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Problem importing very short video file
HPG [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 06, 2012 22:45 Messages: 20 Offline
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I've just upgraded from PowerDirector 8 to 11, and the new version doesn't seem to be able to import very short (a second or less) .m2ts files. I get the message that begins "An error occurred while opening this media file in the media file ...". All longer .m2ts files import just fine, suggesting that there's nothing wrong with the codec. I'm running Power Director Ultra, version, on a 64-bit Win7 system.

I'm pretty sure that it's a length problem rather than a file corruption problem, because (a) it happens with the two shortest files in the collection, and only with those two (both of which are 1.5M, and a second or so in length), (b) PD8 had no trouble importing them, and (c) they play just fine in Windows media player.

I'm not sure how useful these very short clips will be, but it would be nice to have them in the library nevertheless. Can anyone suggest anything that might help?
James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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Can you attach a sample for us to try? __________________________________
HPG [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 06, 2012 22:45 Messages: 20 Offline
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Sure -- here's one.
1536 Kbytes
493 time(s)
James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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I get the same error. I cannot find anything wrong with the video file. It plays on my computer. I will look a little closer and see if I can find a reason this will not import.

What camera is this from? __________________________________
Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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I tried that one second video in Powerdirector 11 Ultimate, No go.

I then tried that same video file in Powerdirector 9 Ultra, It works in the library and on the time line.

So the problem is with PD11, it will not import a video that is that short.

That needs to brought to the attention of Cyberlink.

Please do a ticket, that is a problem that needs to be solved.

Carl312: Windows 10 64-bit 8 GB RAM,AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz,ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB,240GB SSD,two 1TB HDs.

James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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I took a short clip from my Canon camcorder and compared it to your clip in Media Info. Mine is MTS, not M2TS, for whatever difference that makes. The only significant differences that I could find are that yours has a text stream (PGS), and yours is 6 channel audio, while mine is 2 channel. Mine does import into PD11. I also produced it to M2TS and it imported just fine. The clip is just over 1 second long.

I have attached the results from Media Info. Yours is on the left. Mine on the right.
[Thumb - error.jpg]
211 Kbytes
173 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Here, the m2ts clip imports & plays happily in PD9 & PD8, but not PD11 or PD10

PD8 produced a file roughly close to the properties of the original - which WILL import into PD10 & PD11. Produced file attached.

Cheers - Tony
2199 Kbytes
456 time(s)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Oct 07. 2012 02:15

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Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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Just to see, I opened that original file with another video editor and got both the video and the audio.

I used "Any Video Converter" to convert it to an AVCHD video and that worked in PD11 (both audio and video). That free program will do batch convert if you have a lot of these one second shots.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 07. 2012 07:18

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HPG [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 06, 2012 22:45 Messages: 20 Offline
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Thanks, everyone -- that's all extremely helpful. I'll put in a ticket. The camera in question is a Sony HDR-XR520.
Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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Quote: Thanks, everyone -- that's all extremely helpful. I'll put in a ticket. The camera in question is a Sony HDR-XR520.

Can you load a longer clip from that camera? Shoot at least 10 seconds.

Carl312: Windows 10 64-bit 8 GB RAM,AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz,ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB,240GB SSD,two 1TB HDs.

HPG [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 06, 2012 22:45 Messages: 20 Offline
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Oh, yes, it has no problems with longer clips -- even slightly longer (e.g. 1.13 sec). It seems just to be very short clips which cause the problem.
HPG [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 06, 2012 22:45 Messages: 20 Offline
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Lack-of-progress report: I submitted a trouble ticket to Cyberlink, and after much back-and-forth in which it's become very clear that they don't read their messages very carefully, we're no further forward.
James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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When I reread your original post I realized the clip I tested was just over 1 second, so I just shot a 0.990 second clip on my Canon and got the same error. No reason I would ever need a clip that short as it was as fast as I could press the shutter button, but a puzzling error indeed. __________________________________
HPG [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 06, 2012 22:45 Messages: 20 Offline
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Yes, that's my feeling, too (that it's highly unlikely I'd ever want to use a very short clip from the camera). Mind you, sometimes people use a series of very short clips for dramatic effect in an edited piece, don't they, and it's at least possible that the source of some of those could be very short raw clips.

Thus far my exchange with Cyberlink has been about checking my setup, drivers and all. Fair questions, but they're ignoring the point I made to them that we've established on this thread that (a) the behaviour is new to PD11, and (b) it's reproducible on other systems.
All vodi
Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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This is an issue that the moderator (Dafydd) has to take over as everyone conclusively confirmed the PD11 flaw. Look for a fix in future updates hopefully. Win 10, i7
Xerox [Avatar]
Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Aug 09, 2009 01:36 Messages: 446 Offline
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I can't remember if it's Cyberlink or Corel, but there is a readme about video shorter than 2 seconds not playing back properly, mainly because of the type of GOP structure. So I think you may be wasting your time worrying about these otherwise virtually unusable video clips. Gateway DX4380, AMD A8-5500 Quad Core 3.2GHz with ATI Radeon HD 7560D; 16GB RAM; 1 TB SATA 7200 RPM; Windows 8 Pro 64-bit; PDR11, PDVD12.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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I notified CyberLink yesterday (Sunday for me) of the import short video issue/error.

I use CL MediaShow and that software will not recognize/import clips/short video by design.

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I guess it's just me, but if I needed an image for "dramatic effect" that was only going to show for one second, I would use an IMAGE, not a VIDEO.

Not sure I could call this lack of support for such a short video a "failure"....but again, it could just be my own opinion or lack of knowledge. If memory serves, I remember the same message in PD10 and PD9, but never gave it a thought.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Oct 15. 2012 09:35

Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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Quote: I guess it's just me, but if I needed an image for "dramatic effect" that was only going to show for one second, I would use an IMAGE, not a VIDEO.

Not sure I could call this lack of support for such a short video a "failure"....but again, it could just be my own opinion or lack of knowledge. If memory serves, I remember the same message in PD10 and PD9, but never gave it a thought.

I agree with you FredB,

If I wanted to use a image from a video, I would just take a snapshot, and use the still image.

Carl312: Windows 10 64-bit 8 GB RAM,AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz,ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB,240GB SSD,two 1TB HDs.

Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Fred/Carl -

I'm not disagreeing. It wouldn't be a problem for me either. I guess it's a little bit academic.

The short (< 1sec) file works in PD8 & 9, but not in PD10 & 11. There has to be a reason for that.

Anyway - it's been referred upstairs.

Cheers - Tony
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