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txt background colour
jshepnz [Avatar]
Member Joined: Oct 01, 2012 03:50 Messages: 83 Offline
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When adding a title that will be superimposed over an image with a start and end option the txt sometimes is lost because of image colours. I believe ther is a way to have a set colour background for this txt.

How is it achieved
The Shadowman
Senior Contributor Location: UK Joined: Dec 15, 2014 13:06 Messages: 1831 Offline
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You can do this nicely with Titler Pro, you find it in the text menus under New Blue.

Drag the Titler down to your timeline and place it under where you want your text to show. Stretch it as necessary.

Enter your text as you wish, Then under the library tab select shapes and then click on "rectangle" to open the selection. Try as an example dragging down the Bar Grey Fade and place it under the text in the New Blue Titler timeline. Click on the attributes tab and then select "object" and reduce the opacity to about 30%.

Make sure that in the titler preview screen that the bar is behind your text. Also make sure that on the titler timeline the text is above the shape. If not you can drag it to the correct place.

So what you should get is text with a background that's not affected by your video colours Panny TM10, GH2, GH4,
jshepnz [Avatar]
Member Joined: Oct 01, 2012 03:50 Messages: 83 Offline
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Shadowman, thank you very much for this info
jshepnz [Avatar]
Member Joined: Oct 01, 2012 03:50 Messages: 83 Offline
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Is Tiler pro an add on ? or not in Ultra. I could not see any New Blue under my Title room..I did see several New Blue options under the fx selection..

I clearly am not understanding ... help
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi jshepnz -

That's right. If you have PDR Ultra, you don't have NB Titler Pro.

BUT all is not lost. You can easily do what you want with what you have laughing

In the screenshot, the colour board has been resized and opacity set to 70%.

In this tutorial, you'll see how the colour board is modified in PiP Designer - - the colour boards bit starts at 0:30 but the rest of the toot might give you a few ideas. N.B. you don't need to bother about taking snapshots (shown in the toot) - that's only if you want to make title bars/lower thirds to re-use.

Cheers - Tony
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The Shadowman
Senior Contributor Location: UK Joined: Dec 15, 2014 13:06 Messages: 1831 Offline
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A variation on Tony's theme that I felt was a little less stark. I felt the version in this screen shot would be more suitable for the average video.

You may think otherwise.

[Thumb - textshow.png]
1152 Kbytes
29 time(s)
Panny TM10, GH2, GH4,
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