Hi folks. Looking for some help with Title text. Something weird and irritating is happening. I'll type several lines of text for a title (see attach screenshots) and they're all spaced just as I want them. Then, when I leave the Title editor, huge spaces are inserted between each line of text! This happens persistently, and I have no idea how to stop it or what's causing it in the first place.
I have one track in the mix already (my original singing), and I'm trying to record the second track in the mix. However, I get a shocking level of hiss and the audio is muffled and distorted, as if it's picking up interference from somewhere.
I've muted Track 1 while I'm recording Track 2 - I don't need to hear the original audio, I just need to see the timecode in order to match the timing of the original track - so that shouldn't cause any inference. Any ideas?
Ah, solved my own problem. The program was picking up monitor input, despite this option being definitely unselected. Closed and reopened, sorted the problem. Yet another weird AudioDirector glitch...
That is really bizzarre! I don't see anything like that on my system when I imported and dragged 4 random songs into the Mix room. If I mute all but one track, the selected track plays the correct audio:
The only thing I can think of is that somehow your ADS project file has been corrrupted, so try File ► New Project and import all your clips again. Be sure to first individually produce any clips that you've made changes to so you won't have to repeat those steps.
Also, what's the exact version of AudioDirector you're running? The latest 365 (subscription) version is 11.6.3023.0
Sorted it now - I just deleted all of the tracks and then reimported them. Seems to have sorted itself out! I probably should have tried that before posting this! Thank you for your prompt response though - that was helpful.
FYI, I'm running 8.0.2817.0
This is driving me absolutely insane - hoping someone can show me what I'm doing wrong here.
This is the first time I've used audio director to try to mix a track (screenshot attached), and when I add the individual tracks to the list, the wrong files are added.
I want to layer 'Sir Patrick Spens (Original).wav' with 'Sir Patrick Spens (Female).wav' and ''Sir Patrick Spens (Child).wav'. Simple enough.
However, when I drag 'Sir Patrick Spens (Original).wav' alone onto Track 1, what actually plays is 'Sir Patrick Spens (Female).wav'.
When I drag 'Untitled1' on (which is the original track, only without the audio cleaned up, what actually plays is 'Sir Patrick Spens (Child).wav'.
So, I just cannot get the Original track to play, even though it is patently there in the mix - the audio is always substituted for one of that of the other tracks. And yet when I 'preview' each track in the sidebar, they all play as they should!
I'm having a hugely annoying problem with PowerDirector 16. I'm making a series of videos which contain an audio track of narration, with a still image. On one particular video, the audio track goes silent just before the end, cutting out the last word of the narration. I've tried extending the still image further than the end of the audio track, but it still cuts out just before the end, missing off the last word of the narration for some inexplicable reason. Can anyone help with this?