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I have had to re-install my PD 14 Ultra.

The 3 programs I installed were:

PD 2604 GM5 VDE 150123-01.exe

PD 2820 GM5 VDE 160411-01.exe

PD 3516 GM8 VDE 151112.01.exe

Is the correct .. What shpuld my final build be....

I think it wasVDE 160411-01

Please clarify
Thank you Carl312.... My nmemory is not waht it was
In my timeline I had a I had a (not sure image/particle. etc) it was of a gold simple looking scroll banner. I had to rebuild my system and although I saved the project and all the locations of ALL media this image in the timeline did not have the ribbon. I cannot remember whwere I got it from ( I know a download) Any help on where to find similar thing to place in my image and then have a txt box inside the ribbon
PD Menu system sucks!!!

I have modified a downloaded memu WSelected audio plays Ok . I want to insert a video to play in the middle of the menu photo of a birthday cake. The only thing I sould do was play a video beforehand which worked ok but then played the menu. This is not what I want to achievw.

Is there any way I can select an arae of my menu picture to allocate as an area to play a video at the same time as the intro music is playing .. Help
Is Tiler pro an add on ? or not in Ultra. I could not see any New Blue under my Title room..I did see several New Blue options under the fx selection..

I clearly am not understanding ... help
I need to clarify my query....

I have a project with AR of 4:3 as my cameras picture size settings are closer to this 4:3 AR

Once downloaded from camera they are 180 dpi I have other images from a friends camera that show 72dpi.

On some images I use editing software to crop/cut/paste etc. and I can change the dpi and physiacl size.

What I wanted to know is for a 4:3 AR what is the ideal dpi and the physical size of the image,

Also the ideal for 16:9 AR
Shadowman, thank you very much for this info
What is the recommended dpi and size for images in PD 14 for both 4:3 and 16:9 AR
I have tried creating a menu that plays a video during the menu loop around startup. My video was a .AVI file and I hd a msg saying format not acceptable. What formats are acceptable to PD
When adding a title that will be superimposed over an image with a start and end option the txt sometimes is lost because of image colours. I believe ther is a way to have a set colour background for this txt.

How is it achieved
I selected Create and opted to download a DVD Menu Template from the DZ web pages. On selecting download I received msg saying I needed a bowser (see attached file)I have Google Chrome installed on my PCand use it all the time. Any ideas why I would receive this msg
I downloaded a couple of titles from DZ and when I executed after download it indicated that the titles would now be available in my PD. I could not see them among all my other titles. Also normally after selecting a specific title template ther was an option to modify but this was not show. Finally after I had some sort of menu I could not see how to save it.

I was wondering if I may be worth re-installing my PD 14 Ultra programs.

Anu ideas?
I have Windows 10-64 CPU Intel i5 and * Mb RAM

My PD 14 Ultra was working fairly fast in reponse to all editing selections and saving and loading of projects.

For some reason it has began to run very slow.. having to wait seconds for funstions to happen ie. Load title, select audi for moving or truncating etc. Loading and Saving projects take 3-4 times longer than usual.

Checked what else was running in my PC no updates etc.

Can anyone think of why this may be happening.

Is it worth re-loading the OD software.
I had a project almost finished using PD 13 Ultra and then upgraded to OD14 Ultra. All seems OK but then I saw that an Fx named Fairy Dust which I had appled to an image was still in the time line FX trk but the effect was lots of different coloured squares floating down rather than what was there previuosly under the Fairy Dust option. I could not find a Faury Dust option under the PD 14 lists.. Is there one and what could cause this problem
I have recently upgraded from PD 13 Ultra to PD 14 Ultra.

I saw there were 3 updates listed these were:

Build 2019 - 2015-09-16

Build 2302 - 2015-11-23

Build 2707 - 2016-03-22

I downloaded but on trying to install I received amsg saying I did not have the correct version of program installed.

What could be the problem as I have installed and being using OD 14 Ultra for a few weeks now
Hope I can explain ... I have 2 images and no transition between them. If I also add a zoom fx for the same length as the image it works as I expect. However if I use a transition and I have tried several, it causesa problem.

If I make the zoom the length of the first image with no zoom on the second then the aai.e.half way along the transition then for the beginning of the second image the zoom works until the end of the transition and then the image diverts to original. I have tried the duration of the zoom finishing as the transition starts but this zooms the first image to that point and then it drops to normal size. I have also tried with the zoom continuing to the end of the transition but still not my desired result.

Maybe I can't achieve want I want which was to zoomand image and then to transition into a second image without a zoom but giving a smooth zooming of first image and the second a continual original sized image. Hope this makes sense
How do I put the Fx on the image as suggested by jcardana
I had rasied a topic about a sound problem I had in that I had two audio trks that overlapped not running smoothly on crossover i.e. one fading doen vol and other fading up vol. A suggested solution was to try and Produce to see what happened. The produce only managed 2% and the PD13 crashed... tried creating DVD withiut actual burning again 2% and it crashed. Tried playing the time line and it crashed which I reckoned to be about 2% in on the timeline. ( yet it had been working fine.). I believve the offending part of the ltimeline was an AVI file. I saw the Fix offered and applied very carefully according to thr rules ( see attached file). Rebooted my system and when trying to load PD13 received error msg see second attached file.

How do I undo the Fix and what might be causing my constant crashing... as I said it was working frine a few days ago
Is it possible to have more than one effect on an image..
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