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It seems that the CyberLink PowerDirector application stays open in memory even when you exited and closed the app.

  1. For now my solution to this is to simply open your computer task management.
    2. Locate and select the the application named "PowerDirector 21" and press the "END TASK" button.
    3. This fix the issue and you can then open your Cyberlink app however this issue may appear again and you may need to follow the steps listed above.

    This resolves the issue for me. Cyberlink needs to do something about this. This is simply unacceptable and an issue that is affecting many Cyberlink PowerDirecto users. It seems that the Cyberlink App is not closing properly and the app stays in memory. This is why you need to go to your TASK MANAGEMENT and close this particular app if it does not open when you need to use it. This is a CYBERLINK Issue.

I had to double check to see if it was I who posted this issue and forgot that I did. I am having the same problem and do not have a solution other than the above Task Manager > End Task routine which is a PITA. I can add a little bit more insight into this - maybe there is some commonality with UsRicoSuave's situation.

I use PD365 on a Windows 11 laptop connected to my 2 monitors via a Plugable USB-C 4K Docking Station. The OS, PD365 and all drivers are up to date.

The problem does not happen:

  1. If the laptop is used by itself, i.e. not connected to the external monitors, or
  2. If the laptop lid is open (i.e. its screen is #1 & Main Display) and the others are #2 and #3.

The problem exists under 2 scenarios:

  1. When the laptop's lid is closed, i.e. one of the monitors is now Display #1 & Main Display, and I am only using the 2 external monitors.
  2. When the laptop's lid is open, and one of the monitors is the Main Display (but not Display #1)

At first, before fully testing the above 4 scenarios, I suspected the issue was the Plugable Docking Stations, or more precisely its DisplayLink drivers. So I uninstalled all DisplayLink drivers / software and the problem still persists.

Curious thing is, I bought this laptop in November 2022 and had the problem ever since then (I think) . The previous laptop was the previous model of this laptop, without the OLED screen and will less power etc. Monitors, Docking Station, etc. all the same and that had no issues.

I believe that the issue is with PD365 and its shutdown routine not removing itself as a background process. The fact that it is not loading because it sees another instance of PD365 running is probably correct.

I reported the issue to Cyberlink Support and they replied with a stock blurb asking for a bunch of stuff that would not solve the issue. I say this because I gave them all that dtuff before and the issue died on the vine ... no solution.

Any other experiences like this?
The snap the clip started working properly again 100% percent of the time with the last update to the software.

A new problem cropped up with the last two updates of the software on my computer. Whenever you start up Power Director the playback is automatically muted and you have to manually go in and un-mute it every time. Anyone else notice this? There is no setting that affects this.
Quote Is this happening when reopening the same project each time? What happens if you open a different project, or disable the option to automatically open the previous project?

Thanks for replying. It happens with no project, same project, different project ... doesn't matter. And I don't have that setting you showed enabled.
I use PD 365. Over the last couple of days I have noticed that whenever I open PD all sound is muted. This is what I see under the RHS of the Preview Window.

I changed nothing on the setup, not that there appears to be any setting that could have caused this. I have to manually click on the speaker icon and un-mute the sound. Every time. PITA.

What is going on? How can I get PD back to where sound is on by default?

Sorry for not getting back to the thread sooner - was busy with work. I had decided to wait until this weekend to do some experimenting since I was going to create some footage anyway.

Based on my suspicion of the reason for the problem, I took a portion of the video I made today, edited it so that there were many transitions in it, then I rendered twice into two videos - one where I used SVRT and one where I used the Intel Quick Sync option.

I then put these two videos together (back to back) and uploaded to YouTube so you can see the result.

Focusing on the sky in the video shows this lightening about 2 seconds before the transition, and a return to correct exposure about 2 seconds after the transition.

The problem is SVRT. At least when using the video of choice for me - 1080p / 60 fps / H.264. There is no problem with the Intel Quick Sync option is used.

I will nto be using SVRT any more until this is fixed.

Any comments on this? Can

Thanks to all for your help.
Thanks for the reply and the questions, which I will answer in-line below.

Quote I imagine there are many factors involved, and the possible solution(s) will depend on which ones are actually happening. While you've provided some details on when you see the issue, it would help immensely if you could tell us more:

Are you seeing the issue when previewing on PD's timeline, in the finished (produced) video, or both?
The issue does not occur during the editing process. I occurs in the finished video - both when played back on my local computer and also when streamed from YouTube. So it is not the YouTube rendering process.

