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Thanks very much for the response, Dafudd.

- Responding to Q1 ("What are you attempting to do?"):

In a word, Save. "How to save from here -(opening of create disc)." "Here" being the screen shot in my 7-23 message (attached again here). With Tony's help, I think "here" must be after "Apply" in create disc - not in Modify.

Less specifically, I am trying to create a menu. I was able to create a complete menu in that space. Previewed fine. Just can't save it, or can't find it after "save project."

Can see some of the work when go to "Menu Structure" but can't access it to work on or use it - it's not in any template I select. (Even there, in menu structure, some titles reverted from mine to "my videos," odd.)

Tried to provide a step-by-step illustration of this difficulty in prior posts.

- Responding to your Q2 (I see you've added a number of titles to your own menu, why?):

If you're referring to the two color/stylized text boxes on the title (root) page, I'm naming my video and who's in it. (These boxes are the elements I am unable to do anything with from "here.")

You mention that A MENU title displayed on the DVD should be short, but that Titles within the video can be as long as you wish. Not sure why this is - and you mention that "[I] appear, from the image 3.png, to be adding video titles to the DVD menu, why?"

If you refer to the "my videos" pages behind the main title, they are there to hold my ten chapters. I'd have put all ten on the main title page, but the limit is four for BluRay and this template had three. I called the pages "Chapters, Page 1," etc.

Hope this helps you to help me. At risk of going long, beyond the save question, I am trying to understand the program - sensing a fundamental misunderstanding operating as a block. My current best understanding is that the program allows changes to made (from "here" - in "create disc" outside of Modify) that cannot be saved, and that doesn't compute. I do believe my longer versions offer a better view of "where I am."

I appreciate any light you - or anyone - can offer.


I'm not getting responses to my too-long question so I'll try editing it down here:

To duplicate my experience: I go into "create disc." Before I select any template there's already some generic menu/template showing, with the essential buttons already there. Good. And I can make changes on it. I can change the background (well, I did, my frame's not there now), move boxes/buttons, and change text. I make changes, and "save," using the only save function available here, "save project."

To get off this page, which apparently can't be closed, I select a template. (OK, maybe I should say "select another" template, but when I went in to "Create Disc," there was already one there, I didn't select or apply anything.) Again, you can make changes. Now "save" that.

Now go back to the original "saved" template. Your work is lost. Try re selecting the selected (or second) template. Again, changes lost.

I think "Jamie-esque" (prior response) understands all this, and it's no bother, as he says "if you re-apply the same menu it will go back to default." That seems to be exactly what happens, which means that the changes made were not saved at all? The "same menu" was unchanged by the "save?" What, if anything, was saved?

A) How can I save those changes? (Or why can I make changes that cannot be saved?)

I have to go to "modify" for an effective (saveable) change? When I go to modify I don't see the template I expect. It's similar but the important buttons are gone and replaced with "items" that are for what?

I want to stay where there are "play" and "scenes" buttons, as I've never seen how to create these functions.

B) How do I get the "play" and "scenes" buttons I have before I go into Modify to stay there when I go to Modify? If I created them I don't recall how, and if they are part of the template, or were "given" to me, which I'm pretty sure is the case, why are they stripped in Modify? Seems senseless, so I feel I have fundamental misunderstanding.

See screenshot. This is what I get when I go into "menu structure." I can double-click on elements in the structure here and see what I've done is there. Most of it.

The chapter titles, the thumbnails, the general structure, all there. But the main title and page names are "back to default."
So some work was saved, other work not, but I can't access any of it. Odd.

By access, I mean use. I take it I need to be able to click on a template, apply it, and burn from that. And click on a template, enter "modify," and have this work there to modify. But I have no template that takes me to any of this work. (That's not just on this computer, where, with the PD program obviously loaded per the structure shown, there is no "elk 2010" template, but also on my main computer, where there are two "elk" templates but they don't call this up, just some (relatively) fancy text editing.)

