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Rendering is too slow
wildfisher2 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 30, 2012 13:09 Messages: 17 Offline
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yes, it was 16GB, sorry for the typo.
wildfisher2 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 30, 2012 13:09 Messages: 17 Offline
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Please post your dxdiag.

33 Kbytes
514 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 02. 2012 18:18

Senior Contributor Location: Surrey, B.C., Canada Joined: Jun 10, 2010 16:20 Messages: 1783 Offline
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Hi Wildfisher2,
Just had brief look at DXDiag file. My interpretation is you don't have enough free space on C: drive..PD11 Ultimate requires 100GB free space to run only have 42GB free..and a total of 106 GB. I would suggest one of your bigger drives for running PD11.
Jim Intel i7-2600@3.4Gz Geforce 560ti-1GB Graphic accelerator, windows 7 Premium 12GB memory

Visit GranPapa64's channel for your YouTube experience of the day!
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Your system appears adequate. I would suggest the following:
1. Turn OFF shadow files in preferences (if on)
2. Try UNCHECKING hardware acceleration in preferences
3. Free up some space on C:. Since this is the drive WINDOWS is installed on, Powerdirector needs space for it's cache and temp files (Even if you install PD on another drive...which I DO NOT recommend).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 02. 2012 18:34

wildfisher2 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 30, 2012 13:09 Messages: 17 Offline
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Hi, thanks for that, your help is greatly appreciated . Sadyl I tried them all made no difference

Perhaps it's the driver? I seem to have 304.87 right now.
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I have seen issues reported with the 660 Ti using both 304.87 and 305.68.
Since I do not have a 660 card, I am afraid I have no choice but to suggest you wait for someone here that DOES, or try the Nvidia forums.
wildfisher2 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 30, 2012 13:09 Messages: 17 Offline
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Thanks for all your help guys it is greatly appreciated.

I think we have ALL already wasted enough time on this cr@p. My PC is way above the quoted and advertised sales spec.

Bear in mind I am not attempting Blu-ray Disc/AVCHD production here, just previewing a very small jpg and / or a small mpg clip. That should not require masses of free disk space. The product does not work as advertised, whatever the reason, and the support is non-existent.

I will contact Cyberlnk tomorrow and request a return and a refund. Under EU law products have to be ft for purpose, this one is not. Just reading these forums it's pretty clear many people are having big problems and are dissatisfied with this product and the support. It's a great shame I have used Cyberlnk software for some time, but no more after this. I'll uninstall this junk now and stick with my old version 10 for now then move onto Adobe or some other publisher soon.

Thanks again.

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MANY of us are successfully running the product (PD11) on all types of systems with all types of files.

What we were attempting to do was recommend some things that MAY help. In your case, they did not.

The Nvidia issue is known and the work around is another driver version...again, that did not appear to work for you, but it has for many of of luck to you.
wildfisher2 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 30, 2012 13:09 Messages: 17 Offline
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Thanks again FredB. I really do appreciate your efforts. There comes a time however to move on.

I don't know whether (or really care) if Cyberlink or Nvidia are to blame, all I know is and care about is this software does not work in any useful way on my £1200 PC and reading these forums I'm not alone!

I have just contacted Cyberlink for a refund. Let's hope their 30 day money back guarantee works better than PD 11!

For God's sake, this stuff should be fun, not a hassle! :

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Oct 02. 2012 19:51

Member Location: United Kingdom Joined: Jan 31, 2012 19:38 Messages: 63 Offline
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Quote: Hi, thanks for that, your help is greatly appreciated . Sadyl I tried them all made no difference

Perhaps it's the driver? I seem to have 304.87 right now.

Exactly what i been saying.... lol Ryan Anthony
All vodi
Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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Another sad case of users being ill-informed due to lack of accurate info from both hardware and software vendors.

For anyone wondering, ATI has had similar irritants as well. Win 10, i7
wildfisher2 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 30, 2012 13:09 Messages: 17 Offline
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Well,if the 301.42 driver is the answer then I am really stuffed! As FredB said it is not compatible with my 660 TI card. Yes, I tried it. So I guess that's it then! Hey, you gotta laugh eh? If not this stuff will drive you nuts! The time I have wasted on this is what is really annoying along with the slow support from Cyberlink, their response is only measurable using geological time scales. Yes, I'm sure many forum members and others are using PD 11 without major issues, but that does not help me or the others who are having issues. It does not work with the latest graphics geforce cards and / or drivers.

