Thanks for attempting to help those in need, SickNecro!
Not sure how you found this, however, this thread was created more than 2 years ago, so I did find the solution was updating the drivers for PowerDirector11. Funny that this same solution still applies to PowerDirector13, so you are right on track!!!!!!
Thanks Again for helping the community.
Fred B
Not sure if I am being unrealistic or unreasonable, so I will just ask a question.
Is it reasonable to assume that 6 BETA patches is far too many between actual program updates? Lots of things are reported as fixed in these beta releases, but it appears that Cyberlink has ceased actually RELEASING the patches.
Is it just me??
I have PowerDirector Ultra 12.0.2726.0
I get a broken link from the search page. Anyone else?
UPDATE: Got it working..download in progress, thanks
My short answer is: Every machine and every version of PD and every PROJECT interact and perform differently depending on the machine.
While your machine may NOT be the problem, it MAY BE a factor. I have personally spent too many hours trying to get users to understand this. Just follow the procedure and post your DXDIAG, and THEN see if people give you the corrections you seek.
There should NEVER be an expectation that one version of a program will perform the same as an OLDER version, even on the same machine. That is why they post MACHINE REQUIREMENTS for each version.
Others may have the answers you seek, but without the DXDIAG, hesitate to make a statement (smart folks they are().
But I believe that PD12 could be more the problem than my
Many folks are here to help you, but since we can not "SEE" or operate your computer, we ask for help from you to let us see the machine you run.
MANY people come here to complain about CyberLink, PowerDirector, and even to complain about other members. But, if you do not want real answers...well I resist the comment i SHOULD place here.
The fact is , we are very good at helping resolve problems that you may be experiencing if you participate and provide the helpful information that the experts are requesting. The experts run ALL versions of Powerdirector on ALL types of machines..they can help you get satisfaction.
If you choose not to provide the the experts the information to help troubleshooting, then you are just another complaining voice, unwilling to participate in your own solution.
Best of luck with Cyberlink Support. By the Way, they too will ask you for that diagnostic file to proceed.
HERE is an unsolicited PM from djmorgan to me, in response:
Are you a total idiot? having an opinion is not uttering venom! although from previous discussions with you I doubt your level of intelligence would appreciate that.
I did not attack Capt. tool! I simply made what in my opinion was a valid observation, he was SELF promoting and was not very good at it, and it was not a topic for the PD11 forum IN MY OPINION...... and that is what makes the world go around, not all people agree on all things.
So suck it up, nothing you type will get to me and I do nothing to directly insult a person other than state my opinion which I am entitled too, so if you don't like it stop coming to the forum! you provide no assistance at all
EDIT: I almost forgot to say THANKS for showing the great video, Kevin. I felt like I was THERE!!
Great, Kevin! Absolutely great! (as Nina1 said)
I return here today to find yet another positive and enjoyable discussion ruined by your venom-filled attacks.
It is an offense to the community (IMHO) that the Moderator of this forum has allowed your public abuse/ridicule of others to go on for so long.
I bought Cyberlink long ago BECAUSE of this forum and the helpful, participative community that supported there (including yourself). In the past, if I commented negatively, you were quick to caution me, and force an attitude change. You served well for years, but perhaps Cyberlink should make a change, if we can't do better than this. A very least, please explain why djmorgan is still being allowed to carry on his constant and offensive attacks on visitors here. Moderators can't choose favorites and regardless how much he contributes (much more than me you have been sure to tell me in PM), his constant smears of others good intentions are a liability for Cyberlink. Why is he still allowed to spew hatred unabated? What say you?
Take it outside djmorgan, you are NOT helping this product or the community.
no worries.....the answer found
I suggest that you contact either CyberLink Support. They would have all those answers. I would paste a link, but I am still learning phone.
Herman Street is an approved vendor for CL.
Did you purchase your software directly from Cyberlink? Was it a CD or OEM (installed on the machine when you got it) ??
This does not seem like standard behavior. I am afraid we will have to wait for others here to awaken and find your post (this is a GLOBAL forum).
I do not have direct DELUXE experience, but I would try just that one first.
After you install and reboot, click on the POWERDIRECTOR in the program and verify the update.
Let us know if that works.
Is this the trial version?
If not, please apply the latest patches from Cyberlink and test again.
Also, your machine is 64BIT, but the 32BIT version is running?
EDIT: OOPS..I JUST REALIZED THAT DELUXE IS 32BIT. So the comment above can be ignored.
Since this is an AMD/ATI Video card, I am hopeful that some of the AMD folks here will join in.
But getting that update is the FIRST thing. You only need to install the LATEST update...not all three.
I would still appreciate the actual version. Please, click on the word "POWERDIRECTOR" inside the program and provide the actual version#. Mine says
Powerdirector 64BIT version
Dafydd is asking for the information above in order to allow the experts here a "look" at the platform you are using to runn the PD program. Without the Actual version (PART A) and the machine information (PART B), it is very difficult to participate in the solution of your issue.
If you REALLY want a solution and help. PLEASE, post PART A and PART B using the "POST REPLY" button.
THank You
Waited patiently, but got no answer.
Your Dell Inspiron N4010 has the capacity of 8GB. You can use either two (4GB) DDR3 PC3-8500 or two (4Gb) DDR3 PC3-10600 Non-ECC RAM modules (per Dell).
Since you are using an internal GPU with only 64MB Dedicated Memory, AND you are running 64BIT Windows, this is CRITICAL for you to have a pleasant experience with PD11 and this machine.
A link on the Dell Forum points to the following page as compatible with your machine:
Not sure that this is appropriate, so I will say here that I am not necessarily RECOMMENDING them! This is just an example to demonstrate possible cost.
If you don't want to add memory, you must consider another machine. Hope this helps.
It has been a while since last I was here. Nice to see some hardy souls still trying to share information in the forum.
Sad to see that DJMorgan is still here (and this is WHY??? MODERATOR???) spewing.
I guess I will go away for a few more months and hope to see you all again when I return.
The latest version of the nVidia drivers that works with PD10 and DOES NOT create this rendering problem is 301.42. Newer versions will not work with PD10.
There is still some small hope that Cyberllink will issue a fix for this CUDA issue in PD10, but since PD11 is now out, I do not know if there will be an update to PD10.
The only way to get PD10 to operate is to rollback the nVidia driver to 301.42.
Complaints can be registered at CyberLink at:
Perhaps the less-experienced find it handy.
Even some of the SEMI-experienced (like I call myself) found it handy to upload directly from inside the program. Not really a TIME saver, as either way you have to wait to produce, then wait to upload, but with the recent changes CL is implementing it is WORTHLESS.
Forcing the user to repeatedly authorize uploads to YouTube is actually an optional parameter that Cyberlink has opted to enforce in PD11.
There are more than a FEW optional parameters in the hands of the API programmer (like collecting metrics about who visits your channel on YouTube, referrer data, etc.). No biggy, I will just stop using it and stop whining!!
I fully understand that Oauth 2.0 is being used by Cyberlink to grant access to my YouTube account through the Cyberlink servers. Google is being very aggressive in implementing this.
What is missing from Cyberlink's implementation is:
1. Any indication of the LEVEL of access that Cyberlink is requesting from them to my account (what has elvischen2004Egmail.com specified in his coding).
2. The ability within the interface to revoke the Cyberlink access in the future should I decide.
Also, if they are using this API to collect and manage my login information, I suggest they can ALSO use this to eliminate the silly "30 day expiration" limits on the other modules (a nagging source of discontent).
Thank You for your attention.