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I found a pip template on the download zone and then installed

I cannot locate it in my PD libraries.tried Titles, Particles. Effects etc.
(see attached)

Where would it be found
I developed a short project to familiarise myself with this Transitions package.

Reloaded this and other projects to edit and 'titivate. I am able to place the icon for SpiceMaster into the timeline but when selcting in order to select which transition and all the editing possibilities (that used to occur) all I can do now is set the transition duration.

Anyone any ideas what has happened?
That's what I do the X and save and indeed when returned tp PD the audio file has been edited Ok and I assume the Wave Editor closed down automatically but it is the fact that the msg box still shows on my display and as I said I can move it out of the way by the mouse file but I did not expect it to do that.
I have the latest Quicktime.

The attached file may help to understand the problem.

I select Edit audio with Wave Editor2 . This loads OK and I can do my editing and when I save the track the msg appears saying "not responding"but given time it will say 100% completed and I then can return to PD 12, but there is still the msg on the screen that I can mouse out of the way but I would have expected it to be removed once the 100% had finished..
I produced this project with PD12 Deluxe. In part of the time line I had a video clip of a cyclist. I split in two places to give a short clip which I then copied 3 times and inserted I then inserted the same three clips again but then reversed video on these three. It all worked fine.

I have now upgraded to PD12 Ultra and just above the videos of the cyclist are small green marks and whenever playing an error msg occurs at this point. ( see attached).

Anyone any ideas why Ultra is giving this hiccup while Deluxe did not
I have designed a Title and it is used in my timeline. I now wish to Create a menu with this title as the background. Is there a quick way I can copy from titles into menu background.

Also I see how to have a movie playing in part of the menu (by having it as the first clip on the timeline) Is there any way I can place a video in part of the menu that is not on the timeline at all

Thanks to all who replied to my query I now have all transitions as shown by chubbyhousefilms & playsound (other than your pixelan) which I assume is not standard.

I still have a problem in that one project I developed in PD12 Deluxe now when loaded although it shows an icon in timeline for each Transition they have no effect. I reckon I have no other option but to re-insert all of them again.
If I execute the CL downloads it just downloads the Patch 2230
Thnks CubbyHouse Films..
I have not downloaded ContentPack_Essential_PCP130619-01 and ContentPack_Essential_PCP130619-02.

I did not fully understand the original download msg I received from Cyberlink after purchase which read. 3 Downloads remaining,
I downloaded the initial program VDE130819-01. and that was all.

When I looked at the web page link the msg then read '2 downloads remaining' (which now I understand is probably the 2 progs I need. However when I went to download again it seems to start downloading the 747 MB files which was the size e of my first download so I cancelled.

Do you know how I can find the link to download these 2 files from Cyberlink. ContentPack_Essential_PCP130619-01 and ContentPack_Essential_PCP130619-02.

I try contacting their support and every time I raise a ticket they insists on requesting I provide proof of purchase which is yet another delay. My account with them clearly shows I have purchased both PD12 Deluxe and PD12 Ultra.
Installed the initial program VDE130819-01
then patch 2420 then Essentials 130626
I am aware of modifying transitions however the basic transitions of Shove and Swipe which were in my PD12 Deluxe version are not showing in my Ultra. In fact if you count the options in all categories I have 67 basic transitions
Just upgraded to PD12 Ultra from Deluxe...
Many transitions missing No Swipe or Shove in fact see attached file for contents in each category in the library.
Why would this be?
Thank you again..Carl312
How is it that the same update applies to all levels of PD12 from Deluxe through to Ultimate
I was running PD12 DeLuxe Program 2109 with installed subsequent Patches: 2209, 2230 and 2420. and Essentials 130626

I have just upgrades to PD12 Ultra program VDE130819-01.exe
When checking the Cyberlink web pages on updates it does not indicate specific updates for particular releases of PD12 .
but just shows all the same updates: see attached file

Having installed the core for PD12 Ultra what of the listed updates should I now install, if any.

Also if ever I have to reload the software after re-installing the core program do I have to re-install all patches in order or can I just install the latest
Watched tutorial on Effects and saw one on Magnifier but can not find this on my PD12 Deluxe ( I have 26 Effects in the library) -- should there be more including the Magnifier or do many of these extra ones only come with higher pakages of PD12
Rechecked and it is as I said, the auto Movie does not work when going to full screen
I had a problem with transitions and re-installed PD12 and Essentials.

After installation when loading a project the timeline was filled with all the images, sound track and titles etc, BUT all the video slots were just blacked out. Yet all these files are in the same location as when project was created.
Also the earlier problem (that prompted the re-install) is that all my transitions are shown in the timeline but as you mouse across them for info they show 'No Effect'.. Does this mean I have to go through the 72 mins to insert all the transitions again. Help!
I have the preference set set to automatically adopt "Movie" mode when playing. This works as expected when displaying normally however, if undocking the display and selecting full screen it does not auto switch to movie mode. I have to remember to manually switch to Movie mode before going to full screen for playback. Is this normal operation for PD12?..
Where in Director Zone would I find additional Transitions..
Am still trying to find A Grand Closing and closing star etc. as per my initial subject
Anyone any ideas please
Removed all PD 12 programs and used the Cyberlink Cleaning tool and then re-installed the three downloads: viz:
PD 12 - 2109
PD12 - 2230
PD12 130626 Essentials

I initially tried loading 2230 but msg showed unrecognised purchase so did the three as shown and all OK in the sense that all the transitions where in the library. What really did surprise me was that even the Transitions I had move into MY Favourites were also shown in MY Favourites (how can this be when I removed everything before re-installing) how did the program know?

Anyhow main problem still persists in that when the project is loaded other than a couple of transitions in the Time Line all the others show a yellow icon and indicate no action when moused over.

Have I no other option but to go through the full project and re-insert my transitions.
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