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various issues with powerdirector
William [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 05, 2008 18:34 Messages: 9 Offline
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1. After I paid, it tooke me three
communications with support before I
finally had all the files I needed to
use Power Director. Since support
typically takes a few hours to a day to
get back to me, this took a few days.

2. Several times, Power Director has
randomly hung for no apparent reason.
I have a 9 month old computer with lots
of memory, so this should not be
happening. I have to wonder if this is
a symptom that Power Director is poorly

3. I have two monitors on my
computer. Sometimes the picture
portion of my movie randomly stops
working on one of them for no apparent
reason. The problem is unique to Power
Director. Videos in other programs
(explorer, realplayer, windows media
player) work fine. Support's
response -- "power director doesn't
support multiple monitors." Well,
since many different programs work just
fine with multiple monitors, Again I
wonder if this is a symptom of poor

4. It's a minor thing, but it's
annoying that any time I open my
project, it asks me if I want to merge
in the stuff from the default project.
I can't figure out how to get it to
stop asking. Since Power Director
randomly hangs, I have probably opened
my project 15 times or so.

5. The first time I put a video into
the video track, it can't go anywhere
but at the beginning. Yes, there are
work-arounds. But work-arounds should
not be necessary. It would make
logical sense that the video should be
able to go anywhere. Again, this seems
like a symptom of poor coding.

6. Can't directly import .flv files.
Have to convert them first.

7. Can't directly import .ogg files.
Have to convert them first.

8. Can't put a lot of credits into a
single box. Have to split them up.
Since plenty of movies have very long
credits, this appears to be a symptom
of insufficient thought by the design
or development team.
Samuel L. [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Saskatoon, Canada Joined: Jan 01, 2008 23:05 Messages: 29 Offline
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Regarding problem 4, I too have found this totally unnecessary feature of PD6 annoying.

Check C:\ProgramFiles\Cyberlink\PowerDirector\SampleClips.

If your system is the same as mine, the sample clips in this directory can be deleted, relocated or the suffix can be renamed. Either way PD6 cannot find them on start up and the annoyance is gone. If one should need such clips for test or other purposes, they can easily be imported.

Sorry I can't help with your other problems. I'm relatively new to PD6 and on a fairly steep learning curve.
John [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 12, 2008 17:14 Messages: 7 Offline
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Thanks, I just renamed that folder so I cannot see the sample clips.
RobertJ/OZ [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Melbourne Australia Joined: Aug 14, 2006 02:26 Messages: 1209 Offline
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With regard to item 4, why don't you just click on File, New Project and hey presto all the sample clips disappear, then import your project, much easier than messing around with the program files.

Robert Intel i7 930, 16GB ram, Radeon HD 5770 1Gb,Ver. 14.12 Win7 64 bit
Intel i7 7700 HQ, 16 GB ram Nvidia GTX 1050Ti 4GB dual drives 1 TB SSD + 1 TB HDD Win 10

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Right, William. I promised in my reply email that I'd answer the points you raised (sent me) if you'd post it all on the forum. While I might blast away at the points it is in an effort to answer you firmly but fairly. As you know I have been very busy on other matters and I apologise for not answering you immediately. I'm still very busy.

1. After I paid, it tooke me three communications with support before I finally had all the files I needed to use Power Director. Since support typically takes a few hours to a day to get back to me, this took a few days.
Why would you be communicating with Tech Support when the data information is delivered by email to you - by Element5 - to download the program and the activation key is provided as an email? Unless you specifically state what you were asking for, I think Tech Support were correct in delaying answering you since they have to obtain confirmation of your purchase from Element5.

2. Several times, Power Director has randomly hung for no apparent reason. I have a 9 month old computer with lots of memory, so this should not be happening. I have to wonder if this is a symptom that Power Director is poorly coded.
You are right it shouldn't be happening - then again video editing is a major ask of any PC since it uses all the CPU's capability and is dependent upon the user storing data in "correct" locations ("tree effect") and sourcing data from drives that are capable to pass information and response on the scale demanded by PD. Mostly it's the users PC setup fault!

3. I have two monitors on my computer. Sometimes the picture portion of my movie randomly stops working on one of them for no apparent reason. The problem is unique to Power Director. Videos in other programs
(explorer, realplayer, windows media player) work fine. Support's
response -- "power director doesn't support multiple monitors." Well,
since many different programs work just fine with multiple monitors, Again I wonder if this is a symptom of poor coding.

The examples you give aren't applicable to PD - they're just players. I have used a multiple monitor display for many years and have had no problems with PD's single monitor display. It doesn't need to be stretched across 2 monitors and the requirement you "demand" is really for floating windows with PD. I've already suggested this to CyberLink. As for the PD preview window effect - I have come across this and I've found that it was caused by a codec compression issue on the video footage used - but then that isn't always true... really hard to localise the cause of this. I've come across it but cant replicate the problem. The monitor set up and graphics card - you have to sort that out.

4. It's a minor thing, but it's annoying that any time I open my project, it asks me if I want to merge in the stuff from the default project. I can't figure out how to get it to stop asking. Since Power Director randomly hangs, I have probably opened my project 15 times or so.
While others have sort of answered you on this I suggest you highlight all the clips, right click and select remove from library. Robert's suggestion is the other faster alternative. Merging will occur when you have items in the media library and you are importing (drag and drop) a pds to the media library. We are just on about a click option. If you kept your media library clear it wouldn't be an issue would it! NOTE: The files in the media library are the common media factors we ALL have and if you delete them permanently you can not use these files to display or explain issues you have with PD to others.

5. The first time I put a video into the video track, it can't go anywhere
but at the beginning. Yes, there are work-arounds. But work-arounds should not be necessary. It would make logical sense that the video should be able to go anywhere. Again, this seems like a symptom of poor coding.

No it isn't poor coding. If you want to do multiple time-line video time-line editing with single placement video clips that don't move, go buy a high end software that will cost you a significant amount more than what PD does. PD is an excellent fast edit tool that delivers video to the time-line in the correct manner. You had better start adapting to it better as other video editors have. It's common practice to move items to the left when video editing with a single main time-line.

6. Can't directly import .flv files. Have to convert them first.
That doesn't surprise me. I have already suggested this issue to CyberLink. It is not in the spec of PD6.

7. Can't directly import .ogg files. Have to convert them first.
Fair comment. I don't use *.ogg files, who does?

8. Can't put a lot of credits into a single box. Have to split them up.
Since plenty of movies have very long credits, this appears to be a symptom of insufficient thought by the design or development team.

Valid point. Nowadays I suggest using Word because you can get a few symbols in as well. However this is a point previously raised on the forum and one I have mentioned already to CyberLink.

Right, I have answered every point.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 14. 2008 03:30

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