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azehaviMemberJoined: Oct 18, 2020 04:41Messages: 81Offline
Feb 27, 2023 13:47
Thank you tomasc,
Could you please send me a photo to see where the square avatar is located?
I can't see this square, and unfortunately I even don't understand the meaning of those wards.
Thanks again
It is a pity that my profile icon doesn't appear on the home page but only on my private posts which are
sometimes hard to find.
That's correct, replacing a image will not help.
What you can do is create a bookmark (Left blue icon near top of page) for one of your posts and then it will always appear in the "My Bookmarks" under forum heading. This bookmark might be useful as you asked the same previous post question a year ago,
JL_JLSenior ContributorLocation: Arizona, USAJoined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01Messages: 6091Offline
Feb 28, 2023 17:18
QuoteThank you very much Jeff,
Now the topic is closed, I will certainly not ask again questions I have
asked before.
Didn't mean repeated questions negatively, post all you like, but now you've got the power to resolve the issue yourself without waiting several days for someone to respond appropriately. uses analytical cookies and other tracking technologies to offer you the best possible user experience. By using our website, you acknowledge and agree to our cookie policy. For more information on cookies or changing your cookies settings, read CyberLink’s Cookie Policy.