I fully understand that Oauth 2.0 is being used by Cyberlink to grant access to my YouTube account through the Cyberlink servers. Google is being very aggressive in implementing this.
What is missing from Cyberlink's implementation is:
1. Any indication of the LEVEL of access that Cyberlink is requesting from them to my account (what has elvischen2004Egmail.com specified in his coding).
2. The ability within the interface to revoke the Cyberlink access in the future should I decide.
Also, if they are using this API to collect and manage my login information, I suggest they can ALSO use this to eliminate the silly "30 day expiration" limits on the other modules (a nagging source of discontent).
Thank You for your attention.
I have USED a shoebox with a hole in it to create a pinhole camera and for viewing solar eclipses...but I never considered it for doing the complex processing that is HD video production.
PD11 uses "Multi-GPGPU Acceleration " and I believe this means it will use one discrete card GPU in combination with on-board GPUs leveraging technologies like Intel quick-sync, ivy-bridge and sandy-bridge for CERTAIN video file production formats only...just my understanding as I am NOT Cyberlink. Sure would be nice to KNOW how PD11 uses memory and paging, etc....but I have never seen a white-paper (Note - I am willing to sign a NDA Cyberlink!)
SSD versus spinning-platter, consider that some USB flash memory drives are faster than others (Class4 versus Class10), so price MATTERS when you pay for SSD, pay less, get less performance and reliability.
SSDs suffer when writing and rewriting to fragmented memory so programs that build large temporary files during operation (like Powerdirector and OTHER NLE programs) create a condition that will degrade SSD performance via fragmenting and causing failures of specific memory "locations" on the drive.
I can't dig out the old white-papers that made me come to this conclusion 3 years ago (Somewhere on a 2TB spinning data drive I think), so PLEASE, just consider this one man's OPINION of a POSSIBILITY to add to your CONSIDERATION and not hard fact!!
Hopefully this will add to the knowledge, and not create flames or crisis.
This "activation" and "authorization" method is newly added to PD10 and PD11. I am NOT comfortable with granting Cyberlink access to "manage my account, manage my videos and playlists and manage my ACTIVITY!"! (see pop-up from Powerdirector11 Ultra attached).
It appears that unless we agree (currently), then the YouTube Functionality is blocked in PowerDirector. I for one am complaining and saying "NO THANKS", I can manage on my own!!!
Cross off another "feature" now missing/unusable in my Powerdirector 10 and 11 programs!! AND add yet another "ACTIVATION" required (I wonder if this will soon have a 30 day expiration like the other 3 activations already required). Thanks Cyberlink (not)!
Have you modified the MTS file in the timeline (Like- split or edited the audio portion)? As this will cause the Powertools button to disappear when you select the Edited MTS in the timeline.
Can you attach a snapshot of the screen/timeline for us to see?
Fully agree with you Barry. If they wanted to change the interace to YouTube, they should have intercepted the "shakey video correction tool" prompt that Youtube throws up, as this prevents loading and causes a failure.
Granted, PD11 now has good shaking fixes (with Content-aware) that prevents most upload failures, but I will not use the internal "upload" product again until they fix it...and shame on them for removing the Directorzone tie-in!!!
No, I almost took it personally, but then realized I was assuming an over-importance on the part of myself. I understand "coincidence timing". That is why I asked the question here. The lock was not related to the prompt.
What does bug me is:
1. The loss of saving my username and password (shown in ynotfish image)
I have always used the internal loading facility of PD for YouTube..but this change may make it useless for me, finally.
HeFed..you make that statement so lightly! There is so MUCH to be concerned about with third-party security tokens, and blind/passive acceptance scares me even more sometimes.
Google and YouTube have been especially aggressive in this arena, but this is a request for CYBERLINK access. Oh well, at least I can KICK a bit while they "stick the needle in"
My goodness...every time..yet another "activation" process..Come on Cyberlink..ease up on us a little, please!!! Besides, I am not sure I WANT Cyberlink "Viewing and Managing my YouTube Activity"!!
I responded "NO THANKS" a couple of hours ago and it booted me out of the forum and LOCKED my login to all Cyberlink support, member zone, etc....just came back on now. Could that be a coincidence?? Anyone else said "No thanks"???
At 1sec, the video contains 24 or so frames? Why even bother to look at it (to fix). I think I would rather have the programmers focused on issues of importance..ok, put it on the list...but WAY DOWN at the bottom, please!!!
I guess it's just me, but if I needed an image for "dramatic effect" that was only going to show for one second, I would use an IMAGE, not a VIDEO.
Not sure I could call this lack of support for such a short video a "failure"....but again, it could just be my own opinion or lack of knowledge. If memory serves, I remember the same message in PD10 and PD9, but never gave it a thought.
Since the time that PD11 went into production, there have been multiple releases of Nvidia WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Labs) drivers. Also, and even PD10 is effected by the change in the drivers (rendering issue). I am not sure about PD9
Blatantly unfair to say that Cyberlink is not trying to keep problems uncovered or addressed (in my opinion).
Much has changed since PD11 went into development, and I think that this little HICCUP, may be more due to the changes that nVidia made to the drivers for Windows 8 support, than to something overlooked by Cyberlink? What do you think? Is it really fair to blame them for rapid advances in technology that they fell behind on?
If there is a PD11 (and I hope PD10) patch coming, I say give the benefit of the doubt until we see how QUICKLY they respond to this problem and if the patch fixes the problem...what do you say??
