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Magic Motion for Video?
Danielle [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 09, 2008 22:26 Messages: 7 Offline
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IS there only Magic Motion for pictures and not videos? I wanted to customize a zoom on a title and on a video clip. Is Magic Motion not available for these sorts of things? Thank you for your help
Chris [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 14, 2009 18:03 Messages: 9 Offline
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I also would like to know if a Magic Motion option is available for videos. I see the zoom effect, but can't get it to do what I want.. zoom to a specific spot on in the video.

I have Camtasia, but I really liked the demo I saw of PD7. So I bought it. I use the zoom-n-pan feature with Camtasia religiously, and will be very disappointed if PD7 can't do it.


Senior Member Location: N Attleboro, MA Joined: Jul 13, 2006 19:57 Messages: 295 Offline
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You can place video into a pip timeline and make it do whatever you wish. The Magic Motion designer used for images,is fundamentally the same as the pip motion designer which works for both images and video.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 14. 2009 22:43

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Chris [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 14, 2009 18:03 Messages: 9 Offline
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Great! I'll give it a shot first thing in the morning. Still learning my way around.
Chris [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 14, 2009 18:03 Messages: 9 Offline
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So just to be sure I have this correct... Right now I have a video that I'm editing, and I'd like to zoom in to a specific spot on that video. In order to do this, I need to first copy the section I want to zoom in on, then place that in a PIP over the original?

I'm looking for tutorials on how to do exactly that but haven't found any yet. I see plenty on how to do it with still images, but not video.

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