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To help cut down on your general stress it would be best to keep it all simple. Only do a full powerdvd install. Once you don any upgrade you just broke you own install and that is when the hell starts. And yes it will take top control of your but you will be fine if you don't brake your full install. Hope this helps.
I now see what is going on. To escape the "Peggy" effect you have to stop trying to update and pay for a new install from a cyberlink free computer each time you want a new version. It is the only way to keep your sanity.
I reviewed the definition of insanity. It was a link to to this forum. So I decided to wise up. If they really wanted you to upgrade from another version it would not be this hard. So here are my new rules: Upgrade bad, Full new installs, all that is left. Of course you could always take you money somewhere else, but if we were that smart we should have gotten the hint long ago.
All you guys have it way better than me. They have me listed as a platinum member yet my powerdvd 11 never functioned on youtube, let me play my own videos, or even played any dvd! All it does is lists me as a paying customer. If I didn't have powerdvd 10 still installed, which powerdvd 11 requiers at all times, I couldn't even player a dvd, or even my winamp that is somehow has hyjacked! Happy Labor Day1
This problem seems to be the norm with pdvd 11. It also knocked my winamp pro out of whack. So after paying for versions 10 and 11 I wind up with a hack on my system. Why didn't anyone check the installation process?
I thought it was just me it didn't work with. But after reading some of the posts here I see the product has almost as many problems as the product service itself. How long before Cyberlink starts losing business partners so they won't be associated with all these problems. It would be good business sense to start fixing things before Cyberlink becomes the next Toyota.
You may be onto something David. The problem is that I don't know what else to do to get this order completed. Is it possible to direct this order to another destination to get it completed? :
I have made about 12 attempts to order PowerDVD 10. For some reason the system cancells my orders. Is there some special ultra way to fill out their order forms I don't know about? I find it incredible that although I am chasing them and throwing my money at them, they are unable to process their own order system. I have suggested that they bypass their system and process my order by hand, but I think the system blocks that message. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You
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