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My problem was that I couldn't enter ANY text in the tag or title boxes and therefore couldn't proceed to upload.

I solved the problem with an upgrade to PD7.


I've got version 1628. Slomo at 0.3 speed isn't retained either. Doubtless it's part of the same problem.

I notice when reopening that if you select the clip and click on speed, the pointer moves instantly back to normal speed from where it was originally set.

Hoping PD7 will advise an auto update when the patch is ready.

I upgraded a couple of days ago. All the install/uninstall is automatic and all my video files/projects created in PD6 remained as they were left. Good worthwhile upgrade solved the few glitches I had.

I'd take a backup copy of your media files/projects just for safety though. Mine are always backed up to a second hard drive.

I've just upgraded to PD7. The YouTube production interface has been revamped most sensibly and now works on a PC where PD6 would not.

It's early days but indications are that it's a worthwhile upgrade.


Basically what you suggested is what I've been trying all along (including the aquarium!

I followed steps 1-11 no problem, up came the dialog box with the cursor flashing in the title field, I hit a letter "T" and the cursor disappeared with a "beep".

Game over!

By clicking on the two rogue fields and retrying I just get a beep every time. Text field no problem at all. For that matter the category buttons are ok too. What I don't appreciate is whether what I am typing is, or should be, being sent direct to youtube in real time, or whether the on screen data is transferred with the file once all is completed. I assume the latter is the case, which makes the error most odd.

In answer to your questions:

I presume by administrator you mean in a WinXP account, to which the answer is yes. There are no accounts other than administrator set up and my PC does not require logon.

PDR.exe is checked as an exception to Win firewall

As far as can see the are half a dozen you tube cookies which are all present and accepted. There is no block on youtube cookies showing.

Beyond that I haven't encountered any other problem areas with PD6.

It's not the end of the world, there are alternatives and workarounds, but I do hate it when I get inadequate and inappropriate answers to questions. If there isn't an known or obvious solution, I wish they would just say so.

I have no doubt that if I wipe the disk and reinstall everything it will work. Can I be bothered given the size of the problem? No...

It is odd that both desktops have the same problem as they are chalk and cheese in all but OS and browser. The software is similar in some cases. The same is true of the laptop.

I've having an uphill struggle to get a sensible reply from the Cyberlink tech guys.

It's a problem that has been documented before but the cure (if one exists) eludes me.

I use Firefox and want to use the PD6 upload direct to Youtube feature but having given the permission cannot enter text in the title and tag fields. If I try the cursor disappears and the PC just 'beeps' signifying an illegal entry or a locked field. I cannot therefore complete the procedure. (the description field works fine.

So far I am advised that:
1). it is a Firefox Compatibility issue use IE6 instead.
2). it is not a Firefox Compatibility issue.
3). only text can be entered in the Title & tag fields. (I KNOW!! I wish I could).

I have tried on 2 desktops and a laptop all running XP pro sp2 & Firefox. The laptop allows complete upload properly, the desktops can't get past the title field.

I have latest PD6 (6.00 2319) + patches to date, installed, re-installed etc.

Clearly it not confined to a Firefox issue.

Has anyone solved the problem?javascript:emoticon

I can't upload direct to Youtube. I know this topic is somewhat aged but as a recent purchaser of PD6 latest version+patch I cannot enter text in the title and tag fields having set the permissionto allow upload.
The tech guys at cyberlink tell me it is a Firefox browser issue and suggested I load PD6 on another PC if possible as a test.
I notice Firefox wasn't mentioned in earlier posts.

fortunately I have 2 entirely different PC's both XPpro. one has Intel brains and IE6, the other a lesser spec AMD with IE7. both use Firefox by default and neither permit title or tag to be entered. Description is OK.

As a real acid test I have just installed the PD6 software on my work laptop, again XPpro, AMD, IE7 with Firefox as default brower and it works properly. I conclude that the problem lays beyond Firefox as both desktops have far more software on board.

Curiously I'm sure it worked a couple of times following installation on the Intel machine.

Yes, I've done the clean uninstall/reinstall.

Installation on the AMD machines is only temporary, neither have the processing power to cope properly with PD6.

It was suggested that I should try re-installing XP. Err no thanks, I'd rather pull my own teeth... and anyway XP has had its annual reinstall for this year!

If anyone has come up with a fix or a workaround I'd love to hear it.
I know this topic is somewhat aged but as a recent purchaser of PD6 latest version+patch I have the same problem with the title and tag fields.
The tech guys at cyberlink tell me it is a Firefox browser issue.
I notice Firefox wasn't mentioned in earlier posts.
Heres the rub: I have 2 entirely different PC's both XPpro. one has Intel brains and IE6, the other a lesser spec AMD with IE7. both use Firefox by default and neither permit title or tag to be entered. Description is OK.

As a real acid test I have just installed the PD6 software on my work laptop, again XPpro, AMD, IE7 & Firefox and it works. I conclude that the problem lays beyond Firefox as both desktops have far more software on board.

It was suggested that I should try re-installing XP. Err no thanks, I rather pull my own teeth...

If anyone has come with a fix I'd love to hear it.

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