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Quote Click on the question mark top right and select "About Powerdirector".

10-4. With black PD background and not great eyesight, I wasn't seeing the question mark.

We are on same release, so something else must be up.

Thanks again for all of your help, much obliged.
Quote Yes - build 2820.

Can you let me kn ow how I can check to see what build I have? My instructions say to press Ctrl A to display help menu, but Ctrl A doesn't do anything for me.

I don't see a folder called Background. I've attached a screen print of my file structure.


Thanks for all of your help - much obliged.

This is not where you installed PowerDirector. It is usually in:

"C:\Program Files\Cyberlink\PowerDirector 15"

There you will find the folder "Background"


Hatti - Right on! My bad, thanks so much. David
Quote No. I created a new 3D title. First I inserted an image and then more text. As I expected where the image (which was the second layer) overlaid the text on the first layer it hid the text. Selecting the first layer in the timeline just displayed a placeholder where the hidden text was. This was as in your screenshot so that confirmed what I had surmised.

I next deleted the image and added it as a background stretched. As I expected both text layers now displayed correctly.

I'm not sure what exactly is happening in your case as I cannot reproduce it but as I said, I've never used 3D titles in fact I've never actually played around with them until today. I create such components outside PD in another app.

Wow, thanks so much for doing all of that!

Are you using PD 15?
Quote The standard project Aspect Ratios in PDR16 are:





and the standard production profiles typically range from 640x480 up to 4096x2160 depending on which format you choose.


PoweerDirector Moderator

What aspect ratio do you recommend for a video that will be viewed on Facebook?

Quote Ah - OK. If you look in the folder structure where you have installed PowerDirector you'll find a folder called "Background" which contains sub-folders for each of the aspect ratios. Those folders contain the images that you see when you choose that option in the media room. If you want to permanently add images for re-use which will only appear if you select "Background", just drop them in there.

Personally I don't bother as I build every project with it's own assets. For me this would serve no purpose.

I don't see a folder called Background. I've attached a screen print of my file structure.

Regarding aspect ratio: I am creating a video that will be primarily viewed on Facebook. Which aspect ration would you suggest?

Thanks for all of your help - much obliged.
Quote I don't know is the honest answer. I've never used 3D titles until today when I saw your question, thought I knew the reason and tried it smile.

Perhaps someone who does know will come up with a reply for you.

Thanks for trying!

Just curious - did you have the same problem I had? (3D title #2 disappears)

Quote The placeholder is being covered by the image I think. You can insert the image as a background but if that doesn't work for you change the layer order by dragging layer 2 (the image) to the top.

Thanks for that. I wasn't aware that the order of the objects can affect visbility. Great to know.

I dragged the image to layer #1, as suggested. It gets a bit complicated from here:

That didn't solve the problem, so I deleted then recreated title 2. Initially, it seemed to be fixed, but once I changed the starting point for title 2 (which I want to display a few seconds after title 1), the problem recurred.

I deleted the image altogether, along with a particle effect that I had been using with the title slide, to eliminate potential causes, and that didn't solve the problem either.

Is there possibly a bug with 3D titles where you can't have multiple titles with different starting times? I don't have this problem with 2D titles.

Thanks again, David
Quote I hope I'm not missing something but backgrounds are images, as simple or complex as you like. Are you perhaps asking about how to set-up a project background in PDR?

Longedge - Thanks very much for the reply.

I'm fairly new to PD, sorry if I'm not being clear.

Within the Media Room, there is a drop-down menu that defaults to "Media Content." Within that menu, there is a "Backgrounds" option. I've attached a screen print that shows this.

If I select "Backgrounds" 10 background images appear. These can be used to provide a background for a title slide.

Each is probably an image file, as you say, but I can't figure out how to add more to the 10 that came with the software.

I hope that makes sense?

Thanks, David
I am creating a 3D title slide with 2 titles.

Both titles appear correctly in the rendered title slide, but within the the title editor, only the first title appears.

The screen print shows the situation.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
How do I download backgrounds into PD? Are backgrounds available from Director Zone?

