Hi optodata
Thank You very much for jumping in and trying to help.
I am now thinking the problem has to do with audio files.
After deleting all the files from the Downloaded Library I found that if I download photos and video clips - everything works as intended but as soon as I download an audio clip(from Sound Clips or Background music) is when I get the warning message and things get strange.
I did not install the codecs you suggested because the all the video files seem to work perfectly.
I have contacted Support and will wait and see what happens.
In the mean time I did a Google search and saw this problem has giving Power Director users problems as far back as 2007 maybe even longer. So my expectations of getting this resolved is almost none but will give support a chance and see what they come up with.
Thank You very much for trying to help me out!!
I tried as you suggested but could only delete one item at a time and had to restart P.D. each time for that to happen. After the Downloaded Library was empty I downloaded a couple Shutterstock video clips and that went well until I tried an audio file from Background Music and Sound Clips. I then got The Parameter is Incorrect warning again. These audio clips were in the Downloaded Library but not visible. After adding the audio files if I moved from the Downloaded Library to the Media Content Library and then try to re enter the Downloaded Library I get The Parameter is Incorrect and I can not enter the Downloaded Library until I restart P.D.
I will now try your second suggestion to try ask Support.
I do really appreciate you help Thank You!!
I'm using Director Suite 365 and when I go into the Media Room and select Downloded I can see several downloaded items but not all are visible. I can hover over a seemingly empty spot and the name of the downloaded file shows up and I can drag it onto the timeline. But is not visible in the Downloaded Library. On a right mouse click I get the option to delet from Disc but no option to delete from library. I'm thinking if I delete from the disc that item will be permanently deleted from Power Director.
Another thing is when I download from Shutterstock or iStock, I get a Cyberlink Power Director warning that says "The Parameter is Incorrect". The file will download and I get a confirmation box that says that it was successfully downloaded and is now available in the Media Libray. I can use this downloaded file (whether it is visible or only the file name shows when hovering) but after leaving the Downloaded Library i can not re enter the Downloaded Library unless I restart Power Director - I get that same warning "The Parameter is Incorrect.
My plan was to try delete everything from the Downloaded Library and see if it works but with no option to delete from library only to delete from disc I'm nervous that I will not be able to download that file again for future use.
Please any help fixing this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
OOPS this might help Windows 11 Home version 22h2 with a NVIDIA GeForce TRX 3050Ti
Thanks Philwild
I will be on the lookout for red dots - that does help - Thankyou!
On a side note I looked at the FAQ (All thru them) and espeacially checked "How do I download and install the CyberLink Application Manager(Cam) - I for the life of me can not find where it mentions red dots - not that it matters now
Thanks again Philwild
I really do thank you for answering my first question - that really helped.
I do appreciate the links but no where can I find the answer to where I will find notifcation of new things(that apparently come out each month) or where to go to view or install those items
Thanks again
Hi Guys
Just installed PD Suite 365 on a new laptop I was using PD Suite 16 on my old laptop.
In CAM I can see Photo/Power/Audio/Color directors and have installed them with no problem.
Below those I can see listed "Director Suite 6 Director Suite 5" and "Creative Design Pack 1.0 Holiday 2012.
These are also available to install - should I install those files or are they just old versions that will just clutter up my laptop?
Apparently updates to various pluggins and Effects are released every month - will those updates show up in the CAM window?
These are probably stupid questions - sorry
I have spent time looking for answers but even with being familiar with PD 16 I am finding info on 365 is kind of overwhelming.
Thanks for your Help
WOW thank you Optodata that is a lot of very usefull information and Prevaljo I learned a lot from your post also - Thank You.
Now I need to ponder on what to do.
I will be getting a new laptop this New Year and wondering if all my purchased packs will be available in PD 19 or 365.
My PD 9 thru PD16 files are scattered absolutely everywhere on the laptop I use at this time (transfered from laptop to laptop thur the years)
I want to clean up the mess and have to replace my laptop so I am thinking of purchasing PD19 to stat from fresh or 365 but do not want to loose the purchased effect packs etc. With 365 will I have acess to everything including including purchased extras from previous versions of PD?
Could not wait for the weekend had to see if it works. LOL
Better mention all the old versions are "Director Suite" versions so have Audio,Color,and Photo Director - my latest version is "Director Suite 6"
First I backed up my laptop then
I went thru my C and D drives and copied - Shared files,New Blue files and folder,Templates and anything else I was concerned about - that was a lot of info onto an external drive.
I then went about deleting the old programs from my laptop which was not as simple as I thought - there were boxes to tick but it was pretty straight forward.
After restarting and trying "Power Director 16 - it worked - Happy Happy Joy Joy
I saw both my "WaveEditor and WaveEditor2" icons were greyed out - I tried to find the deleted info to get them working but gave up because I use "Audio Director 8" and never use "WaveEditor"
I then Tried "Color Director 6 and it worked but neither "Audio or Photo Director" would work ...just got a message saying files missing or moved. Lucky for me I found them in the recycle bin(???) and selecting restore made everthing work normally again.