Another irritating issue I have noticed with both PD 10 and PD11 (on two different PCs) is random crashes and very slow start up if you are not connected to the internet. Presumably it's checking if it can sell you some upgrade or other and falls over when it can't connect. It seems fine if it can connect. Not really very satisfactory.

If you use the latest nvidia gforce hardware do not buy this software. It is not fit for purpose.

Thanks again to all the good people here who have tried to help. :

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 03. 2012 04:43

wildfisher2 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 30, 2012 13:09 Messages: 17 Offline
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OK, last throw of the dice for me:

I downloaded and installed latest driver for my 660 TI card – 306.23. PD11 is just the same. Hopeless.

To illustrate the problem to anyone who might think this is lack of resources - disk space - whatever:

Fresh start PD 11.

Place the file ships.jpg in track 1. This file comes with PD11 and is a mere 1.47 MB. The duration is left at the default 5 seconds.

Hit preview. It takes 12 seconds to do the first preview and renders (and stalls) 4 times during this preview.

Sorry, something is not right with PD11 if it cannot handle a very small file faster than that. All my other software I have tried works fine, 64 and 32 bit. I have now un-installed this PD11 bloatware and gone back to PD10 pending moving to another software supplier. Cyberlink might want to spend a bit less time on bells and whistles, masses of silly effects and stuff and a bit more on getting basic functionality right. Now all I have to do is get my money back and see if they honour their guarantee. I'll keep you posted on that too.

Thanks for all the great help from members of this forum.

Member Location: United Kingdom Joined: Jan 31, 2012 19:38 Messages: 63 Offline
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Wildfisher: Nvidia have assured me there working on a fix, however i bet games is first on there priority list...


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 03. 2012 09:04

Ryan Anthony
wildfisher2 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 30, 2012 13:09 Messages: 17 Offline
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Thanks risey, but I have removed it and gone back to PD10.

It's like greased lightening by comparison. I guess I only have myself to blame, falling for the advertising hype.

PD 10 will be perfectly adequate for now. Still heard nothing from Cyberlink about a return / refund.

All vodi
Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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PD10 was very stable and for some types of editing possibly faster. The added features in PD11 have to be evaluated for their merit and value before buying. Win 10, i7
wildfisher2 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 30, 2012 13:09 Messages: 17 Offline
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It was the 64 bit rendering engine I wanted. I was about to buy PD 10 64 Ultra when I realized it was superseded. I made the classic mistake, one I have never made before and one I will not repeat. Buying newly released software before the bugs have been ironed out. PD 10 rendering had issues when I first got it, rendered video that had static sections, sound missing and stuff like that, not all the time, just sometimes. VERY annoying. A few patch releases fixed that. I have no doubt they will fix PD11 too, just I'm not going to test it for them, especially PAY them to test it for them.
All vodi
Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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FYI - PD10 runs in 64 bit mode so I assume that you are using PD10 delux ??? Win 10, i7
wildfisher2 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 30, 2012 13:09 Messages: 17 Offline
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Quote: I assume that you are using PD10 delux ???

Indeed. As I said I was about to upgrade to PD10 Ultra when this new kid popped-up. Could be PD10 Ultra would not have worked either, no idea, I'll never know now.

PD10 deluxe struggled with long / HD files on my Del I5 laptop, 32 bit W7 professional, which is to be expected. It runs fine on the 64 bit PC (in 32 bit mode). I was using a Sony SD camcorder and upgraded to a Sony HD. That's what prompted the change to start with. P10 produces some pretty high quality footage, so I am very disappointed I won't be able to use the new faster version.

I see Adobe are releasing Premiere Elements 11 in a week or two. 64 bit editing. I'll probably just go for that. I'll be sad to leave Cyberlink, but regardless of who is to blame for this it's not really much good for users when they end up spending more time getting the damn thing working than they do actually using it.
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OK, so I have clarity, since your specific machine and video card, fails with a specific manufacturer revision of their driver, Cyberlink and PD11 SUCKS??!!

If this thread goes on just a little longer, I would imagine this issue will be wait, you won't be here to see it, because you will have a whole NEW set of issues and problems with the NEW program.

I think we all feel the pain you feel as any long-time user of ANY program have had problems, especially when the program is constantly trying to chase new standards (how long has HD been prevalent in the public devices? Not long). And 3D? And support for devices like Iphone Retina Display?

Anyway, sorry to lose you, but others who read this thread should know that there are solutions to most of the problems, even if once in a while it is just "be patient"!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 03. 2012 13:40

jonas_1_jonas [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 04, 2011 20:26 Messages: 32 Offline
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Time to move to another video editing program.
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