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Hi apollo11 -

Using my grossly underpowered Win10 laptop (I don't use it for serious video editing), I took PowerDirector Moderator's suggestion & tried it in PDR15.

With a yellow colour board in Track 1 & the Kite Surfing sample clip in Track 2, all the chroma-key sliders worked as expected. Naturally, if you take one slider to the extreme minimum or maximum the other adjustments have little or no impact.

Here's a screen capture -

Cheers - Tony
Hi dfault22 -

You could just upload the video directly through your channel once you've produced it.

If you use PDR's YouTube uploader the video will be WMV, so you don't get to choose the format.

In theory, this is what should happen:

  1. Go to Produce > Online > YouTube

  2. Complete details & select output profile

  3. Hit Start > Authorization screen (click Authorize)

  4. Fill in email address for account > Next > Password > Next

  5. Verify account

  6. Click Allow on next screen

  7. Video produces & uploads to your account

At what point does it fail for you?

Cheers - Tony
Hi Immortal -

There's seriously no advantage at all in rendering 30fps video at 60fps. I think what may be making you video choppy in playback is the low video bitrate.

Was it really recorded at 1000kbps (IMbps)? How was it recorded? If the video quality isn't too good to start with, it's hard to fix that.

There may not be default profiles for MP4 60fps, but you can easily create one by clicking the + button.

Cheers - Tony
Oh I get it - you're copying from two tracks at once. In that case, that's exactly what the rest of us would get.

If you split the clip in T1 and copy it, paste in in T3 - then split the clip in T2 & paste in in T4 at the same point (directly under the other clip you pasted), that should give you the result.

In the screen capture, I was only copying from T1.

Cheers - Tony
Could you post a screenshot of your timelines showing (a) the clip (or part) you want to copy/paste & (b) the track and position you want to paste it?

If you click in Track 3 before pasting it definitely should NOT be pasting in a different track.

Cheers - Tony
Hi kingsmeadow -

Quote: What am I not doing correctly???

After you've copied the part of the clip you want pasted in a different track, are you doing these two things?

  1. Place the scrubber/timeline marker at the point you want to paste, &

  2. Click on the track where you want it pasted

See the attached screen capture.

Cheers - Tony
Jerry -

I'm not a particle maker's bootlace. All I did was take PDR 14's particle template called "Rain" amd modify it.

  1. Drop Rain in the timeline > Modify

  2. Ditch particle 2, 3 & 4, leaving only 1

  3. Made some little green lines in Paint.NET (attached)

  4. Add/Delete Particles - deleted the Rain_4 particle and added the green lines I made in 3.

  5. Turned the thing on its side

  6. Switched Particle Style to "Scale"

  7. Changed size, life & speed parameters

That's about it.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Jerry -

Maybe you used Particle Designer. That would be the most obvious way of doing it, I think.

I just made a couple, fairly quickly, that might be the kind of thing you're after. and

Everything about those particle templates can be modified or removed (including the silly background image).

Cheers - Tony
Hi Midimannz -

I'm probably not following exactly what you're doing, but "Sync by Audio" is designed to align clips from a multi-cam shoot. i.e. the core of the audio content is the same.

When multiple clips are selected & you click "Sync by Audio" the clips are naturally inserted in different track so the audio can be aligned.

It sounds like you're syncing by audio after you've done a fair bit of editing.

Some timeline screenshots and a bit more detail would help.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Anna -

You're not the first person to come up against this. Those lower thirds (and quite a few other title templates) are animations &, because of this, they're stuck in on place. All very well if it suits you.

It's kinda funny because someone else asked about that same title template - Extreme 1 - can't locate the thread right now. That person wanted it moved to the right lower corner.

Each animation file had to be modified separately to make this template. If you find importing .pngs tedious, you probably wouldn't want to muck around moving 150+ separate animation files. Very time consuming.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Anna, Nina & Adrian -

Lately, I've had more of a need for this sort of thing (helping uni students), so your posts have helped me out.

Nina - I've never used Office Mix but I'll check it out.

