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Wrong Tracks Added To Mix
Denique Coelum [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 16, 2020 09:38 Messages: 5 Offline
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This is driving me absolutely insane - hoping someone can show me what I'm doing wrong here.

This is the first time I've used audio director to try to mix a track (screenshot attached), and when I add the individual tracks to the list, the wrong files are added.

I want to layer 'Sir Patrick Spens (Original).wav' with 'Sir Patrick Spens (Female).wav' and ''Sir Patrick Spens (Child).wav'. Simple enough.

However, when I drag 'Sir Patrick Spens (Original).wav' alone onto Track 1, what actually plays is 'Sir Patrick Spens (Female).wav'.

When I drag 'Untitled1' on (which is the original track, only without the audio cleaned up, what actually plays is 'Sir Patrick Spens (Child).wav'.

So, I just cannot get the Original track to play, even though it is patently there in the mix - the audio is always substituted for one of that of the other tracks. And yet when I 'preview' each track in the sidebar, they all play as they should! yell
[Thumb - Screenshot 2021-09-07 173135.png]
Screenshot 2021-09-07 173135.png
62 Kbytes
19 time(s)
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optodata [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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That is really bizzarre! I don't see anything like that on my system when I imported and dragged 4 random songs into the Mix room. If I mute all but one track, the selected track plays the correct audio:

The only thing I can think of is that somehow your ADS project file has been corrrupted, so try File ► New Project and import all your clips again. Be sure to first individually produce any clips that you've made changes to so you won't have to repeat those steps.

Also, what's the exact version of AudioDirector you're running? The latest 365 (subscription) version is 11.6.3023.0
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Denique Coelum [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 16, 2020 09:38 Messages: 5 Offline
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Quote That is really bizzarre! I don't see anything like that on my system when I imported and dragged 4 random songs into the Mix room. If I mute all but one track, the selected track plays the correct audio:

The only thing I can think of is that somehow your ADS project file has been corrrupted, so try File ► New Project and import all your clips again. Be sure to first individually produce any clips that you've made changes to so you won't have to repeat those steps.

Also, what's the exact version of AudioDirector you're running? The latest 365 (subscription) version is 11.6.3023.0

Sorted it now - I just deleted all of the tracks and then reimported them. Seems to have sorted itself out! I probably should have tried that before posting this! Thank you for your prompt response though - that was helpful.

FYI, I'm running 8.0.2817.0

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 07. 2021 13:05

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