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jshepnz [Avatar]
Member Joined: Oct 01, 2012 03:50 Messages: 83 Offline
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I have the preference set set to automatically adopt "Movie" mode when playing. This works as expected when displaying normally however, if undocking the display and selecting full screen it does not auto switch to movie mode. I have to remember to manually switch to Movie mode before going to full screen for playback. Is this normal operation for PD12?..
borgus1 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2013 00:33 Messages: 1318 Offline
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Quote: I have the preference set set to automatically adopt "Movie" mode when playing. This works as expected when displaying normally however, if undocking the display and selecting full screen it does not auto switch to movie mode. Is this normal operation for PD12?

If it is then something has changed since PD11. When tested here it always switched to MOVIE mode, whether the window was docked or not docked - at any screen size include full.
jshepnz [Avatar]
Member Joined: Oct 01, 2012 03:50 Messages: 83 Offline
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Rechecked and it is as I said, the auto Movie does not work when going to full screen
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