Adrian - I'd be too embarrassed to describe the steps I take to get Smart Art from Word into PDR. It's way more roundabout than your "Save As" suggestion, even though it works adequately. I'll give that a look-see. Thanks.

Cheers - Tony
There's a little how-to doc attached, showing the steps taken to make that 2560x1440 profile.

Whatever format or profile is needed, basically the same sorts of steps can be followed, editing only the parts of Profile.ini that need changing.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Deeotic -

Yes - by clicking the + button to customise, you can select a 2.7K profile, but not 2.5K.

The only way around it is to edit the Profile.ini, which can be found at C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\CyberLink\PowerDirector\16.0\UserConfigure

You can open Profile.ini with Notepad

Attached is the text of a 2.5K profile (H.264 MP4). If you copy that text and paste it at the start/end of you Profile.ini text, you'll have a 2560x1440 profile available in your custom profiles... but only for H.264 MP4.

Let us know how you get on...

Cheers - Tony
Hi again Sethusk -

What you've shown completely defies logic. A simple change of frame rate would not (should not) produce such a completely different YouTube display.

I just replicated exactly what you've done, but could not replicate your result.

Here is Kite Surfing produced at MPEG-4 640 x 480/30p (6 Mbps) - 29.97fps & here is produced at MPEG-4 640 x 480/30p (6 Mbps) - 30fps Both display correctly.

In the side-by-side MediaInfo reports attached, you'll see the only significant differences are frame rate & duration (related).

Anyway, if you've found something that works, that's great... but there's something else going on there.

Cheers - Tony
Hi FrancoisT -

In PiP Designer, you can uncheck "Maintain Aspect Ratio" and stretch the clip as you wish.

Also, if you right click on the clip, make the selections shown in the attached screenshots.

Cheers - Tony
I have zip, zilch & zero idea what's going on there.

I downloaded your screen capture from YouTube & dropped it in a PDR14 project (yes it was double flipped). After correcting it, I produced to MP4 640x480 (same as before) and uploaded it to YouTube... which displays it correctly!

Try this:

  1. New project

  2. Import & insert the sample clip "Kite Surfing.wmv"

  3. Produce to H.264 AVC MP4 640x480/30p (6Mbps)

  4. Upload to YouTube

Cheers - Tony
Thanks for the info. I don't think a frame rate conflict would have caused the issue of a double-flipped display! surprised

When you playback the produced video on your PC, does it display correctly? Could you post some screenshots or links to the videos that might provide some clues?

Cheers - Tony
Hi Sethusk -

I can't replicate that here.

Using PDR14's standard H.264 AVC MP4 640x480/30p (6Mbps) profile, I produced a short video & uploaded to YouTube & Google Drive. Both display correctly.

Comparing your MediaInfo report with mine, there's an oddity. Yours states:

  • Width : 640 pixels

  • Height : 480 pixels

  • Display aspect ratio : -0.123

  • Original display aspect ratio : 16:9

... where mine simply states that the Display Aspect Ratio is 16:9. MediaInfo attached.

Did you customise the profile in any way?

Cheers - Tony
Hi Francois -

Yes you can.

What you need to do first is import your video, set up the crop you want, then produce to create a "new" video. Repeat that for your other cropped version, so you now have 3 videos each with the same audio.

In the attached screenshot, that's what's been done (except that I started with 2 camera shoots & cropped both).

Cheers - Tony
Glad you partially found it Anna.

It's available for all video formats here, including WMV.

Cheers - Tony
I think it's less to do with PDR13, & more to do with the settings you're applying in the other software... unless there are none.

As an example, in Paint.NET, you can "Fade Edges" on a photo & adjust the width & strength of the feather. A lower strength/intensity setting would leave the edge on the photo (even though it's slightly faded).

If you look at the screenshot you posted from the other photo suite, the edge is still there. Look at the shutters & trees at the top. The visibility of the "edge" will vary depending on the background used.

Perhaps you could attach (a) an original photo & (b) the same photo feathered in that software. That would be helpful.

This little slideshow was made by using that "Fade Edge" effect in Paint.NET, then building & producing in PDR13.

Cheers - Tony
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