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Quote Can you attach a short clip so other people can test it on their comptuers? Use the Attachments button under the text box.

i should do but:

a miracle? I don't know how to explain what happened now: after the test as indicated above I turned off the PC and turned it on again after 5 minutes to put the entries in the settings back to hard ware recording.

then I decided to throw all the tests I edit this afternoon (the ones who were always upside down when watching)

for the last film I decided to watch before throwing it away and... miracle... I saw it right! it was a test with an old project!

I picked up all the other tests from the bin and watched them all and all the films that were shown above I could see them well!!!!

I redid other tests and produced the videos and now immediately everything is seen as it should be! Tests with gopro clips, flip clip go pro, normal clips….

I have not touched anything, done anything the problem seems to be solved.... hope that tomorrow morning continue to be!

was it a bug? and cyberlinks repair it?

thank you very much

PS my husband was present during all the tests so it is not a collective hallucination!!!!

un miracolo? non so come spiegare quanto successo ora: dopo la prova come indicato sopra ho spento il PC e l'ho riacceso dopo 5 minuti per rimettere le voci nelle impostazioni per rimettere hard ware recording.

poi ho deciso di buttare nel cestino tutte le prove dei filmati che vedevo sotto sopra.

l'ultimo film ho voluto guardarlo prima di buttarlo e...miracolo... lo vedevo giusto! era una prova con un vecchio progetto!

ho ritirato tutte le altre prove dal cestino e guardate tutte e tutti i filmati che si vedevano sotto sopra li vedevo bene!!!!

ho rifatto altre prove et prodotti i filmati e ora immediatamente tutto si vede come si deve!

non ho toccato nulla, fatto nulla il problema pare risolto.... speriamo che domattina continuano ad esserlo!

grazie infinite

PS mio marito era presente durante tutte le prove quindi non era una allucinazione collettiva!!!!


Ok I will try later as you explain
in any case I already comunicate to support cybelinks as the problem is really important, if it was for only the 2 clips about Gopro, no problem but this continue for new project is not admitted as before all was okay!

okay grazie piu tardi provo come spiegato
ho già scritto al supporto cyberlinks, aspetto risposta da loro, si quello fosse solo x le 2 clips go pro non sarebbe un probleme ma visto che ora tocca anche i nuivi e vecchi progetto questo è inamissibile e mi impedisce di poter lavvorare.

I followed your information BUT the problem isn't solved at all: same: when edit gopro project and new and old project the file produced is upsidedown. just hope that cyberlinks support will be able to risolve it, amybe I ahve to disintall and install again? thanks in any case

by the fact I used often clip from gopro but never untill now have to rotate/flip them, and so I never had problem, the problem appear because I flip clips

ho seguito info date, ma il problema è rimasto, perche che sia il progetto con file Gopro o nuovo o vecchio quando il filmato è prodotto lo vedo sotto sopra!!!!

ho spesso usato clip della gopro, am era la prima volta che dovevo capovolgere e il problema è iniziato da quando ho dovuto capovolgere, prima mai avuto nessun problema! grazie
Quote English:
The problem has been reported on GoPro clips years ago but may not have been fixed Here is what to do. Rotate the clips. In Preferences/Hardware Acceleration uncheck the box for Hardware decoding… and click OK. In the Produce page don’t use SVRT in the box Fast Video Rendering Technology. Hardware encoder is okay. Cpu encoding is okay too. If this fix the problem then let us know. You then need to report the problem to Cyberlink support so that they may try to fix the problem.

Il problema è stato segnalato sui clip GoPro anni fa, ma potrebbe non essere stato risolto Ecco cosa fare. Ruota le clip. In Preferenze/Accelerazione hardware deseleziona la casella per Decodifica hardware... e fai clic su OK. Nella pagina Produci non utilizzare SVRT nella casella Tecnologia di rendering video veloce. Il codificatore hardware va bene. Anche la codifica della CPU va bene. Se questo risolve il problema, faccelo sapere. È quindi necessario segnalare il problema al supporto Cyberlink in modo che possano provare a risolvere il problema.

Ok I will try later as you explain
in any case I already comunicate to support cybelinks as the problem is really important, if it was for only the 2 clips about Gopro, no problem but this continue for new project is not admitted as before all was okay!

okay grazie piu tardi provo come spiegato
ho già scritto al supporto cyberlinks, aspetto risposta da loro, si quello fosse solo x le 2 clips go pro non sarebbe un probleme ma visto che ora tocca anche i nuivi e vecchi progetto questo è inamissibile e mi impedisce di poter lavvorare.
Quote English:
Try this: Don’t use the PiP Flip function. Instead use the PiP Rotation 180 Degrees and click OK. Another way is to highlight the clip and then click and drag the center blue circle to rotate to the bottom.