Ideas? Anyone? This is very discouraging.
Thanks, Jamie-esque. I'm really desperate to understand this. My post is way too long, but I think I got it down to two questions and an oddity begging explanation.

There might be a way, though my gut says it's be a frustrating waste, using the amount of time/effort now going into these question posts, that I can get something done using what feels like work-arounds, but that won't be like learning the program, and will be hard to repeat or build on. And I need help with that.

You ask how I saved. In the screenshot of where I was I think there is a "save" icon called "save project" toward the left end of the very top bar. I presume it is the same function as "save project" under File. I used that.

I can go in now, without the project loaded (so I thought - see oddity) on this laptop, and make changes, save project, and the menu/template changes aren't saved.

To duplicate my experience: I go into "create disc." Before I select any template there's already some generic menu/template showing, with the essential buttons already there. Good. (For all I know, it's one I picked a long time ago, but in my case it has title, plus play and scenes buttons and looks usable, unlike what I get if I go into "Modify," expecting to see the template I selected to modify. See note on buttons below.) And I can make changes on it. I can change the background (well, I did, my frame's not there now), move boxes/buttons, and change text. I make changes, and "save."

This page apparently can't be closed. I can leave it, as you point our, by going to "edit." But on return to "Create Disc," it's still there. Without restarting the program I don't know how to test the "save" other than by selecting and "applying" a template.

So now I select a template. (OK, maybe I should say "select another" template, but when I went in to "Create Disc," there was already one there, I didn't select or apply anything.) Again, you can make changes. Now "save" that.

Now go back to the original "saved" template. Your work is lost. Try re selecting the selected (or second) template. Again, changes lost.

I think you understand all this, and it doesn't bother you, as you said "if you re-apply the same menu it will go back to default." That seems to be exactly what happens, which means that the changes made were not saved at all? The "same menu" was unchanged by the "save?" What, if anything, was saved?

I can, as you say, "navigate around PD without it changing." But I can't actually save the changes? If I go to another template, or leave the program, the changes are just gone? When I select a template I've changed and saved, I expect to see the changed template, not be taken back to square one.

A) How can I save those changes? (Or why can I make changes that cannot be saved?)

I have to go to "modify" for an effective change? When I go to modify I don't see the template I expect. It's similar but the important buttons are gone and replaced with items that are for what? So I back out of that unfriendly space.

I've seen/read a lot, and I know I'm supposed to be able to add buttons, and I'll look at the PD Toots, but setting the function of a button? Recall nothing on that, and can't imagine how. Calling a button "play" isn't going to make it that, and I'm not sure I've seen anything on how to even tell a button from a text box. So I want to stay where there are "play" and "scenes" buttons.

B) How do I get the "play" and "scenes" buttons I have before I go into Modify to stay there when I go to Modify? If I created them I don't recall how, and if they are part of the template, or were "given" to me, which I'm pretty sure is the case, why are they stripped in Modify? Seems senseless, so I feel I have fundamental misunderstanding.

See screenshot. My video isn't on this laptop, but the PD file is, and this is what I get when I go into "menu structure." So everything isn't lost, at least not on this computer. I just don't know how to get to it. That's odd. I'd like to "modify" it but no existing template carries anything like what I see here in "menu structure." I can double-click on elements in the structure here and see what I've done is there. Most of it.

The chapter titles, the thumbnails, the general structure, all there. But the main title and page names are "back to default."
So some work was saved, other work not, and I can't access any of it. Odd.

By access, I mean use. I take it I need to be able to click on a template, apply it, and burn from that. And click on a template, enter "modify," and have this work there to modify. But I have no template that takes me to any of this work. (That's not just on this computer, where, with the PD program obviously loaded per the structure shown, there is no "elk 2010" template, but also on my main computer, where there are two "elk" templates but they don't call this up, just some (relatively) fancy text editing.)

