Hey, I've enjoyed editing with PowerDirector so far, but one day I got a problem out of nowhere that now persists through all my new projects. I can import files correctly and preview them in normal good hd quality. But as soon as I drag anything onto the timeline, it becomes blurry and all pixelated.
What I've tried: (Which did not affected anything at all)
- Making sure my video driver was updated.
- Change all project settings around.
I didn't have this problem in the beginning and suddenly, one day.. Bam, have fun! ;(
(It's not only the preview. The produced movies are also bad!)
Hi AleksF92,
Carry out the following please:
1. Check your timeline Preview Quality, icon link is to the right of the snapshot (camera) icon. Set to "High" should be ok.
2. Provide the following information, see the guide part A & B please:
3. Provide a snapshot of the Edit Workspace with your project insitu, see Guide Part E & F.
4. Provide full information on what output data you are selecting. Is it Produce? Is it in Create Disc? Which of these and what selections are being made in each?
With out sufficient accurate data, members can not assist you.