If it's present in the produced video, are you seeing it on a Windows player (Windows Media Player, VLC, Movies & TV) or online (YouTube, IG, FB) or both?
When played back locally I use Windows 10 Movies & TV. Streaming from YouTube I use MS Edge. Windows 10 is up to date as are all my video drivers.

Does it matter how long the first clip is before the cut or transition? In other words, does the issue happen with a 1 second clip or does it need to be 10 seconds or longer to occur?
Clip length does not appear to have any bearing on this issue. I have no 1 second clips; all my clips are ~5 seconds or longer.

Do you have any CLUTS or presets applied to any involved clips? Any editing changes to brightness/contrast/saturation, etc.?
No to all - no CLUTS or exposure / contrast / saturation edits - just video straight out of the GoPro, chopped and snapped together into a vid.

Are any of the clips overlaid (like picture-in-picture)? Are any titles used immediately before, during, or immediately after the cut or transition?
No to all - no PiP, titles etc. Just straight clip to clip, jump cut or transition such as Fade, Slide or Shove etc.

It would also help to see a screen recording showing us exactly what you see. You can post it online and share a link or upload it to a cloud folder on Google Drive or OneDrive and paste a shareable link to it here.
Here is a clip I recorded using CyberLink Screen Recorder 4. Here is the same clip on YouTube.

JL_JL - Thanks for the suggestion but the issue is not seen when editing in Preview, although my setting is indeed "YUV". What is that anyway - never seen "YUV" as a colour profile but I have seen "RGB" and "sRGB" ...

As said above, the issue is in the finished product and (I suspect) maybe only with the footage from my GoPro Hero 7 Black. I have not done any tests using others cameras to record video, but in videos that were created using other cameras I have not noticed the issue.
Quote I'm not sure what to tell you. I definitely see the issue you're having, yet snap to clip works as expected on my end even when zoomed out a fair ways.

In my video I see what you see when I've disabled snap to clip, yet when I enable it I get the clear "snag" as I pass over the clip edge and the vertical blue line shows up:

I also see the behavior you describe when the setting is disabled, and there is no snapping - as expected. When I go into the settings and click OK - either after unclicking and reclicking, or simply verifying that it is checked - the snap works right afterwards. For a while before reverting to its intermittent fail behavior.

i suspect that this would have to be something the coders would have to troubleshoot and address. At least I have a workaround.

Today I entered another more serious issue regarding video exposure just before a transition. I have no workaround for that and I'm hoping a more experienced Power Director user could assist.
Quote Thre are several posts about this already on the forum.

Oftentimes users aren't zoomed in enough for PD to accurately place the moved clip. Use the "+" key on the numeric keypad or click on the white circle with a "+" in it at the far lower left of the screen to see if that helps.

Thanks for your reply.

There may be several posts but are there any answers? I did do a search and maybe the subject line is not clear enough to catch my eye.

I do not think that zooming in is the issue, since I always zoom in the timeline so that the clip is wide enough. I just whipped together this example video to illustrate the problem. As you can see, I am zoomed in almost to the maximum. If PD can't the edge there then it is more blind than I am.

I have "Enable Snap to Clips in Timeline" checked (ON) however it does NOT always work. This phenomenon started maybe since PD 18. Sometimes when I slide a slip from the right to the right edge of the clip I want to snap to, it simply proceeds right past the right edge, with no blue snap line.

I opened a ticket in Customer Support from the person where was not able to help, so I abandoned that avenue.

I DO have a workaround, but I should not have to do this - it should stay snapping to clips until I switch off this setting. The workaround is to hit the <Alt> key whenever the snap to clip stops working. It then starts back working ... for a time and then it stops again. The time which is works varies too, and sometimes it works pretty much for the rest of the editing session and other times for a few minutes.

I need this feature to stay on. Any ideas?
I noticed that in my videos, whenever there is a a change betwen clips (whether it is a slash cut or an actual applied transition like Fade, Shove, etc), just before the transition (like maybe a second or two) the video lightens a little (like a little added exposure) then the transition happens. I don't believe that it occurs on the other side of the transition.

This has been happening for a while and not just with PowerDirector 19/365.

There are no gaps between the clips. The videos I notice it on are from my GoPro Hero 7 Black recording at 1080p / 60 fps.

It is somehwat irritating, this phenomenon.

Any ideas what is causing it and what I can do to get rid of it?
I am a new user of PowerDirector 17 Ultimate and have the 3005 update installed on my laptop.

I do not have this issue. When I click and drag the grab area I can release the left mouse at any location and it stays there.

So maybe this is not a universal thing.
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