Ideas? Anyone? This is very discouraging.
Please see screen shot. I am in "create disc" trying to make a menu. Feeling very, very dense.

I have selected a template I created (started on) long ago and clicked "apply." (I am not in "Modify.")

I made some changes to this. Moved buttons, eliminated some text ("enter text here") in an unused box. Then I clicked save and saved the template over the same name I loaded. So it seemed to be a good save.

But not so.

When I go back to the same template, after the "save," and click "apply," the buttons are moved back were they were, and the unwanted text is back. (I really don't know how to simply close the page and re-open it - "APPLY" takes me somewhere strange, to me. Can change it, can't save it, can't leave it without losing it.)

A) How do I save these changes, or why (on earth) can I make changes but not save them? And, even if it can't be saved, is there even a way to leave this page without losing the changes there? I presume that if I burn from here the changes will be reflected in the disc?

Now, if I venture into "Modify" with this template, it is not the same. An unfriendly space. The selected template changes. The "play" and "scenes" buttons are gone, replaced with numbered "item" buttons and a row of arrows. I can guess at (! - not where I'd like to be!) the arrow functions, but the "items?" What does one do with a title page and no play or chapter buttons?

B) So, when I select a template to "Modify," why am I presented with a different (and seemingly toothless) template? And what does one do with it to add teeth ("play," "scenes")?
I have finally gotten back to PD, and there is no trace of my work even though I did "save project," the only save function available (?) where I was.

Tony was right, I was not in Modify, and I had clicked "apply." I think the lost work was all done before "apply" was clicked, on some generic template that appears before you select anything. Selecting a template I lose that. You can make changes in that space, but you can't save them - that's my understanding now, but it can't be true. Can it?

Opening the three templates that look like they are my work does not get me back to where I was. (I believe I created them long ago, and they're unrelated to my how-to-save and lost work issue.) If you refer to the screenshot in the message above you'll see a play button and a chapters button. Gone. I have numbered "Item" buttons, (Which mean nothing to me! No "play," no "scenes" or chapters," how does this work?). And the chapter pages presentation that shows up alongside the template - in the "modify," "apply," "apply to all pages" window - is generic and not anything like what I had.

I can see my chapters in "Menu Structure," with their names, but the main title and the page names I used are gone - all back to "My Videos."

How I would ever access the structure without a "scenes" button (replaced by "item" boxes) on the title page I do not know. The generic title window that shows before I go into "Modify" has one of my frames as background and the rather useful "play" and "scenes" (which I had renamed "chapters") buttons are there. I have attached a screenshot of this space, as I do think it is where I worked.

So if I work from where there is a "play" and a "scenes" button, I cannot save the work? And if I go to Modify, I haven't a clue how to make/access those functions?

I was 98% done with menu and chapters, and now I am in a real mess. Lost work, and much worse, have no clue how to recreate it. (well, I might be able to recreate it outside of Modify, before "Apply," but that's back to square one - how to SAVE that.)

I did the lost work on my laptop and saved it (hummm . . .) to a thumb drive, which I still have. I know that worked, because that's how I got it onto this desktop, where my bluray sometimes-burner is. I will go back to the drive, rename the PD file (to avoid confusion, or try) and open that project. But I imagine that, at best, will put me back where I was when I was afraid to leave the page (not in Modify, just in "create disc") because I didn't trust the "save project" button there. Which in fact didn't work.

So even if I find my work, what then?

Thanks, Tony - you seem to have a grip on my world and I'd like to see if I can refine it and get any more light in here.

For reasons not related to PD I've had to restart my main computer, and am not back at it now. So my how-do-I-save-this-nearly-finished-menu-before-leaving-this page issue, unaddressed, is moot. I did use the "save project" button that was there. I'll find out if it's there tonight.

I didn't mention it but none of the thumbnails of saved menu templates matches the existing template. Still didn't after the "save." That was a source of my unease about the save issue.

