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Downloading DVD Menus
jshepnz [Avatar]
Member Joined: Oct 01, 2012 03:50 Messages: 83 Offline
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I selected Create and opted to download a DVD Menu Template from the DZ web pages. On selecting download I received msg saying I needed a bowser (see attached file)I have Google Chrome installed on my PCand use it all the time. Any ideas why I would receive this msg
[Thumb - ScreenHunter_06 May. 06 15.32.jpg]
ScreenHunter_06 May. 06 15.32.jpg
Screen image of msg
16 Kbytes
22 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Zip, zilch & zero!

Pretty odd message when, obviously, when you clicked on the DZ icon in PDR's Menu Preferences, your browser opened!

Google Chrome is set as your default browser. Yes?

You can always just open your browser and go to DZ DVD Menus and download/install from there (rather than doing it through PDR).

Cheers - Tony
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