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Zoom and transition
jshepnz [Avatar]
Member Joined: Oct 01, 2012 03:50 Messages: 83 Offline
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Hope I can explain ... I have 2 images and no transition between them. If I also add a zoom fx for the same length as the image it works as I expect. However if I use a transition and I have tried several, it causesa problem.

If I make the zoom the length of the first image with no zoom on the second then the aai.e.half way along the transition then for the beginning of the second image the zoom works until the end of the transition and then the image diverts to original. I have tried the duration of the zoom finishing as the transition starts but this zooms the first image to that point and then it drops to normal size. I have also tried with the zoom continuing to the end of the transition but still not my desired result.

Maybe I can't achieve want I want which was to zoomand image and then to transition into a second image without a zoom but giving a smooth zooming of first image and the second a continual original sized image. Hope this makes sense
The Shadowman
Senior Contributor Location: UK Joined: Dec 15, 2014 13:06 Messages: 1831 Offline
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I tried the following:

Jpeg image wth zoom FX next to Jpeg image with zoom FX. Fade transition added between them.

The above worked really well, a rather nice effect.

What problem did you encounter?

Robert Panny TM10, GH2, GH4,
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