I am in the process of updating my graphic cards (nvidia) and had time to get a bit more in to it. To my surprise; both computers run 64 bit Win 10, yet I have installed (via update) 32 bit card drivers.........? Is there a rhyme and reason for that or should I manually download 64 bit card drivers?
I find the present status strange, but hesitate to do the change. If you, Jeff, are around, I know you can give me knowledge of this- I will not do any change before I get your input.
With a bit of hesitation I pop in here with a short remark and 2 questions:I probably will never use 4k and MagicYUV, but at the time, I followed Ron&Co's massive work on the matter and it was admirable.
The questions at the (hopefully) end of this thread goes to Neil;
1)Have you ever considered starting a blog?
2)What kind of videos do you produce and where can they be watched?
This discussion and exchange of views has been going on for years.
I quote a dear friend of mine; "It is what it is" - and bottom line is we have the choice ourselves whether to upgrade or not, or whether to perhaps move on. It's been CL's choice not to re-write the program but stuffing more and more in to the existing programming, and it's getting heavier by each release. And yes, unresolved issues may cross over to new releases, issues that CL may be well aware of but makes the decision to fix what can be fixed in patches to new release. This is how it's mostly been over the years and probably will be in years to come - or until a decision to re-write the whole thing maybe will be made at some point.
So; it is what it is................
consequence #2 is a pain. Also, you can not produce to alpha (in programs which offer that).I don't use alpha often, but it's highly appreciated to have the possibility- and I do use it.Uninstalled last night.....fear I will have to install it again......
Install it when you need it - uninstall when not......
So if this is real, millions of people having (expensive) software for Windows will be forced to go out and buy Apple computers and buy the softwares all over again.....?
Or - software companies will have to come up with replacement and re-write their programs....?
How likely is it?
Greetings to you, too.
I have always just ignored it, but the issue has been discussed several times.
Hi Andres;
Oh yes, I enjoyd it too!
(Also watched your little clip about the (new?) cat-in-the-basket + dog. You know that's something for me )
Well done, Andres!
Jan, this is sad reading....
Is there any way to help you get beyond your disappointments?
"But they all..you know..it's all the same piece of shite...nothing delivers what I want ...nothing."
What do you want delivered?
I have actually used - and worked quite a bit with an Express project, and well - I have, as of today, only 3,4Mb in there, 21 files.
I'm afraid I can't offer you a solution to your audio problem, but I recognize the problem with mics and Win 10. I have ongoing problems with setting of audio capture in Win 10 - not only in PD. There's got to be something with Win 10 mixing things up ? As for attachment, scrill a bit down when posting and you'll see "attachments".
Great, Tony.....had several of these before, but replacing computers I sometimes forget what is where. Thanks!
Barry, Barry........have you something near by to wipe the steam off your glasses?
Hi Anna,
I read the threads you were a part of in the 13 forum. I'm sure some of the guys will drop in, but in the meantime -
*here's a link* to where you can spot differences in version 13 / 14.
You'll find new modules, and I guess one has to simply estimate to which extent one is in need of them.
regards, Nina
Janinca2, - hi
I think you will last a long time with Ultimate. You can color correct just about everything you wish, keyframe your corrections, apply effects of color (among heaps of other things).
Hi Pete,
As new to the world of video editing, you have some exploring ahead of you! No - PD can't do what you are looking for, but you can do it with PD as the tool. You'll have all the different tools within PD, but I think you will have to spend time with it (or any NLE for that matter)to get a grip on how things work.
I am curious about your wish :
"the ability to be able to process video in a more experimental way, abstracting the images through various means such as distorting the colours and degrading the image quality to the extent that the content of the original footage might no longer be easily recognisable. " ??
Have you had a look at tutorials?
Hi Shooter762556
Regarding preview when your clips are dragged to timeline, you have chosen preview quality here, yes?
Maybe this is an occation to once again link to a (music) video elegantly edited. Cranston edited this one back in 2009 with PD8. He made PD an audio editor ! You will see the timeline work of the audio in the last part of the video. Enjoy!
Michael Jackson Re-Mix (the DZ edit)
You boys need a cooler? A heater?
I just agree to the conditions
No flags and warnings?
Edit; Just wondering if you have been in contact with PDToots regarding the use of the logo for the tutorials?
Video editing shouldn't require a degree in advanced engineering..........
No, it really shouldn't. Not in a consumer software.
You Jeff, Ron - you guys are great in explaining. As some of you will remember, a person on this forum once said " even you, Nina, can understand it.........". Video editing should not require a degree in advanced engeneering - perhaps unless you work in broadcast or film industry. Even then, I am guessing the creaters will have assistance from the technicians. For my humble video productions, if edited and produced with PD, I ignore the warning about 29.97 fps / 30 fps. I understand I loose "a frame or two", and this may be important for others, but it's impossible for me with my eyesight and the equipment I have at hand to spot the difference.
- Nina
I have always just ignored it! Just click OK and place the clip on timeline. Even when PD itself produces a clip one can have this pop up - so I have given it a rest by just ignoring it. Makes no difference.