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I'm running a fully updated Windows 7 Ultimate x64 install and having this problem, as well. I upgraded from PowerDVD 10 Ultra to PowerDVD 11 build 1620.51_r66404_DVD110218-06 as an upgrade installer. I then updated to PowerDVD 11 build 1719.51_r67262_Ul_DVD110510-11. Now I'm trying to update to build 2024 (CyberLink_PowerDVD_11_Ultra_Patch_.v2024_DVD110811-05) and it's telling me that I don't have the necessary product installed to update.
All ATI 4000 series cards should be HDCP. The drivers may have been an issue but CyberLink still is the one who decides whether a videocard and/or its drivers are "compatible". CyberLink very well could be the one at fault here.

I have a high-end ATI 4000 series card but it has been out for awhile so its definitely an accepted card and therefore it passes the tests.

Having switched videocards and gone to an NVIDIA card works in the short run for the problem but a bigger problem still exists and CyberLink needs to step back in telling users which drivers and hardware are valid or not because their checks are causing good and acceptable hardware to be deemed unacceptable.
A friend informed me of a new annoyance. You can set PowerDVD8 to open when you double-click on an IFO in the PowerDVD8 settings, right? In the past if you double-clicked on the VIDEO_TS.IFO for a DVD on your hard drive it would open PowerDVD8 and play the disc. Not anymore. It opens PowerDVD8 and says you don't have a disc in your default DVD drive in the event you don't. What does that have to do with playing a DVD from your hard drive?
Quote: I would very much like to get rid of these two features altogether, but would settle for a way to permanently disable them. I am tired of these features disrupting my movie watching every time the program decides it needs to activate some aspect of them.


If you dig into the Windows registry, yes. You can also remove the tabs in the settings altogether. Wouldn't it be nice if they simply gave you the option within the UI rather than forcing the annoyance on you or you having to dig into your registry to remove the garbage?

Maybe if you send in a support ticket they might take the time to acknowledge and respond to one of them. *guffaw*
This will be my last post on this topic.

It's now been 89 days. It is one day shy of 3 months since I reported an issue with Top Gun on BluRay. I reported it in the forums and I sent a in a support ticket. Has it been addressed? Nope.

CyberLink, you have lost any and all integrity that you once possessed. Not one single shred remains. I see nothing positive coming the way of the consumer who spends money on your products. You overcharge your customers for buggy software and your support is abysmal.

The opinion of a long-time customer like myself probably means little to you which is sad because I and many others got you were you are. I've purchased your DVD player software going very far back. I always used retail versions because your software was the best.

It appears your domination of the market has lead to mistakes. Your reign is waning. Other companies are catching up and will pass you by. Your market share will slide as more and more customers become fed up and refuse to pay for your troublesome software with no support and updates that actually break the software instead of resolving issues.

Fear not, CyberLink, you will surely stay in business with all your OEM licensing deals that you make with hardware manufacturers and computer retailers. The end user purchasing one single license isn't as important as deals with the big companies. We, the individual retail users, are insignificant while the big companies are the ones to really worry about. As long as you set the price right and fool them into bundling your software with their product you come out ahead.

You've made my final decision so easy. Whenever I am asked what product I recommend for DVD, HD-DVD, or BluRay playback, I will be sure to answer with a simple, "Anything but PowerDVD. Anything."
It's now been 68 days and no solution let alone an acknowledgement since I reported this problem directly to CyberLink. Over 2 months. WinDVD and TotalMedia Theatre have played this disc fine the entire time.

This disc was released on July 26th, 2008. I didn't buy this BluRay until September. Does this issue date all the way back to when it was released? If so then that is just truly pathetic.
I have the retail version of 7.3 Ultra and had no issues with the 7.3.4617 update. It plays my HD-DVDs and BluRay discs perfectly from my LG GGC-H20L drive.

You say you have the OEM version of PowerDVD 7.3 and I'm assuming you are referring to the 4617 update. You aren't the first person I've heard that has experienced this problem with this latest OEM update. At this point I have to believe that it's a bug with that OEM update that they released.
What does HD-DVD playback have to do with my BluRay playback problem? Nothing.

Every other player can handle this BluRay disc. Why can't CyberLink? Why haven't they fixed it?
Problem originally posted in the forums on Sept 13, 2008. Support ticket filed on Sept 13, 2008.

It's now been 43 days. There have been 2 released updates for PowerDVD8: 2021a and 2217. Neither problem addresses the issue.

I wonder which will come first: a fix for this PowerDVD bug or the Sun becoming a red giant and then moving on to a becoming a white dwarf.
Yes, you can play standard DVDs from the hard drive even with the latest versions of PowerDVD7 and PowerDVD8.

The removal of playback from the hard drive impacted HD-DVD for PowerDVD7 and BluRay for PowerDVD7 and PowerDVD8.
Apparently CyberLink doesn't really care at all about problems. I posted in the forums and sent in a support ticket with relevant information at the same time that I made the forum posting and that was nearly a month ago.

I've been a registered user of CyberLink PowerDVD dating back to version 3. The only feedback I got from CyberLink when I submitted my technical support ticket was an automated reply. That's it. Nothing more. No personal message that they are looking into it. No reply asking for more specfics. Total silence. The PowerDVD8 8.0.2021a update was released and also didn't address this issue at all. It'll be 1 month since I submitted my support ticket on October 13th. Great work on support, CyberLink. You really know how to treat your longstanding and paying customers and make them feel like they actually got anything worthwhile from you. As it is PowerDVD8 was highway robbery and you are only making things worse.

For those customers who have a problem with this movie and CyberLink is ignoring you which, yes, they are, you can use ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre or WinDVD 9 Plus BluRay to watch this disc. They both handle this disc nicely.
Quote: Hello,

the patch offered by Cyberlink at the moment is CyberLink.2021U_DVD080826-01.exe (the newer version). So does this mean that this is a revised version with the above mentioned bug fixed?


The new download has the same file name as the previously bad update but it is not the same download. It's about 5 MB larger and, yes, the BluRay playback problem has been resolved.

Unfortunately, some people are reporting installation problems. I have friends who had problems where they were unable to even install this new update but I didn't have any issue whatsoever.
Using either PowerDVD7 7.3.4407 (retail) or PowerDVD8 8.0.2021 (retail) I have issues with this BluRay disc.

Playing the main movie is fine. The problem is trying to watch the Danger Zone: The Making of Top Gun extra. Other extras may also be impacted but I haven't looked yet.

Imagine the screen being 4 quadrants like shown below:


When watching the Danger Zone: The Making of Top Gun I'm seeing only Quadrant 1. It appears I'm seeing only 1/4 of what I should which means I'm seeing part of a head, etc, as someone is giving an interview. It's unwatchable. This issue has been independently confirmed by someone else.

This is a bonus feature on the disc that is 2:27:43 in length that cannot be watched using PowerDVD. I had to resort to purchasing and using another software player which I am very unhappy about having to do. I hope this issue is resolved.

The recent missteps by CyberLink with the 2021 update have me extremely concerned. Right when I had been so happy to see a step in the right direction with the 4407 update for PowerDVD7 the PowerDVD8 update was fumbled. I also feel a bit troubled that the 4407 update makes me wonder why I ever purchased PowerDVD8. I feel like I wasted money in updating now that PowerDVD7 has finally been so vastly improved and, of course, offers HD-DVD support which PowerDVD8 doesn't and cannot.

CyberLink hands down has the best player on the market but your software is not perfect by any means. You guys need to step up your game because other companies are right on your heels. Please please put more commitment and energy behind your products so that customers like myself feel that we made the right decision with our purchases.
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