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Rendered "production" problem.

Tried to render again after a few slight transition changes. Process kept crashing with following message: "PD failed to construct media source as a graph...could be due to lack of encoding filters".

During attempts to "mess around" to fix it, I ticked the "preview video during rendering" box and this apparently solved issue.

Anyone know why?

Have had same problem since installing...even purchased 2 months of tech support to resolve. Guy on other end knew primary fault error message before I told him....mcu1.dll or something like that. Said R and D is working on problem (month ago).

Called back: new guy said other guy was wrong..not typical....sent me lenthy email with instructions for Microsoft removal tool and then a download of new PD 7 build that "fixes"this. For anyone that gets this advice/email--use IE as Firefox was a 9 hour waste of time. Only downloads as application (another 9 hours) in IE.

Continued to crash.

Called back...this guy give sends new email which is like other one except has another "new" build...not wanting to waste another 9 hours downloading's what I've finally figured out (works MOST of the time).

Ctrl S-to save. Use it frequently. Save icon causes crash so I avoid that at all costs. I've just simply incorporated Ctrl S into my editing....can't tell you how many times I've "outwitted" this problem and the crash that would come moments after this "work around"--turning this into a "battle" between me and the machine.

As a note, setting preferences to "auto save" at specific, frequent intervals didn't help either.

I'm just a newbie-so perhaps I shouldn't expect that:
1. a program should work
2. tech support would be consistent
3. "solutions" (especially those that don't work) shouldn't require a download of "new build" (not just a little patch) that takes hours...then still doesn't work.

Good Luck
All is well--video finished, rendered and ready to burn. Set option to burn 4 dvds. First one works like a charm. Message to insert new disc, click OK.

Do so....burn process initiates and I then get one of two messages:

1. At beginning of burn: error code ebo2o688 (might be "eb6...or eb0...-I can't read my own handwriting.

2. Burn process goes all the way to 99% and then aborts with error code: 8007000e (or ...7060e....sorry)

So, close down and start over....and first burn good and then again, subsequent discs will hit garbage can due to these errors.


Thanks in advance to those of you who seemingly live on this forum, helping us newbies.

Melissa in Maine

Think it was the whole "didn't re-render" after making a slight change....inspired me to poke into svrt option etc.

Live and learn....but first you cry.



ps: 'bout to post another pesky problem.......
Was hoping you wouldn't "notice" that whole resolution thing. Anyhoo....rescanned, photoshopped and swapped in timeline.

THEN.....went to create dvd and something occurred to me: after I produced the .mov file (rendering and all)---I made a teensy little change to another image.

Then, without "re-rendering"----went happily about creating the dvd menu blah, blah.

Think that was it? Failure to "render" prior to making the dvd?

We'll see....going through the steps now and with the new scan (and resolution)---maybe by morning something will shake loose.

You're a prince. Thanks for all the help (and the very nice way you pointed out that whole resolution thing).

re-scanned....saves automatically as is:

Bit: 24bit
465.84 KB

Will try to work with it as it (make writing darker....originally written in 1992!) within PD7---then give it a go.

And once again, many thanks to you and those like you who stand at the ready to help newbies like me.

Thank you Jeff

Scanned into 'puter but can't recall where original scan is....opened in photoshop so have it as .psd....also saved as .pdf (opens in both). .BMP info is: 12240X9872 14.42MB but that can't be right...says its 51"X41" (????) Can't imagine I would be so brazen as to just change extension...but who knows. Still, can't figure out why it works...but doesn't.

Perhaps I should start from scratch...scan in again....see if I can save as jpg and not worry about cleaning it up with photoshop.

Will try to find original scan.....(memo to self: organize files).

Thanks again.....I'm sure it's "operator error"....

Old dog Needing New Trick


Bummer---no luck. This scan of the child's note forms the "heart" of the can't just work around it (leave it out).

Hmmmm....think, think, think.

Not dvd type...have used -r, -rw, litescribe +rw etc.....
Will keep messing with it....

Any other ideas appreciated.

Thanks again.
Good idea...will give it a try.

Again, the problem only happens on a burned dvd and then when I go back to edit. Need to close down and open up again for everything to go back to "normal". Before I "burn"...all is well. Even plays in DVD menu preview.

Strange how the clip still shows within timeline still"looks" like it's there, but shows black in edit window--at least until I close and open again.

Your idea is a good one-fingers crossed

Thanks very much...will post results in case anyone else has this problem.

Still wonder what is causing it.

Again, thank you for you help.

Chilly in Maine
Have an image of handwriting within my video....imported as .png and works fine within PD 7 and when produced as .mov.

However, image shows up as black after burning DVD. Whatever caused this also caused it to appear black in edit mode window (although it stiill appears in timeline).

Closed and re-opened...everythingl back to normal-image plays within timeline video and dvd preview. Burn to DVD and above problem recurs.

Have tried other extensions....all work within the timeline and in dvd preview mode.....but same problem after dvd burn and then, when I return to "edit" function.

Is it something in the burn process that takes a black and white image (of a child's handwriting) and not only burns it showing only seconds of "black" but then alters it's visibility in edit window (although I can still see it in the timeline itself)?