UPDATE: There was a patch released yesterday for PD10 (2023)....it did NOT fix the "rendering/CUDA" issue...perhaps a 2023a is forthcoming??
UPDATE: WHQL 306.97 is now available for most nVidia Geforce cards at http://www.geforce.com/Drivers .
On my system (Windows 7 64BIT with GTX465), it failed to install the newest version of HD Audio drivers and 3D vision drivers until I used Control Panel to fully uninstall the nVidia product (selecting "clean install" during the first attempt at installation DID NOT WORK). Once I removed using Control Panel and Rebooted, I was able to install 306.97 (and 3d vision+HD Audio drivers) successfully.
Rendering issue is still present, but disabling the CUDA cores still works to suppress the problem!!
There are many items that are fixed in each WHQL release of nVidia's drivers. Some are related to hardware issues (like failures, crashes, reboots, etc.). Some are related to updates in the rendering and shader portions of the GPU or multiple card (SLI) support. A review of the "Release Notes", shows just how many issues are addressed in JUST THIS release of the drivers:
We ALL want the CUDA cores issue resolved, but since many of us currently have systems strong enough to turn off "Hardware Acceleration", the workaround of turning off the cores is a workable solution (on a temporary basis).
I would suggest that if your card supports the newest WHQL drivers (306.97), install them and disable the CUDA cores in nVidia Control Panel. Sadly, my GTX465 card does NOT support the new WHQL drivers, but I am running 306.23 very successfully with both PD10 and PD11. There are different cards supported for 32BIT and 64BIT, so use the nvidia page to be sure your OS, Language and Card are supported:
Using this method, you will find that WHQL 301.xx is supported by SOME cards, but NOT ALL. Additionally, the link will assure you get the right ones for your Card!!
EDIT: OK, last edit for this post (I promise): Nvidia and Microsoft do not recommend or support "rollback" of Graphic Drivers. You should use "Clean installation" option (under CUSTOM during installation), or COMPLETELY remove drivers using "Add or Remove Programs". See page 35 on the "Release Notes" Document ABOVE for a detailed explanation from Nvidia.
Notice I say WHQL a lot? I do NOT recommend BETA drivers..they are BETA for a reason, and most of us just don't NEED the "bleeding edge" to get what we want!!
Just a suggestion, I am NOT nVidia or Cyberlink..just a poor user trying to share my thoughts without getting punched for my efforts!!
I believe I wrote that "djmorgan suggested", but this is all semantics. Again, I am stating that your comments are inappropriate and detrimental to the forum and border on personal attack. Please cease and desist.
I have no problem with comprehension and you will PLEASE keep your derisive comments to yourself!!
I am cautioning users against using their systems as "test platforms" to see if something works, especially since there is a workaround that already works. Keeping it simple is the best approach!
The "CUDA core disabling workaround" (can't remember who first wrote it down here, but thanks to them) allows PD10 and PD11 to work, until nVidia finds a fix.
Most of the early versions of the 6xx cards were shipped with their OWN VERSION of the 300 WHQL drivers if supported (301.10) . Nvidia tests the drivers against specific GPUs and adds them as supported products if they pass the tests. Nvidia does not design GPUs to support older drivers, they create NEW drivers to support NEW GPU features. Do NOT expect ALL old drivers to be supported by ALL new GPUs
The best way to search for your supported Nvidia drivers is to go to:
http://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us and enter your card and OS (and language if necessary).
OR http://www.geforce.com/Drivers (for Geforce Cards)
If Nvidia recommends the driver for their GPU, it will be on the list. If it is NOT on the list, I caution you against installing it!!!
Notebooks and some systems may require additional steps or cautions, so be aware that failure to read these cautions WILL require a "restore point" for some machine to function normally (mostly laptops and some Dell and Gateway machines).
I saw this post just before it disappeared and it is nice to see it back!!! The above (and workaround below) applies to your system.
It is NOT recommended (as djmorgan suggested) that you install LEGACY drivers OLDER than the card or not found on the list provided by the sites mentioned above.
The workaround of creating a 3d profile in nVidia Control panel for their version of PowerDirector, and disabling CUDA cores, has resolved the issues for MOST users. This is a temporary fix to allow PD11 and other programs to work until nVidia fixes the problem.
The nVidia Gtx6xx cards do not support the 301.42 driver. You can not rollback to that driver.
The workaround of disabling cores is the best solution at this time.
UNCHECK "Automatically load Sample Images" (see attached)
Edit - Cap'n Kevin - "Echo...echo"
Ok, thanks for the positive feedback. Before you go though I suggest that you look at the Abobe Premiere Forum, as it is CLEARLY an issue that includes the GTX6xx cards and they are not immune:
Jonas..you also have a GTX6xx Nvidia card, correct?
OK, so I have clarity, since your specific machine and video card, fails with a specific manufacturer revision of their driver, Cyberlink and PD11 SUCKS??!!
If this thread goes on just a little longer, I would imagine this issue will be fixed...ooo..but wait, you won't be here to see it, because you will have a whole NEW set of issues and problems with the NEW program.
I think we all feel the pain you feel as any long-time user of ANY program have had problems, especially when the program is constantly trying to chase new standards (how long has HD been prevalent in the public devices? Not long). And 3D? And support for devices like Iphone Retina Display?
Anyway, sorry to lose you, but others who read this thread should know that there are solutions to most of the problems, even if once in a while it is just "be patient"!