Did you recently update your Nvidia drivers? This failure is seen with Powerdirector and the newest NVIDIA card drivers. You must roll back to version 301.42...may be a problem for AMD drivers as well!
You need version 301.42
If that was your previous version, rollback.
If you were running a BETA version other than 301.42, UNINSTALL the Nvidia drivers and install 301.42 clean!!
I will report this to Nvidia. I have notified the Forum Moderator of this thread...now we just have to await a fix from ONE of them!!
OK, I am convinced SOMETHING is going wrong!!
I had to rollback (using device properties) to the previous WHQL driver (301.42) to stop the constant rendering!! Something is definitely going on!!
Some new features are NOT available/supported on GTX 2xx GPU version (per Nvidia Release Notes). That MIGHT explain the difference?? Do you see the green markers when you drag the slider across the timeline?
Still not sure I characterize this as a bug or failure.
Can I ask why we think this is a "bug" or failure?
SVRT may just be assessing the NEED for Rendering (hence the quick render bar)?
Cyberlink refers to the process in the DOCS, but not sure how it all works, yet.
Yes, I see what you mention, but this does NOT appear to slow my machine..not sure WHY it is needed, but appears to be new with these drivers. Maybe it is a feature that is just starting to work, now that Nvidia has fixed the drivers??
I did notice that little green dots show up at each location I drag to, so I have to look at the PD10 instructions to see what this is. I wonder why this is needed..evidently Nvidia or CL thinks it is necessary?
Nvidia has released new WHQL drivers today. They are NOT recommended, as they cause rendering to be continual. This is an NVIDIA issue that they need to fix.
For those of you using BETA Nvidia drivers, DO NOT...rollback to 301.42. Using BETA drivers is not recommended for the faint of heart.
Please, read the release notes on the Nvidia site, as some information there is IMPORTANT (like the need to UPDATE some Dell Laptop software BEFORE applying the new drivers).
I apologize for my error. I will let the person who requested the timeline image respond, so I won't confuse.
AND...I do not think anyone ASKED for the timeline image..but great..what we need is PART a and PART B above (click the link and follow instructions), please! That will REALLY give us a clue!
This has been seen in PD10 in the past. To recommend a fix, we need you to complete PART A (mine is and PART B on the link below, then return here and post the items, please.
The best way to remain balanced is to value your own opinion no higher that that of others, so you are taking the right tactic. I try to learn from those opinions.
PAPASMURF..or something similar, was the example you mentioned maybe....anyway, I try to help when I can...or when I sense that those who DO participate may be tired of asking for DXDIAG and version information....over and over......just to give the "dedicated ones" here a little break.
I am "gruffer" than most here I know (the avatar is a cautionary tip), and I have been known to jump to conclusions. I apologize if I did so in your case.
I apologize for drawing attention to your need for large text. It is just that (to me) the example you gave of screaming, looks remarkably like the type font of the response. I will try to be sensitive to the difference, if I can.
"when the time comes and the person with the question gets wild with their replies.... then they are fair game...."
I guess we will have to wait for you to tell us when it is time. But, having seen many response threads, I could see that the user was not seriously looking for help, just venting...I guess they set off my background noise detector.
Hey Bubba..lighten up..I was the first responder, and I can tell you my little "nudge" was meant to gather more information (from FIRST TIME poster sard7728 ) and to humanize the conversation.
If you re-read the post, you will see that this was a genuine attempt to help a PD user, who immediately responded with a tone that made it clear he was not participating in the solution and just wanted to blame something. And I WAS KEEPING IT REAL, just as sard7728 requested.
Just Lighten UP!!!
I think this post should be LOCKED before more negativity occurs (and because it is YOU who is doing the harm!!!! ) In my humble opinion...and STOP SCREAMING AT ME!!!
the statement made by "ynotfish" above is correct ONLY if you are running 64BIT Windows. In that case, the "x86" folder is for 32BIT applications. If however, you are running Windows 32BIT, then your files should be in the regular program files fiolder
Yes, I understand that you think it isn't your machine...no one ever does. Why would we think it was anything other than the program? PD10 and PD9 should not be compared.
We ask for the items I requested for a reason. But, without a starting point, I am afraid you will not get the specific answers you seek. Others will come in and offer the standard advice, but I can not help further without tools!
Did you feed the hampster running the wheel that powers your laptop?
OR to say that another way:
We can't SEE your machine nor do we know anything about what EXACT process is slowing you down. I suggest you provide the editors here with some BASIC information to help you.
1. Follow the link below and provide AT LEAST Part A and Part B
2. Provide a description of the files, transitions, effects, output format, etc.
3. At least provide a screenshot of the PD10 workspace on your project.
You have to give us a starting point if you want an asnwer. I apologize for my interruption if you are only venting your distaste..no offense meant!
We are not LIVE (but we are mostly living). What about US? Aren't we helpful?
One of the great benefits of owning Cyberlink PD is this forum and the expert Contributors in this community..maybe even BETTER than live chat!
Yes, but hopefully live chat would solve that (ok, I can dream!), however, it is even MORE like pulling teeth to always have to ask for DXDIAG, PD Version, Registration verification, Exact nature of failure, Screenshots of timeline or error message, Hardware source (camera, VCR through WHATEVER device, Webcam, etc.), File format....you know...all the stuff we ask for and NEED to "SEE" the problem, eh?
Note - The "script readers" at Level one of "xyz" corporation lose pay if they deviate from the questions. They even ask (during live chat), "Are you connected to the Internet"..Duh!
Having BEEN an American Technical Support call center in the past (not necessarily better or worse than an Indian Call Center, by the way) ...I comment: I would only do it if :
1. I have a disconnect button for WHINERS! (see attached)
2. You fill out a profile with DXDIAG, PD Version and proof of purchase BEFORE we talk
3. You promise not to remind me that "It always worked in other programs/versions"
4. If I ask you to perform changes or provide additional info..you don't say "WHY?"..just do it please!!
To name a few (long-time contributors here may have a few more rules)..
I (for one) am TIRED of asking for the necessary items a THOUSAND times. I guess I am not a good candidate for Customer Service, anymore!! Damn Troll skin is corrupting my neutrality.
BETA IS BETA for a reason folks. Please, others who may visit this post, resist the urge to install BETA drivers, or be aware that they are NOT tested...you are the tester!!!
Also, for Nvidia users (what I know)..ROLLBACKS do not work (per Nvidia). You must remove and CLEAN INSTALL. This appears to change from version to version (see the RELEASE NOTES from Nvidia), but it is re-occuring. Fragments remain and effect performance and operation. They require clean-install for clean rollbacks (meaning a full removal and install new)...ESPECIALLY BETA Driver releases!!.