If I remember well, then in previous versions the cursor was not supposed to
jump to the selected clip?
Thank you,
Celect the clip on the timeline, then click Edit and choose Opacity/Fade/Blend
Thank you very much QC2.0
Is there a way to blur the screen or part of it? Since I was not aware of the
existence of this forum, I previously sent this post to the PD21 forum.
Thank you,
Please let me know if there a way to blur the screen or part of it.
Thank you,
Thank you very much Warry for your detailed reply
Thank you very much Warry.
Could you tell me please how to create a system restore point or a full system backup?
My application manager has a suggested update dated 06/07/23. Lately, I've read
about crashes due to updates. Do I have reason to fear from this upsate?
I am using now PD 365 ver 21.4.2812.0
Thank you,
Abraham Zehavi
Agree to every word.
Thanks again
Thank you very much Jeff,
Now the topic is closed, I will certainly not ask again questions I have
asked before.
Thank you very much tomasc and optodata,
It is a pity that my profile icon doesn't appear on the home page but only on my private posts which are
sometimes hard to find.
Thank you tomasc,
Could you please send me a photo to see where the square avatar is located?
I can't see this square, and unfortunately I even don't understand the meaning of those wards.
Thanks again
Please let me know how can I see all my previous posts to this forum.
Thank you very much Jeff,
I showed your post to my technician and he came to the
conclusion that the GPU needs to be replaced.
Hope this will help
Thank you very much Optodata.
I am not using the USD preview quality and the "Render a preview..." is unchecked.
It also happened in much lower preview qualities.
Now for some reason the software works fine but I am worried about the continued work.
Unfortunately this glitch reappears again, any help would be welcome. At the same
time, I also contacted CyberLink support and I am waiting for their reply
Thank you optodata
I would be grateful to get an answer to the meaning of the red dots, I didn't see them before
Thank you very much tomasc
A pop-up window appears on execution rendering