or length of pics to songs due to inability to link all tracks to main track.........)

1. audio becomes out of synch within video (???) after a clip that has been speeded (sped?) up via Power Tools.

2. tracks do not link together causing major havoc with slightest change

3. no post production sound played with windows media player. Itunes wouldn't open file at all. Third party conversion made it playable which is how I know about continued audio synch problem.

Thank you, thank you, thank you if you have answers. Thank you just for reading this. Is it JUST ME?

Melissa in Maine
(gotta get this thing in the mail tomorrow morning!)

yes, yes....I'm guilty of the morphed questions. Still, search basic "power tool problems" (or something like that) brings up such limited number of questions/answers. Perhaps within PD 8, forums could be broken into "sub forums".....I know someone has answered ALL questions I might have...finding it seems to be key.

Cranston: trying your suggestion re: "crop" feature but alas, doesn't seem to be working for me (at least intentionally as I was able to halt and stay zoom in on another piece but am unable to decipher what, if anything, is different.)

Don't quite understand what preproduction suggestions mean....rendering and then putting together? Trust me, I'm no Polanski (too bad there really is one) and this machine should have the uumph to do this piece but those nifty stabilizer/enhancer/noise reduction options really can alter the flow of the vid. Oh well.....

Surely "OE"....Operator Error.

Will continue to send out SOS signals and do appreciate the patience and help.

PD 8 peeps: I want ability to drag and hold keyframe back. Oh yeah...and better search capabilities.

Peace Out and Thanks
Oops...sorry. Make that Fix/Enhance features, not Power Tools.

Tried searches on these issues: perhaps I need tutorial on "how to search" as I'm gettin' nothin':

1. Use Power Tools (stabilizer/denoise etc.) and get video that halts/jerks/stops in movie mode playback. Turn off Power Tools and all is well. ???????

2. Zoom In effect "zooms out" at end: modify options don't allow for "previous keyframe" as do PIPs and I can't get it to "hold" ( PD 7 option to drag key frame to the right to "hold" position.) This seems true whether effect is placed directly on vid or in effect line.

3. Have had several incidents in which edit preference locking everything to main timeline changes is ticked, yet nothing moves except the main vid/pic in the timeline. Just me?

FINALLY: Can anybody tell me how to search the PD8 forum in a way that produces better results than "search", type words, pick product? Seems to produce very limited results. If so, then you won't see my name so much.

Thanks for the help.

Melissa in Maine
Whooops! Off the grid for awhile but thank you for the continued followup.

"BIG" defined as 28 minutes total and combination of video/pics/pips/multiple pips at same time/audio mixing/some effects/some transitions (but not nearly as many transitions as I've used in past projects)/ some particles, and mostly--lots of changing "on the fly". That is, a few minute of primary vid that is then "overlayed" with pip video, then back to primary vids with increased speed switching frequently to "reg" speed short clips....having alot of fun but still having some "issues".

In addition to the crash thing, the preview (regardless of level) is often jerky, stuttering, or will roll right over some of the clips as if they were not there.

Specs are as follows:

HP dv9815 nr "entertainment" laptop with 3 GB RAM, 2 GH AMD Turion 64X2, Vista 32 SP1 (SP2 download would never work), Virtual "paging file" size set to recommended 4500 MB, NVIDIA Ge Force 7150M/nForce 630m display adapter and running through a 22" Samsung flatscreen monitor using Synchmaster 2220WM/G22PW/2220WM (analong). "Smart Ram" with at least 60% free with plenty of free cpu as I shut down almost everything running in background that isn't needed.

Probably more information than you need/want to know but I hope it will give enough background for understanding problems.

Re: Mute clip/track: yes it works until I restart program but setting must be reapplied. Again, maybe it's because the vid is in a PIP line which is probably why I can't split audio. Placed same vid in main timeline and was able to split audio away and could then, through mixer, silence sound. Seems that the PIP area imposes limitations on this.

I know this has become a novella of sorts and I probably should start a new thread. I've searched for many of these issues and find others that have some of the same sort of problems so please know I'm trying on my end to figure this out.