See this link for more information:

Prova questo: non utilizzare la funzione PiP Flip. Utilizzare invece la rotazione PiP 180 gradi e fare clic su OK. Un altro modo è evidenziare la clip, quindi fare clic e trascinare il cerchio blu centrale per ruotare verso il basso.

Vedere questo collegamento per ulteriori informazioni:

Hi, thanks!

I after having write in forum try this different way to do, as I discover that exist 4 ways to flip the video
anyway also by usung the other ways to rotate the video I have the same problem: when I produce the film edit is upside down as i did nothing!

and the strange is also the fact new project and olf project when I produce a file also upside down!!!!

and also I try in that way: a go pro clip rotate in PIp plus a right clip and again a gopro upside down clip and when produce all was upside down even the right clip

it's as the flip fonction is now the director fo the final editing and flip all

maybe a conflit in the program? I uploaded 365 some days ago, and no more upload to do, also i close the Pc different time but always same result: all is at the end upside down!!!!!

italiano: grazie

dopo avere scritto nel forum ho scoperto i vari modi di ruotare un video sbagliato, le hoprovate tutte ma quando produco il filmato le clip sono sempre all'inocntrario, come se non avesse fatto nulla!

il strano è che quando produco sia vecchio progetto che nuovo il filmato viene sotto sopra!!!

ho provato anche cosi: una clip girata in Pip o altro modo, poi una clip giusta e di nuovo una clip ruotata e il risultato è che tutte le clip del filmato finale sono capovolte di nuovo, anche quella guista!

sembra che la funzione capocolgimento abbia preso la direzioen del 365 e faccia qeullo che vuole e capovolte tutto!

ci sarà un conflitto nel programma? ho aggiornato pochi giorni fa il 365 e non ci sono per ora altri aggiornamenti da fare. ho riavviato diverse volte il PC ma con sempre lo stesso risultato: tutto capovolto!!!!

  1. ieri per la prima volta ho usato la funzione capovolgimento x delle clip video filmate con Gopro, si sono capovolte quando ho evidenziato la voce nel PIP, ma quando oggi ho voluto produrre il file di uscita... il filmato era di nuovo capovolto come se io non avesse fatto nulla!

2. oggi ho iniziato nuovo progetto e quando ho voluto produrre il file di uscita sorpresa... il filmato prodotto era capovolto! ovvio ho controllato se la voce per errore capovolgimento non fosse attiva, non lo era!

3. ho preso un vecchio progetto e fatto un file di produzione e quando guardato è tutto capovolto pure lui!!!!!

4. sulla timeline io vedo le clip video normale (salvo ovvio le clip capovolte della gopro girate già cosi) quando faccio produci sulla finestra anteprima si vede il filmato normale anche le clip gopro capovolte nel senso giusto ma quando il film è pronto... tutto che sia nuovo progetto o vecchio tutto è capovolto

qualcuno può spiegarmi quella disgrazia?
che cosa ho fatto invertitamente di sbagliato?

e come si fa a capolgere le clip che necessitano e che lo rimangono anche durante la produzione e il filmato finale?

grazie infinite

PS ho director 365


There are a couple of observations but it would be very useful to get a screen recording of your project, including the timelines to see exactly what happens.

It looks like the chromakeyed clip of the 2 guys changes size? It obviously loses the chromakey but it's not clear why.

However, please make sure your versions of PDR and CDR are up to date.

If you feel happy with sharing this part of your project perhaps you could pack it and share it on onedrive or similar so that others can test the actual project. Please take note of this guideline :

PowerDirector Moderator

Hi thanks for this answer and later will prepare again the project to show you with a video maybe what's happen

suddendly I thought that the problem could be this: as I tried to change the video background of the 2 guys and the video is long around 20-30 seconds i just change the backgroung at the begining without doing all the clip frame by frame, so maybe the problem is there? to have done as it was a simple photo and not a video and continue all the video or at least some seconds to erase che background?

I didn't do all the video because wasn't sure if was able to do it and if was okay with the idea i had.

yes the 2 guys seems smaller as i rezise the image of the 2 guys, so this is not a problem,

on this afternoon I try again and send you all if the problem not resolved

PD365 just yesterday before I started I do all and so was p to date in all porograms!

cheers from Switzerland

I RESOLVE!!!!! I was right! the problem was because when started to try how to change video backgroung I just do only one fotogramm! and now I continue and did some and import to PD365 and it's working!!!!!!!

thanks so much

have nice day
Hi evrybody!

