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OK, so I have clarity, since your specific machine and video card, fails with a specific manufacturer revision of their driver, Cyberlink and PD11 SUCKS??!!

If this thread goes on just a little longer, I would imagine this issue will be wait, you won't be here to see it, because you will have a whole NEW set of issues and problems with the NEW program.

I think we all feel the pain you feel as any long-time user of ANY program have had problems, especially when the program is constantly trying to chase new standards (how long has HD been prevalent in the public devices? Not long). And 3D? And support for devices like Iphone Retina Display?

Anyway, sorry to lose you, but others who read this thread should know that there are solutions to most of the problems, even if once in a while it is just "be patient"!
You can use the Windows Task Manager to tell if the application is running as a 64bit App. 32bit apps are marked *32 ...64Bit are not marked (see attached)
MANY of us are successfully running the product (PD11) on all types of systems with all types of files.

What we were attempting to do was recommend some things that MAY help. In your case, they did not.

The Nvidia issue is known and the work around is another driver version...again, that did not appear to work for you, but it has for many of of luck to you.
I have seen issues reported with the 660 Ti using both 304.87 and 305.68.
Since I do not have a 660 card, I am afraid I have no choice but to suggest you wait for someone here that DOES, or try the Nvidia forums.
Your system appears adequate. I would suggest the following:
1. Turn OFF shadow files in preferences (if on)
2. Try UNCHECKING hardware acceleration in preferences
3. Free up some space on C:. Since this is the drive WINDOWS is installed on, Powerdirector needs space for it's cache and temp files (Even if you install PD on another drive...which I DO NOT recommend).
What makes you think that Cyberlink and Nvidia are not BOTH aware and working on it?

Quote: 16MB memory, Geforce 660 Ti

Do you mean 16GB memory? Please post your dxdiag.
Since we are not sure what the full system specs are for your system, I, for one, can not recommend the correct driver.

The previous WHQL driver for the Geforce 660 Ti was indeed 306.23, and NOT 301.42. That is the version I would try. You might even have to rollback to WHQL 305.68 Driver to get a fix for this 660Ti card!!

As far as the clean install, I apologize...the option to do a "clean install" (remove whatever version you have installed currently) is presented on one of the first screens during INSTALLATION!
Anyone using Nvidia Drivers NEWER than 301.42 WILL EXPERIENCE difficulty!!

Rolling back to 301.42 should fix your issues. In some cases, it requires a CLEAN INSTALL of 301.42. Instructions are on the download page of Nvidia!
Thanks for the reply.
The video produced with the correct aspect and size, but in the settings (on the VIDEO tab) it thinks it is using 360x240 (1/4 screen), so I really am not sure WHAT I am actually getting!!

Thanks for the feedback.
Quote: To produce/downsize a 1920x1080 video to 720x406 (to maintain the correct aspect ratio), there doesn't seem to be a way for anything other than WMV with a custom profile. I haven't found a way to create profiles for MPEG-4, MPEG-2 etc. to meet this format. Am I missing something (probably am)?

Ok, here is what I did to try and accomplish this (after searching the forums):
1. Create a CUSTOM Profile for MPEG-4 for 720x480 (copying the values for 1920x1080)
2. Edited the profile.ini file in c:\users\MyName\Appdata\Roaming\Cyberlink\Powerdirector\11.0 to have a height of 406 for this profile

This seems to produce the file in the correct aspect. I will try this for MPEG-2. I am left with two questions:

1. Should I change the BitRate, since the ratio is smaller?
2. Will I need to backup the changes to the profile.ini to prevent patches and re-installs from changing it??

Any answers appreciated. topic
Quote: The only "complaint" that I have so far is that PD11 does not "remember" how far I had stretched out my timeline (I like it in 30 second intervals). I can't find a Preference setting to check "remember my workspace settings for this project."

This (along with NOT remembering the THUMBNAIL SIZES and NOT remembering the Timeline Track Height stretches) was reported during BETA testing. They fixed 2 out of the three, at least, eh? I was pleasantly surprised they fixed 2.
Me too! I am a HUGE fan of Powerdirector! But if someone asked me if they should enter a boat race around the world with their favorite 5 year old (the age of the Latitude D630) canoe..well, I would be fell bad to to tell them to "Give it a try, you can always get a refund for the entry fee, if you survive."

I suggest you proceed with caution. Yes, as Cap'n states, you can always give it a go, but the specification of your suggested laptop platform are far below the program requirements from Cyberlink and have been trouble for many who have tried to run Powerdirector because of the lack of resources.

The trial version will not handle HD video files anyway, so I agree with Kevin that this is not an option for your needs. Also be aware,that PD10 (and 11) Ultra are optimized for a 64BIT environment. They support 32BIT, but it is not the preferred environment and will disable some features.

It is possible to "force" PowerDirector to run in a mid-range 32BIT laptop, but as I am not IN sales, or running for office (no one elects a troll intentionally, anyway), I have no interest in selling product at a user's expense.
I am looking FORWARD to imminent release of PD11, but there is no possible way that it will have a smaller "hardware platform requirement" than PD10. Please, consider another machine platform for this great Powerdirector program if you decide to buy!!

Having said all that, I must also say, that if anyone can help you get a "canoe" to run the product, I am sure Cap'n can help you. He is very nautical!!
I would NOT recommend it.
-The processor is underpowered
-No dedicated GPU Memory
-Inadequate internal HDD space

Not that your machine is bad, I (my opinion) just would never suggest it for PD10..especially with your need for HD video editing.
Those of us using Nvidia cards certainly hope there is a fix soon. Not sure whether PD will find it and patch or Nvidia, first!!
Glad that worked for you!!!
That driver WILL NOT work. Remove it. Install 301.42
Please, describe the actual symptom a little more please. Can you provide a screenshot of the timeline/PD desktop?
According to that DXDIAG, you are STILL running 306.23.
You must remove that and install 301.42.

What level of preview quality is set? There is a little icon below the preview window in PD10 to set that level??
Post PART A and PART B using the link below please,
PM the Moderator if you want to suggest that.
Quote: Now that you bring it up, your video card should also be put into best performance or balanced and not quality.

The GTX460 has 336 Cores and is a fairly fast and strong GPU. I think the driver is more the issue, the GPU (having 1GB of DDR5 memory), should be FINE! My opinion!
The last driver that works for Nvidia is 301.42 ( which is what you have now .
If you have installed any BETA drivers, you must do a CLEAN install of 301.42 to make it work. Any other version is CURRENTLY a problem!
Did you recently update your Nvidia drivers? This failure is seen with Powerdirector and the newest NVIDIA card drivers. You must roll back to version 301.42...may be a problem for AMD drivers as well!

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