Could splitting audio from video repeatedly be part of the problem? Not sure why I've done that when it wasn't necessary....but I did. Perhaps those splits require program/system resources that are unnecessary if I had just left them alone (although unable to then remix audio.)

Tony: Not sure what "rerendering project" means....will search that one as it might fix what ails me.

Maybe I'll just send a card.

No worries: I'm still having a great time learning and creating.

And a HUGE THANKS to all of you who are putting your creations out there to share and those of you who are "monitoring" the "WTF?" help desk.

You KNOW you're addicted to this when you would rather work on your project than take a few days off to go see an old friend you haven't seen in years! (Shhhhh. Don't tell.)

Once winter sets in here, I'll feel like Jack Nicholas in "The Shining"...........

Melissa in Maine
and again...thank you. Neither mute track or clip will permanently silence the audio....but perhaps it is because the vid is in a PIP location rather than primary video line.

Just downloaded this a few weeks ago so I'm surprised the fix you mentioned isn't working. Will play with that but its nice to know it should.

If you would indulge me just one more question before requiring new thread: as my vid becomes more complicated, PD has begun to crash. I remember this to be a very frustrating issue I had with PD 7 and was delighted when, as I began this project, it ran so well.

No longer. Crashes randomly: so much so that with each little change of anything, I Ctl S immediately but 1. this problem keeps me in a constant hypervigilent/waiting for it mental state and 2. is a pain.

Is this typical for projects that use lots of pips? I haven't even begun to insert transitions. Whole thing will probably explode.

Nice Job!! Finally able to load BOTH kisses and they look great. Very creative and, while not actually "exploding"....the imagery is there.

Many thanks to both of you PD gurus.

While I'm at it, perhaps you could advise me about a few other little "issues":

1. How to turn off audio that can't be split from it's vid....permanently. Seems that the mystery music returns when I re-open project.

2. Is there a "snap to" tool that I've missed? Would like to highlight multiple pips in timeline and have a single keystroke/method to snap them to a new location (without having to manually and individually set duration for each.)

3. In "fix/enhance" split preview window does not seem to actually split the before/after images side by side (as it did in the tutorial I watched.) I tick the I need to do a rain dance as well?

Many thanks again. Crazy how one can spend 9 hours straight working on creating a mere 2 minutes of video.

Yes, Capt. I can probably see your ferry from my house. Live near Mackwerth. Nice to know another Cyberlinker is in my backyard.

Thank you, Captain-

Keyframes closer...makes sense. Thanks for the thread as well. Good, even if disappointing, information 'bout rotation limitations. After several hours of trying to get a head bob with the degree/direction functions....I gave up and did the manual copy/rotate/copy/rotate the other way/copy again etc. Tedious at best but I'm glad it was actually necessary instead of due to lack of the "right and quick" way.

Too bad about the safe zone thing....nice to know its not "just me". Would be nice if the PD people fixed this (and the rotation) issue.

And thanks very much for taking the time to try to create an exploding kiss. While I see it's been viewed 10 times, I have been unable to open it from the link or by pasting in address bar. Will continue to try but want to thank you in advance for your efforts.

Thanks again,
Melissa in Maine

1. How to speed up 360 degree PIP rotation? Goes round and round and round....but very slowly. Changed duration but just get shorter vid of slowly turning item.

2. Want to add effect to PIP image: specifically, a zoom out "kiss" that "explodes".....unable to drag transition to PIP line and there doesn't seem to be any "effect" I could add that would do the job. Don't want "kiss" to just fade away...but to break apart i.e. explode. Suggestions?

3. Is there ANY way to have TV safe zones default to "on"? Hassle having to constantly tick the box.

4. Is there a PD 8 manual? I've seen all the CL tutorials and many that are on UTube and have learned a great deal. I find myself referring to old PD 7 manual but would like updated information.

Thanks in advance.
Melissa in Maine

Rendered "production" problem.

Tried to render again after a few slight transition changes. Process kept crashing with following message: "PD failed to construct media source as a graph...could be due to lack of encoding filters".

During attempts to "mess around" to fix it, I ticked the "preview video during rendering" box and this apparently solved issue.

Anyone know why?

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