I'm sure I did "select a menu template" to get there, and probably "apply" - the chapter pages have a different look from the menu or title page.

I'm OK with the way the chapter pages look, so I needn't select "Apply to all pages," right? Just "Apply"?

Now, if I read a little into your message, the answer to the puzzle about why I can work with some elements in this window and not others, is that some are simple and others are not within the "basic text formatting" that can be done here. But I can't even align them, can't even see the text box, just can't touch them. And since I can change other things, and did, on the menu template and on the chapter pages, I'm left with that save issue. What happens to that work when you leave that window - you selected "apply" to get there and now changed it - and can't "apply" the changes? If I can make changes, I should be able to save them, surely. Perhaps it will all clear up tonight.

I do have the program on this computer, and I just disturbed myself by playing with it. Selected a menu template, clicked "apply," made a change, and cannot find any way to save or "apply" it. Tried "save project", "apply" after making the changes (that re-applys the unchanged template and you can see that your work is lost). It's utterly senseless to be able to make changes but not be able to save them, so what am I missing here?

Right now it appears that I will find all my work lost, since I did it in this window. I even previewed the work, so losing it this way will be arrrrrrgh.

Hope you can clear this up for me - Thanks much-


Please see screenshot.

I've been away from this project for a while and forgotten how I did what I did and am not quite sure where I am. I only need to change it a little and it will be "good enough" in the circumstances. I can work with some elements in this shot but cannot touch the colored stylized ones, main title and "Starring." I created those elements but do not recall how and simply cannot touch them in this window.

1) Can anyone tell me exactly where I am? (In modify? Then why can I only work with certain elements? In the "main Disc Menu"? In "Menu Designer?")

2) How can I work with the main title and "starring" elements? (Again, how is it that I can work with some elements - evidently the original template ones, and not with others, the ones I added?)

I am afraid to navigate away from this for fear of losing my work - the four following chapter pages are done, OK. This page only needs a couple of tweaks. (Uniform stylization and centered title.)

3)How can I be sure this menu page and the pages following are saved before navigating away (to look for a place where I can work with the presently untouchable elements)?

The only "save" function I see here is "Save project." I am aware of and confused by saving issues within menu designer - save the "project", and perhaps the menu's not saved, different save functions for different parts of the project, for menu and menu structure. I seem to recall directions for saving a menu template or something in the menu design that involved "OK."

(This is a complete, hopefully simpler, restatement of a message I posted two days ago.)
Thanks - but I'm looking to modify the menu I have open now, and I've made some changes to it and to the pages behind it that I don't want to lose. I want to save this menu, and I only see "save project," which doesn't sound like what I want. For some reason, where I am, I'm able to work with some elements of the menu but not others. That's why I'm curious just where I am - am I in Modify or not? Going out and back in seems worth a try but how to get out without loss?
I've been reading posts, reading the manual, watching videos, and I'm having trouble applying what I learn to where I am in the process. The buttons aren't there, etc. Started this a long time ago, don't remember how I got as far as I did, just about ready to give it up and try to burn what I have, but I do need to make a couple of changes and can't where I am. This is where I am (attempting screenshot, humm - cut and paste from snipped screenshot won't work, paste is greyed out; "send to email recipient," no luck there; cut and paste from saved file won't work, paste greyed again: cut and paste from image file of it won't work; ):

Well, I clearly don't know how the attachment feature works. Trying to get the screenshot into this message I hit "enter" and evidently that did it but it SENT the unfinished message, too. I think. Can't tell when something is attached till send, then? We'll see in Preview, perhaps. [No such luck - I clicked attachments (again), found the file, there it is in a window on the right, not in my message anywhere, and now not in the preview of the message. Can't think what else to do. If there's no screenshot here after I "submit," perhaps someone can help me on that!]

From here (see screenshot - I hope) I can deal with the Play and Chapter elements and one unused button at the upper left, which I presume are the elements that were in the template originally. I can move them, resize them, rewrite them, etc. But the other items, those that I have to have added myself - but don't recall how - I cannot touch. I need to change the color of the text and center (align, move) the title. So I'm not sure if I am in "Modify" or not.

