Hello fellow PowerDirector users
I hope you're all doing well. I felt compelled to share my recent experience with the new PowerDirector 2024/365 update, and I must say I'm quite disappointed.
One of the features that I've relied on extensively in my video editing projects is the ability to control opacity directly in the timeline. In previous versions of PowerDirector, this was a straightforward and essential tool for me. However, with the latest update, it seems that this feature has been relegated to a more obscure location, making it unnecessarily complicated to access.
I submitted a support ticket, and I received a response from CyberLink's support team, which stated that the opacity control has been moved to the editing window, accessible by double-clicking on video clips in the timeline to open the Quick Edit window. They also recommended clicking on the "Advanced" button on the editing toolbar to enter the advanced editing mode for further opacity keyframe adjustments.
While I appreciate their response and the effort to explain the new process, it's frustrating that a feature as fundamental as opacity control has been made more cumbersome to use. In the past, having opacity adjustments in the timeline was incredibly convenient, and this change feels like a step backward in terms of user-friendliness.
In light of this change, I've made the difficult decision to cancel my subscription to PowerDirector 356. I believe it's essential to voice my discontent with my wallet as well. However, I want to clarify that my intention is not to abandon the software indefinitely. I have been a loyal user for a long time, and I'm ready to renew my subscription as soon as CyberLink brings back the direct opacity control in the timeline.
I've also shared this suggestion with CyberLink's product team, asking them to consider bringing back the option to display opacity keyframes directly in the timeline. It's essential that our feedback is heard and taken into account for future software updates.
In conclusion, I just wanted to express my frustration with this particular change in the new PowerDirector update. I understand that software updates aim to improve user experiences, but sometimes, it's necessary to maintain features that users rely on regularly. I hope that CyberLink will consider revisiting this decision in the future.
Thank you for listening, and I encourage all PowerDirector users who feel similarly to voice their opinions and share their experiences.
If you ask support enough they will give you a link to download the previous version. I had to list the reasons I can't work with the new version... opacity, dumbed down audio, all the extra clicks, etc... eventually they gave me a link to download v21.
The PD2024/365 update was a massive step backwards. Honestly, I couldn't believe how much useful functionality was removed and extra mouse clicks were introduced to do the same simple things I could do before.
I thought about changing to other editing software, but I like PowerDirector very much so I just cancelled my 365 subscription and bought PD21 Ultra. My editing requirements are fairly simple and PD21 is more than adequate.
I nagged support until they gave me the link to download v21. Uninstalled 2024, installed 21 and turned off the upgrade notifications.
Yes it is. I was a 365 subscriber for 3 years but after the PD2024 update I unsubscribed and bought PD21 standalone. I got it from Amazon as a software download for GBP 58.
I just got support to give me a link to download v21, and then turned off the upgrade notifications.
I was doing a test on an identical clip in PD24 and PD17. The good news - both versions appear to render the clip in about the same time (PD24 being 6 seconds slower than PD17 for a 2 minute clip.) The bad news - I was struck by how much smoother the whole editing experience was in PD17. For example - the two yellow handles used to highlight a portion of the clip on the timeline for rendering don't work properly in PD24, they constantly stick, compared to their smooth operation in PD17. Another example - when advancing the timeline by 1 second in the clip, there's a noticeable delay in the preview window in PD24 whereas it's fairly instantaneous in PD17. Editing just seems much more clunky in PD24 compared to PD17.
Why would this be? Surely PD24 is a more advanced and optimised version? My suspicion - the application isn't optimised and is taking more processing time to carry out the same editing processes. I'm working really hard to stick with PD24, but the discovery that it's actually slower than PD17 to carry out basic editing is really testing my patience!
They have definitely bulked up 2024 with a bunch of useless crap (AI pictures... really?), and "moved the cheese" (IT term) for a lot of heavily used features. In some cases completely removed the cheese. I think they are gearing the software towards the novice tictok kiddos instead of people trying to make professional looking videos. I have rolled back to v21 and when I have time I'm going to look into a more professional grade software.
Since you can just add a registry entry to re-enable the playhead functionality we had in the previous version (info they should have released immediately), are there other entries to re-enable things like opacity, apply all, and the old audio mixer?!
How do I get the link?
PMed it to you
Support finally gave me links to download the previous version of each program! Open a ticket and don't take no for an answer.
Found this... Old Versions of Powerdirector
Old Versions of Powerdirector 365
Moderation Note:
Unverified links removed.
After the recent hotfix and using the new version for some days it is ok for me.
Did the hotfix restore the ability to click a clip, and the playhead move... did it restore the opacity lines in the timeline, the audio controls in the audio mixer, or the apply all option for clips? Nope... they did not... going to cancel my subscription...
Yes 100%
The audio mixing room is there but the controls have been dumbed down to the point I can't use them. I used to be able to adjust audio at exact points, now I can't accurately. Then normalization doesn't work the same, there used to be a horizontal bar for adjusting the normalized audio, then you could use the vertical bar to adjust a point... now there is just the vertical bar which is acting like the horizontal used to so I can't adjust a point in time accurately after normalization.
Just curious, if CL doesn't restore the functionality we used to have, are any of you thinking of switching video editing platforms, and if so which would you turn to?
If support gives you a way to revert back, please let everyone know!
100% agree with everything in that list... very disappointed in this new version.
I agree, it seems more clunky in version 22. Then having to re-learn where things are, and then things I am used to aren't there at all anymore... ie: items in the audio mixer - not able to jump from one point to another, or even make points at specific time stamps... so annoying.
I was already considering other software, so maybe this is a good reason to jump ship...
I absolutely HATE this new "feature" I also make videos comprised of many small clips, and it makes it more time consuming. I have to click on the clip, then hit home/end (depending where I need to be)... but if the playhead isn't within the clip it jumps to the very beginning/end of the entire video, and I have to then figure out where I was... so annoying.