Stumped in Maine

Vista and plenty of memory.....PD7 crashes constantly: Problem report is usually the same:

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: PDR.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 48ea1199
Fault Module Name: MFC71U.DLL
Fault Module Version: 7.10.3077.0
Fault Module Timestamp: 3e77fc29
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00024f91
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: ddd4
Additional Information 2: 417e35773eba32d1520469ecb8fb26a5
Additional Information 3: 9d61
Additional Information 4: 2eb56153c2580355d3a14d1b35bbb88b

Sometimes I get a "StackHash_ddd4" as fault module..but generally it is the DLL above.

Sadly, I can not recall whether I already posted this problem as it has been an "issue" since installing this program. If I did and someone responded---could you please respond again?

Mindless in Maine
Hi Chris,

Getting it "on time"? Best of luck....after so many 3am until 8 pm sessions, I finally relented to the PowerDirector pre-sets and went to UPS yesterday to overnight it (daughter leaving on trip and it was already so late).

As info for all frenzied "personal touch" gift enthusiasts, Saturday is considered to be a "special" day, rather than business day, for purposes of pricing. Overnight Fri to Sat costs three times more than overnight from Thurs to Fri.

Rather than pony up the 100 bucks, I uploaded to a site called "Senditnow"---can upload large files (100MB for free) and an email is sent to recipients who can download and play (first I "produced" it as MPEG2). They download and double click and it opens in Windows Media Player. Used this for another "production" that I wanted a Mac user to it works with both OSs.

Mine was over 200MB so it cost 8.99 which is a nice 90 dollar savings...she got it and loved it and I'll just send dvd with stamps.

But I digress.....

Thanks for your suggestion. If I understood correctly, you changed the name of the main menu button item.... but were you still stuck with the predetermined and unchangeable way that PD forces the beginning of your video to be the "first chapter"?


It's YOU!

Feel like I'm getting advice from a guru as I've already listened to almost all your videos....they are excellent and I've learned a great deal (far more than the manual I printed). Also like your accent--find it very soothing which helps during some rather frenzied and frustrated "on the edge" moments. Thanks for looking after the PD community and for all you informational posts.

Re: work arounds---good idea but have a couple of questions.

Adding a video screen capture is do-able and better than taping a handwritten note to the dvd case. Can I then add a button to main menu that provides direct link to that screen shot? Even Microsoft DVD maker can do that and it seems pretty "low rent" compared to PD7.

Re: color board for first chapter issue--- had considered but was concerned that, by extending timeline, I would mess up all the pips/effects/titles/music etc.....(already learned that lesson the hard way). Could lock everything but the timeline...add the color board....but then how to ensure that when I move/adjust rest of project, I maintain the original integrity (thought "integrity" sounded like something a professional would say--I would just say "stuff").

Is there a way to "freeze" and adjust as a group?

Pre-planning seems to be the solution for this....but hard to pre-plan for a problem you don't know will occur. Never occurred to me that I would be locked into a "first" chapter.

Finally (I'm on a roll here)---is there a reason that the music I imported for dvd menu keeps reverting to the rather cheesy romance song from template?

Again, huge thanks for your posts, videos and help. If Cyberlink isn't paying you, they should be.

Melissa in Maine

Thanks for the reply and making me smile.....just went with the simplest thing I could get to work (wrote a message on a piece of paper and taped it to the dvd container) and while I considered adding a color board to the beginning to "take up" that first chapter space....doing so would require that all pips/titles/music etc. be moved and until I can find a way to make that happen as a GROUP.....I chose not to mess with the timeline.

So what if she sees the best part without even having to start the video--at least she'll have it before she leaves on her trip. That was before I went to UPS to overnight it...she won't be seeing it any time soon.

As info for all frenzied/past deadline/gotta get it there/ people....if its a Friday, relax or be prepared to pony up big bucks to overnight it-apparently Saturday doesn't count as a "regular" day for UPS or USPS and it would have cost me 3 times the price to mail it today than yesterday.

All those harried, agonizing, monitor face, manual reading hours. Refuse to pay 100 bucks so here it sits for the next few weeks. Maybe she'll get it before she's 22. Oh joy: today is another daughter's birthday and I haven't even started her's...then another daughter right after that...4 in all...all in California and all waiting for their "special" presents (WHO started this trend?). I should have gone to Target.

OK....nuff whining. I am most glad to see that someone else is having that whole "where did the music I imported into the menu" problem. Mine kept reverting to some cheesy romance theme.....huh?

Good luck with your Christmas video from last year....maybe if you call the whole thing off this year you'll have time to make it.

I'll be waiting for PD to fix these little "issues". Hmmmmm.

Melissa in Maine

Birthday dvd already 2 weeks late trying to learn this program. Thanks for the information I've found in forum but need answers to two problems so I can burn and overnight it today. I've searched and can't seem to locate exact solutions.

1. Want to add main menu item that links to seperate page for personal note (not a chapter). Saw a previous post that you can't do that...but hoping things have changed.

2. Want to "unlock" PD7s decision to put chapter 1 at beginning, much less having it play for so long. Deselect thumbnail play affects all chapters so that won't it doesn't allow me to change selection of first chapter.

Should have just bought a one would believe the hours these things take.

Any help appreciated---


Melissa in Maine

Yes, but deselecting that option affects all chapters.

I just want to be able to DESELECT what PD7 has chosen for me as chapter 1.....can't find a way to delete it, change it or freeze just that chapter while letting the others "play" a bit.

ALSO---I want to ADD a button on the main menu that links to a "notes page"----you know, click it and a page with a personal note appears. Anybody know how to do that?

"Birthday Video" is now 3 weeks late and needs to be overnighted......any help would be appreciated.

Melissa in Maine
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