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I searched the forum and read through PD8 specs, but couldn't find anything specific in regards to PD8 supporting pan/zooming of video footage. I mean really support it. Not create a video that is zooming, then import that video as a PiP as you had to do in PD7.

If so, are there any tuts on it?


Does PD7 EASILY support this yet? I know you can do it with stills and somewhat do it with video using PIP. That's by far "easy".

I visit these boards every now and then to see if there's anything new.


I can tell you from experience that PD7 is far easier to use than Premiere and Vegas. That said, there are some basic features in Premiere and Vegas that you won't find in PD7. Chances are you may not even need them.

Thanks for that!! That's exactly what I'm wanting to do. Let me see if I have this correct..

So if I have a 20 min video and have about 10 different spots of the video where I'd like to zoom in on, I would first have to make seperate videos of those spots? Then I add those in to 10 different PIPs at the exact, respective location of the video?

I was already approved for a refund, but I'll give this a shot first. If it's not much more time consuming than using Camtasia's pan/zoom feature then I'll keep it.

Thanks again.

I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to zoom in to a specific point of a video. I know I can take a still image, overlay that, then use the magic motion to do it, but that's not what I want. I need to zoom to a specific point on the screen showing actual video.

Is there a tutorial showing this? Would be a nice feature to add.

Pinnacle has an easy way to pan/zoom videos where PD7 requires you to add a video clip to a PIP then use motion to pan/zoom with the PIP.

That said, the video quality for WMV files seem far better with PD7.
So just to be sure I have this correct... Right now I have a video that I'm editing, and I'd like to zoom in to a specific spot on that video. In order to do this, I need to first copy the section I want to zoom in on, then place that in a PIP over the original?

I'm looking for tutorials on how to do exactly that but haven't found any yet. I see plenty on how to do it with still images, but not video.

Great! I'll give it a shot first thing in the morning. Still learning my way around.
I also would like to know if a Magic Motion option is available for videos. I see the zoom effect, but can't get it to do what I want.. zoom to a specific spot on in the video.

I have Camtasia, but I really liked the demo I saw of PD7. So I bought it. I use the zoom-n-pan feature with Camtasia religiously, and will be very disappointed if PD7 can't do it.


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