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So Slow
jshepnz [Avatar]
Member Joined: Oct 01, 2012 03:50 Messages: 83 Offline
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I have Windows 10-64 CPU Intel i5 and * Mb RAM

My PD 14 Ultra was working fairly fast in reponse to all editing selections and saving and loading of projects.

For some reason it has began to run very slow.. having to wait seconds for funstions to happen ie. Load title, select audi for moving or truncating etc. Loading and Saving projects take 3-4 times longer than usual.

Checked what else was running in my PC no updates etc.

Can anyone think of why this may be happening.

Is it worth re-loading the OD software.
kmjk333 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Feb 16, 2016 02:23 Messages: 93 Offline
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When using PD14, turn off all the crap running in the background. Skype, instant messenger, web browsing, turn off your anti-virus (disable internet if turn off AV),
Firewalls off. Everything turn off that is running in the back ground that is not needed.

When you screen is slow, how much RAM is in use/ how much total RAM you have?

Run CCLeaner to clear out all temp file crap and unneeded files sitting on your hard drive taking up space.

If unsure of the above, ask before you select something "wrong'
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