Anyway, I'm thinking I need to save what I have here in the way of a menu so I can then re-select that saved template to make the "modify" button pop up, and select that. Then perhaps I can change fonts and align text in the currently untouchable elements.

I have seen a video that seems to say - does say - the save button at the top will do that, but that button says it is a "save project" button, and I know (without understanding) that saving the project is different from saving the menu, and I'm not sure saving the project saves the menu. That's an area of confusion for me.

How do I save the menu template from here? I've done a Preview of the existing setup (ten chapters, named, with video thumbnails, on four Chapter pages after the menu template) and everything works, so I don't want to risk losing what I have. But I need to change type/color and move one of those currently untouchable boxes on the title page.

Can some kind soul tell me where I am in this screenshot (hoping) and how I make the needed changes from here, without losing work?
Thanks - things are clearing up. I understand from Robert that the limit per page for BluRay is four. That's where I was thrown.

In effect, PD divided my ten chapters into four different Titles (=Scenes), not because there was design logic to it or I had accidentally done it, but because of the four button limit. In this case, I should just view the additional "Titles/Scenes" as pages and rename them as such. "Chapters, Page One," etc.

Please let me know if that doesn't seem correct.

I did see the link you provided. I haven't run into just that issue yet.
Thanks - I've looked into that link and the links supplied there and beyond, and the confusion deepens. Multiple Titles in one menu structure? No mention of "Scenes."

And don't think I have a problem with chapters and titles, just the "scenes" interjected between. Two levels, top and chapters, seems plenty.

I am now just viewing "scenes" as pages required to have more chapters. Evidently there is an unexpectedly low limit on buttons per page. At least that's where I am now. Not that I like it. My total frame of reference is commercial videos. One title page with one chapters or scenes (interchangeable terms in this use) button to link to the chapters page, with umpteen chapters/scenes there.
Thanks - not the answer I wanted, but sure saves a lot of angst trying to do what isn't allowed. An unexpected limitation.

The commercial DVDs and BluRays I'm very accustomed to viewing have apparently unlimited number of chapters and all on the title page, or on one page that is one "Chapters" click away from the title page, and I've never run into the "Scenes" concept. Am I right to view "Scenes" as additional "pages" that are required for more (i.e., more than 4 for BluRay) chapter buttons??

After I name and save the template, I should be able to change the names of the "Scenes"/Pages after clicking "author"?

Thanks again
Elementary, I'm sure, but I do not understand the use of "Scenes" in Menu Designer. Title, Chapters, Subtitles if wanted, but "Scenes"?

They have inserted themselves, unasked and unwanted, into my menu structure, dividing my chapters into threes. The best I can tell is they are for what I would call different titles on the same disc, which would be odd naming, so that seems questionable. And somehow I have run into a three Chapter per scene/title limit, which I didn't think existed. At any rate, I'm sure don't need them ("Scenes" or any sub-headings at all) in my menu structure. What are they for? How can I get rid of them?

I read Robert's excellent "Notes" ( which I believe was addressed to version 7, and it mentions "My Videos, Play, and Chapters" appearing in the stock template. That would be good.

In 9 I see NO "Chapters," but I do see "Scenes." Right now my ten Chapters are divided in to four "Scenes" (they're all called "My Videos," but I guess that's just the default title for "Scenes"). So I have "My Videos" (the title, which I'll rename) at the root of the structure, then a sub-heading called "My Videos," which I take to be a Scene, containing three Chapters, then another sub-heading of "My Videos" with another three Chapters, then a third the same, and a forth "Scene" with my tenth Chapter in it. My Chapters do not need to be split up. What are the Sub-Headings or "Scenes" doing there and how do I remove them?