Quote Reboot your computer, or...
Right-click TASK MANAGER and look for AudioDirector in processes. Kill the process.

Thanks Barry.

Those were the first two things I tried.

I realize now that the problem is unrelated to PowerDirector.

When I start AudioDirector, a launch screen displays that says "You have 30 days of free evaluation left."

When I click "Try Now," I receive the message shown on the attached screen print.

Any ideas? I'll probably uninstall then reinstall AD.

I have a paid version of Cyberlink PowerDirector 15.

I just installed a trial version of Cyberlink AudioDirector.

When I try to launch AudioDirector from within PowerDirector (by selecting Edit Audio / Audio Director), I receive the following error message:

"Cyberlink AudioDirector cannot launch because it is currently in use. Finish your current task in AudioDirector and then try again."

AudioDirector is not in use when I receive this error.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Quote Recent versions of PD trials don't use a "Title" in the timeline to add the text anymore, when you bring the trial saved pds file into the purchased version and "Produce" the statement is just absent. There is nothing to look for in any track in the timeline. This has been the case for PD14 and PD15 trails for sure (previously mentioned here, ). PD12 still used the older titles approach which was the prior referenced links.

You might try a full uninstall with a cleanup utitlity to remove PD and then start install from stratch. If by chance you are using some trial produced clip in the timeline, only approach is to cut feature out. Does the same issue exist with a new project created in your purchased full product?


Problem solved. I submitted a support ticket to Cyberlink, and was advised to do the following:

  • Add a ~10 second clip to the start of the video

  • Produce the video (to "transfer" the watermark to the new clip)

  • Delete the clip

  • Produce the video again.

All good now. Thanks to all for your suggestions.
Quote You can remove that watermark. Scroll down to the title track and remove that title in the paid version. See this post if you have problems: .

Let us know if this helps...

Hi Tomasc - Thanks for the reply. I don't see the title in the title track. I've attached a screen shot of what I see. Am I missing something?


If I have read the link posted by tomasc correctly there is another title track somewhere below your music track. If it is there just scroll down to it and delete the text.

Panny - The music track is the last one that I see - no tracks below it. Do I need to "unhide" the other title track that you're referring to?


Are you sure you don't have scroll bar on the right of the tracks allowing you to go down further.


Hi Robert - Absolutely, I've scrolled all the way to the bottom, per the attached screen print.

Quote You can remove that watermark. Scroll down to the title track and remove that title in the paid version. See this post if you have problems: .

Let us know if this helps...

Hi Tomasc - Thanks for the reply. I don't see the title in the title track. I've attached a screen shot of what I see. Am I missing something?


If I have read the link posted by tomasc correctly there is another title track somewhere below your music track. If it is there just scroll down to it and delete the text.

Panny - The music track is the last one that I see - no tracks below it. Do I need to "unhide" the other title track that you're referring to?

Quote You can remove that watermark. Scroll down to the title track and remove that title in the paid version. See this post if you have problems: .

Let us know if this helps...

Hi Tomasc - Thanks for the reply. I don't see the title in the title track. I've attached a screen shot of what I see. Am I missing something?

I downloaded the trial version of PD and created a video, which contained the PD watermark on the opening frame, as expected.

I then purchased & installed the paid version, and expected the watermark to disappear, but it did not. I have attached a screen shot that shows the watermark.

I hope I don't need to re-create the video under the paid version to lose the watermark?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Quote In your screenshot you chose the User Designed motion style which requires you to create the movement the way you want. Temporarily choose any of the other styles and see that they do work. You must click the OK button on the lower right for it to work.

Here is a link to a post on how to use that particular User Designed motion style : .

Tomasc - Thank you so much for the fast reply. I neglected to mention that I was using the User Designed motion style. I tried a couple of the canned motion styles, and they worked fine. I then tried the User Designed style again and.... now it works. No idea why, but I'm good to go for now.

Thank you!

When I start Motion Designer for a still image, only the blue dot appears within the designer window, and I'm not able to create any motion effects.

I've attached a screen print.

Will appreciate any advice.

Thank you, David
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