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power director 7 vs Pinnacle studio 12
Heavytiger [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Jun 21, 2008 10:16 Messages: 474 Offline
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I currently use Pinnacle studio 12. I know some studio users also use power directer. Would someone please compare what they like and dislike about each.
Also can Power director be used to do 2 camcorder wedding editing. I do this in studio by placing video from the main camera on the first video track and video from the secondary camera on an overlay track. I synchronize the two my moving the overlay track until it matches the video and audio of the main track. I do the second track as picture in picture so I can view both tracks at the same time. I delete or make transparent portions of the overlay I don't want. I usually mute the audio on the overlay track but at times delete the video but retain the audio. I can do a 75Min project without the program crashing. Is power director capable of doing all these things?
One final question. Are there any teaching aids other than what is on line. Any books or DVD's that go into depth to get the most out of power director?
I have a single core pentium 4, 3.2GHz,2gig ram,128MB ATI Radeon 9600G video card.
thanks Windows 10 professional
HP Omen Obelisk DT 875-1131
Intel Core i7(3.6GHz)
Eight Core
Memory 32 GB
GPU Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Super
Power supply 750 Watt

Using PD 11 ultimate build 11.0.03026


Contributor Location: Michigan USA Joined: Jan 02, 2009 12:58 Messages: 511 Offline
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Well, no one or any product will guarantee that you'll be 100% successful. Each product has its quirks and workarounds.

That said, PowerDirector allows up to 6 video tracks. The main track, and the rest are familiar PIP overlay tracks like you are used to. Pretty powerful to have that many video tracks.

Also, it can depend on the source file format and the output format that you need. Your PC is on the light side of horsepower to do AVC stuff (that's just my opinion). It should do it, but rendering 75 minutes of AVC could be hours of processing if its HD.

There is a "Cyberlink Channel" on youtube that has a bunch of tutorial videos you can check out here:

Hope that helps.

Ontheweb Win8 64-bit Pro Retail
Intel i7-4770
16GB DDR3 1600 8-8-8-24
MSI Z87-G45 Motherboard
1 TB RAID 1 (mirrored) Drive Array
Several scratch drives for video, TMP, pagefile.
Chris [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 14, 2009 18:03 Messages: 9 Offline
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Pinnacle has an easy way to pan/zoom videos where PD7 requires you to add a video clip to a PIP then use motion to pan/zoom with the PIP.

That said, the video quality for WMV files seem far better with PD7.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi "Heavytiger",

While it would perhaps be interesting to read a comparison report in a PC magazine or website (I'm very sceptical about these articles), the CyberLink forum is not the place for comparison testing discussion of other companies software.

This is a forum for PowerDirector users. It is not a place to knock other companies products or to promote them.

The judgement you make about a product is I know difficult at times where you have to weigh up the benefits or deficiencies of one or the other. We all have to make that choice at some stage.

Please continue to raise topics we can help you with.

I'm calling a halt to this topic by locking it for the reasons stated above.


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jan 19. 2009 04:46

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