I have not produced anything yet but so far everything is working good and have not used any of the copied files that I saved externally
Oh Ya just wanted to mention I freed up 22 Gigs of space
I got an answer back from Tech Support already - Wow thats fast!
Don't know if I can copy/paste the response body here but basically they said to simply remove the old programs as normal but did say to save "effects" to an external drive or such.
So I think I will go thru all the versions and save any Holiday/travel packs,music and sound files and copy them to an external drive.
Not sure about things like NewBlue FX ...so I will also save a copy of those files also.
Then I will delect the older versions
Hope to get time next weekend - I'll let you know if I'm crying or laughing.
I have submitted the question to Tech Support
I have many versions of Powerdirector Suite installed on my laptop from as far back as 2013 - I did not delete the older versions as the new ones came out because I was scared about loosing something to make it work.
So as my laptops wear out I keep saving all the old versions and all Cybelink folders to my new laptops - the result being a laptop that has a lot of memory tied up with old versions.(scattered everywhere}
Now I want to freeup some space and saw that the older versions are taking up several Gigs of space.
My question is how do I safely delete the older versions with out lose of functionallity and saved info.
Should I be delecting "Rar" and "application folders" - I assume I sould try go thru the various Cyberlink folders that are scattered thru my lap top on both "C" and "D" drives and save the zipped folders(like "50 boom Library" and "Muserk music" and saved Effects etc) to a folder and put that folder somewhere? Is there anything that must not be delected or moved?
Please any help would be GREATLY appreciated
I'm thinking the newest version won't have anything saved on the laptop it will all be in the cloud is that correct?
Maybe I should wait until its time to replace this laptop then just start with fresh install and HOPE all my paid for extras(Holiday Packs etc) will work
The last 3 or 4 videos I have finished will not upload to YouTube or DirectorZone from Power Directors upload page. I can take the MPEG4 file and use YouTube's upload page and it works to get into YouTube - BUT - I can not figure out how to upload the video to DirectorZone. Not really a big deal but it would be nice to share the timeline and my 2 subscribers might like to see my videos even if they are not as good as the videos you more experienced guys make. Ya Ya I know 2 subscribers is not much but I have to start somewhere LOL
Problem Solved!!
First the problem - So as of a few minutes ago the problem still persisted - when I click on WaveEditor either from within PD11 or from the desktop it only opens in the toolbar at the bottom of the page and will not open fully when I click on that toolbar icon. This problem started immediately after installing the latest patch.
The Solution - I think I should be embarrassed by the simplicity of the remedy - in my defense I amazed my self when suddenly it was full screen not just an icon anymore - all I had to do was "right click" on the toolbar icon and select "Maximize".
Go figure!! It worked fine before the patch update. I certainly had no idea that option was available by right clicking the icon.
I may be embarrassed..... but am really happy WaveEditor is back.
Thanks to all that took the time to consider what may have gone wrong I really appreciate the help!!
I have been working with support all week and they have been very quick with responses and have had me do a few things to try get WaveEditor to work again. So far no luck. Currently I am waiting for a response back from support after the last failed attempt(worried cause its been a couple days)
So as of today the problem still persists - when I click on WaveEditor either from within PD11 or from the desktop it only opens in the toolbar at the bottom of the page and will not open fully when I click on that toolbar icon. This problem started immediately after installing the latest patch.
I'm willing to try anything to get WaveEditor back - if support has not responded by the end of the day - I will ask they how to completely wipe PD11 off my laptop and try a complete reinstall (they had me do a partial uninstall and reinstall with no luck)
Thank you very very much Carl I will give that a try right now
Yes I have the paid for version of PD11 Ultimate.(upgraded from PD10)
I have found that WaveEditor is a free download avaiable to anyone not just people with PD - just not sure if I
remove that program from my laptop and then reinstall it - if will it work seamlessly with PD11 again.
In other words will I still be able to right click an imported sound track and select WaveEditor and have WaveEditor open
so I can do sound edits as normal.(after the removal and reinstallation of WaveEditor)
Like I said I'm no computer wiz but if I right click the desktop icon for Cyberlink WaveEditor and select "Troubleshoot compatibility"
and then follow the steps it ends up with a message that says "Issues Found - Incompatible Program Detected"
Maybe I should try something else - has anyone else had trouble with WaveEditor since the last patch - It did work perfectly for me on my Windows 8 laptop the day before the patch but will not work the day after the patch.
PD11 and WaveEditor are both Cyberlink right? So what if I try uninstall WaveEditor and reinstall it from a site on the internet.
do you think it will still work seamlessly with PD11? I'm thinking maybe something went wrong with the patch download and it corrupted WaveEditor - I am just grasping at straws - not a computer wiz.
PD11 still works I can import an audio file but when I right click to modify the imported audio file and select WaveEditor it will not open. Also if I click on the WaveEditor icon on my desk top it shows normally on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen but will not open on the main screen so I can use it.