I discover how to remove background on video and on my new editing thought to use this idea in the way to incruste 2 guys speaking on carnival background.

I follow the information from this tutorial: from cyberlinks. It was interesting how he explained how to get the green screen when doesn’t match simply by moving the exposure, brightness and contrast.
Well I follow step by step and could cancel the green screen and so appears the two guys on carnival background and… when start to see the video… what happen after just one millisecond: the original background appears again!!!!!!
I tried many times thinking forgotten something to do… but all steps are exactly same as this tutorial.

I use PD 365

Here some photos where you can see the most important steps matched and the final result!!!

My question is: why?
There is one step I didn’t understand? Which one?
Maybe as the two guys are in front of a painting with many colors instead of a one color curtain by example? But on tutorial the guy have as background trees and different colors of nature…

thanks so much!

you can write me in french or Italian as well
yes I found, the problem was I didn't save as....
one guy from Belguim explain and now it's works!!

thanks so much

merci cela fonctionne!! it's works!!!
j'ai trouvé!!!!

en italien ce n'est aps au même endroit!!
pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué!!!


je essaye à nouveau!!!!
Quote Bonsoir

You have to register it under new GIF video and it works

I can't or doens't understand where it is, to export in gif video!
because as you can see on the photo attached, when I click under the photo with changing moving sky, my choice is only Tiff, PNG and jpg

and all are without moviment

so just explain me¨¨
thnaks so much
ok j essaye de suite!!!!!

I just save on my desktop on my PC

and look on the screen of this PC, it'snot a laptop, it's new and
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
Memory: 65536MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 65466MB RAM

PD365 is on this Pc where I edit anytime, and so save and look there

hi, just look for changing sky to photo in photodirector 365
it's easy and fun

but when I export the photo I changed the sky WITH one moving sjky, the sky doesn't move any more: I got a simple photo without movement!

something can explain me what I do wrong?

thanks so much and happy 2021
hi, just look for changing sky to photo in photodirector 365
it's easy and fun

but when I export the photo I changed the sky WITH one moving sjky, the sky doesn't move any more: I got a simple photo without movement!

something can explain me what I do wrong?

thanks so much and happy 2021

Quote Yes, that issue was discussed in this thread from last month. Some of the effects are limited when calling PhD from PD, and I'm glad you figured out how to get them back!

thanks in any case to have take time to ead and answer me!
a few days ago I tried the effect: photo animation in photo director successfully: a beautiful effect of movement! today I wanted to reproduce this effect again and to my astonishment when I open photo director, the guided section and then the animation tab I find only the possibility to create the dust effect, the photo animation effect has completely disappeared! can someone tell me why and how do I get it back?

I have PD 365 and still works for 6 months before renew!

Ps I tryed with different photo and with same photo I did some days ago. I restart computer, but never appear again!

thanks o much to everybody

if you open photo director through Power director while you are editing only the voice dust effect appear BUT if you open PHoto director directly all voices under animated effects are presents!!!!!

thanks to evrybody
I have PD14 director suite and now think to upgrade
today I saw that now Suite is on annual abonament...

saw that cyberlinks sell a pack (+/-139 euro) with PD17+ photodirector 10
my question is : this pack is same of Suite 365? (I understand same program, same function, of course without the fact with 365 you are always with new version)
on the website seems all is done that you have to buy 365....

I am on trouble....

by the fact I have on my computer PD12 +PD14 may I have now to take out PD12 as old and no use????

thanks for all suggestions as really I am surprise by the new Suite and do^n't know what to choose now (of course can continue with PD14 as it's okay for me. but I used to uopgrade each 2-3 versions...)
Quote Hi,

Just remember that the project edited with PDR 16 will not be useable in earlier versions.

All versions of PDR are backward compatible - later versions will open projects from earlier versions - but any project edited and saved in a later version will not be compatible with earlier versions.

So in this case, open your project in PDR16 and immediately save it with another name so that you don'r lose/overwrite your earlier PDR14 project, just in case you cannot complete the project in PDR16.

PowerDirector Moderator

thanks really clear this information!
Quote in about three month, Septemberish, there will be PD17.
i'd wait...

happy happy joy oy

'garbage in garbage out'

thanks so much for the information.... so I wait!!!!!!

of course will keep PD14 on my computer as many finish project are there!

the trial version is a good idea but not sure to finish the project in 30 days.....

I think to remember when from PD12 upgrade to PD14 I was editing Iran and could continue without ptoblem with 14, but as not sure witch version I do it why i ask!

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