Many thanks for your patience.
Thanks, Robert, especially for the link. I could swear I was there (I went "everywhere") and there was no new message button. The only thing I could find was "reply."

In fact, right now, without your link I still can't get to "post new message." If I back up to "forum index" from this page (crash issue thread) there is no new message button. But when I go there (forum index!) from your link, there it is.

I think I've tried every link and button on this site - obviously I'm blind. Can't even see my message now, guess it was taken down as misplaced. Wish I'd kept a copy.
With apologies - was sure I posted this, but evidently that was only in DirectorZone and that's different. I did a search here and can't find it, so:

I'm new, and editing using features in "Fix/Enhance." Problem with "Audio Denoise" settings. Audio denoise offers three separate parameters and allows (or certainly appears to allow) individual adjustment of two, "stationary noise" and "wind noise." My issue is that, contrary to the interface appearances, I cannot set them independently. Select one, adjust the slider that appears with it, select the other, adjust that slider, look back at the first again and see it's been adjusted just as the second. Can't have one up and the other down, and since I like the stationary and don't care for the wind (alters voices) that's a problem. Doesn't seem right, so I'm looking for help.

I have over 100 separate splits in the current project and even if I could master Wave Editor enough to reduce camera noise (I don't use a separate mic., as my shooting is usually secondary to both another activity (like hunting) and still photography, my primary imaging venue - so I'm carrying bocoodles of stuff) I don't want to go in there and do it for that many splits. The simple stationary noise function works well.

Another issue - For some reason selecting the third parameter, "clicking noise," does not bring up an adjustment slider. It also, from listening, doesn't seem to do anything - but then I don't see that there's any way to tell if it's activated or not, either.

Thanks for your patience.
Dafydd -

Right, it does look that way right now - the builder's mother died yesterday evening so I'll hold off on that approach for a few days and try anything else.

Thanks- this forum's been very responsive.
Was trying to copy my message from "quick reply" screen to past it here and it sent from there. Here's the diagnostics, I hope.
Diagnostics - I'm very unsure I did this right - did the save, to desktop, found it, opened it, copied it, and it doesn't seem that's what I should be providing - a real hog, but here it is (I see nothing about the firewire input or motherboard mfg., but I can see that "ASUS" is written - stamped in big white letters - on the motherboard):
System Information

OK, I had it all copied here and it would not send. Went to "saving" and stayed there. So I deleted it and am seeing if I can submit this - how should I have sent the system info? Don't see an attach option here
Getting "You cannot use the capture function because the i link mode on the hdv machine is not identical to the recorded format on the tape. Please check the tape status or make sure the contents of the tape is hdv format and then reconnect the ilink again." Sony HDR-HC5 connected via firewire to Powerdirector on new Win 7 Pro 64bit. The recorded format is HD. My computer recognizes the camera and powerdirector can control it over the firewire; I can even capture from the camera mode, but not from tape in the play mode.

Googled, see this exact problem a lot and only "solution" seems to be update firewire card driver. Found thread here with same solution, but that was HP computer and solution was link to HP driver. My firewire port in on motherboard, ASUS P7P55-M.

Computer is brand new and was built to do hd to blu-ray, came with Cyberlink powerdirector. Hard to believe deficient driver. Googled "p7p55-m driver" and got "we found driver for your p7p55-m" from third party driver update software folks but don't trust "we found driver." I have been to ASUS and find a bewildering array of drivers for the motherboard, none specific to firewire, and hesitate to mess with the motherboard. See no way to contact ASUS.

I have run programs to update drivers, been to Microsoft and to Sony for any updates, downloaded and installed all possible suspects, even upgraded from powerdirector from 7 to 9, all with little hope and no result. Ideas? I'm no tech whiz and am new to editing, so I'm hoping for suggestions/solutions that don't make my eyes glaze over. (for reference, they glazed over reading the readme file here - no clue how to provide a screenshoot (NA here) or Direct X diagnostics, and what's avatar?) Thanks -

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