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Tried the recommended fix, but alas... to no avail. Any other clues? I can't imagine why this isn't a simple box to check
on the Prefrences menu... hmmm.
gary R

and there was.... I found it under 'Projects'. Thanks for reading
Gary R

You might try turning off hardware decoding if it's checked in pref > Hardware Acceleration >


Jeff, I really appreciate your taking the time to help. Unfortunately, that didn't make any difference. I tried both options on and off, (Enable OpenCL technoloy .... and Enable hardware decoding). Also tried Optimize and NOT Optimize... no help there either. While at it, I tried the age old remedy of shut down, unplug and restarting... to no avail. Very distracting when editing and not getting a 'feel' for what I want. I've been a PwrDir user through 5 upgrades and never ran into this before.

Any other suggestions gladly accepted.
Thank you for your imput.
Just started for no apparent reason. While attempting to scrub the timeline, my images are displayed in a 'strobe' like manner, with black frames inbetween normal frames. Anyone have a clue? Thanks, GR
Yes Tony. That is the procedure that I follow.
BTW: I found that if I go to Action Camera then it I can make a freeze frame there, but doing it that way results in other problems. Loss or potential loss of previously applied attributes etc and the need then to actually go and 'produce' a small clip and paste it in before I can replace those (or additional attributes). I've gotten spoiled using the freeze frame under Edit Video menu. Don't know what to do next. I'm sorry I upgraded to v18. Don't see any advantages.. just problems..sigh..
Gary R
Quote It looks like you are taking a "Freeze Frame" in a section of video that has a title and some other effects applied at the same time slice. One method around the issue is to unselect all the other tracks that have content with the little check on the left side by each track prior to “Freeze Frame”. Another method would be to create a "Snapshot" from the proper time location from the same clip in the media library. This can be a higher resolution clip and then can be inserted into the timeline as needed.


Thank you for your response, but alas... no improvement to the problem. I followed your suggestions to no avail. Also tried starting a new project in v18, imported a 'good' video clip with NO special effects or any other enhancements on it and received the SAME bad Freeze Frame results.
Worse than that... in way of investigation... since PwrDir 12 and 16 had not been removed from my computer, I opened each of them and found that the problems NOW exists there also. Never did before. Wondering if having multiple versions on same computer might in some way have caused this problem. ????? Seems unlikely, since there was no problem with v16 while v12 was still on the computer at same time.

As far as making a snapshot and inserting into the timeline... yes, that works fine, but much more time consuming and cumbersome.
Gary R
After selecting "freeze frame' from dropdown menu image appears in proper location on timeline, but...Image is faded cybia color and has the words "My Title" written across the image and that title appears below in the tile timeline. Never had this problem with prior versions of PwrDir.
Thank you

You can ask for help from official Cyberlink support or wait for more suggestions.

See if you have Windows restore point
Do the System Restore for the previousdate before the event.

Had not heard from 'support' so decided to take your suggestion and did the System Restore. Little scary for me,
but it went smoothly and I have PD 16 functioning as it did this morning before attempting the upgrade. Guess i
won't be trying that again in the near future,

Thanks so much for taking the time to steer me in the right direction. Greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure exactly what an 'online version' is. I did buy and download PD on line, but if you are asking if it is a subscription, it is not.
When you suggest going back to a previous update, again I'm not sure what you mean. Since installing the upgrade today I am unable to 'see' the program at all. At the moment, when I attempt to 'open' PD 16 I only get a flash view of the opening logo page and then ....the error message. Have no idea how to revert to a previous version.

Although a longtime user of these programs, I am really a novice at the computer itself.

Download the latest official update
2018-04-23 Updates PowerDirector 16 to build 2816
You will receive a file in your download folder, 2 click it to install.

Note: you remember if your PD16 version was already 2816, you should have the installation file.

Well, no luck w that. Downloaded (again) and ran program. When asked to 'Launch' I did so with same message "Oooops...."
What a waste of time. So sorry I ever opted into downloading this 'upgrade'...

Hi Gary

Can I suggest that you remove the screenshot, and blank out your email and phone. There are some odd people out there so better be safe than sorry.


Point well taken. thks

Try to go back to the previous update.
Or download update directly from this site
I am considering that your PD16 is not online version

I'm not sure exactly what an 'online version' is. I did buy and download PD on line, but if you are asking if it is a subscription, it is not.
When you suggest going back to a previous update, again I'm not sure what you mean. Since installing the upgrade today I am unable to 'see' the program at all. At the moment, when I attempt to 'open' PD 16 I only get a flash view of the opening logo page and then ....the error message. Have no idea how to revert to a previous version.

Although a longtime user of these programs, I am really a novice at the computer itself.
When opening PwrDir today, I received notice that an upgrade was available to download and install. I did this and now am unable to use the program at all. All I get is a one second flash screen of the normal opening Logo and then immediately am given an error message "Ooops...., PowerDirector has stopped." I've re-tried several times and always the same result even after rebooting computer. Frantic. Can't do my work today. Suggestions????
thks, GaryR28
Just wanted to say thank you for the info. I had similar problem and your post took care of it for me. BTW... in my case the 'little speaker' did NOT have a line through it, but... I clicked on it and found that the volume had somehow gotten set to the very bottom. Adjusting the slider got me back into business.... Naturally, I had spent most of yesterday trying to get the audio restored before finding your post. Again... Many thanks for the help.
Gary R
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