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Does that only work with video clips? I am trying to insert something into the titles, and I can't get it to push everything else back so that it has more time for itself.
Is there an easy way to insert some time into the middle of the timeline? I.e, move everything after a certain point forwards, so I have space for something new?
1. After I paid, it tooke me three
communications with support before I
finally had all the files I needed to
use Power Director. Since support
typically takes a few hours to a day to
get back to me, this took a few days.

2. Several times, Power Director has
randomly hung for no apparent reason.
I have a 9 month old computer with lots
of memory, so this should not be
happening. I have to wonder if this is
a symptom that Power Director is poorly

3. I have two monitors on my
computer. Sometimes the picture
portion of my movie randomly stops
working on one of them for no apparent
reason. The problem is unique to Power
Director. Videos in other programs
(explorer, realplayer, windows media
player) work fine. Support's
response -- "power director doesn't
support multiple monitors." Well,
since many different programs work just
fine with multiple monitors, Again I
wonder if this is a symptom of poor

4. It's a minor thing, but it's
annoying that any time I open my
project, it asks me if I want to merge
in the stuff from the default project.
I can't figure out how to get it to
stop asking. Since Power Director
randomly hangs, I have probably opened
my project 15 times or so.

5. The first time I put a video into
the video track, it can't go anywhere
but at the beginning. Yes, there are
work-arounds. But work-arounds should
not be necessary. It would make
logical sense that the video should be
able to go anywhere. Again, this seems
like a symptom of poor coding.

6. Can't directly import .flv files.
Have to convert them first.

7. Can't directly import .ogg files.
Have to convert them first.

8. Can't put a lot of credits into a
single box. Have to split them up.
Since plenty of movies have very long
credits, this appears to be a symptom
of insufficient thought by the design
or development team.
Clunky means inconvenient; more difficult to use than it should be.

There is no good reason why the program wouldn't let me have long credits in a single window. This would be more convenient for me, and it makes logical sense.
That works, but it's incredibly clunky. The should really let us have longer credits.
Is there any way to make my title or credits scroll?
I am working on my movie. I have a bunch of audio, photos, and titles in the timeline. I have a video that I want to put after them. But whenever I drag it to the video track, powerdirector always wants to put it at the beginning -- even if I drag it way over to the right.

How do I get around this?
Is there any way to import flash videos (.flv) into PowerDirector?
When I play my movie, the titles and photos don't show.

They are not set to be hidden. I have the little eye, not the hidden icon.
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