Hi Barry,
You, Neil and Tony, as Senior Contributors, have put a lot of time and effort into PDR over the years helping users. You know and understand PDR better than most so I think both of your "personal perceptions" are valid. I started with PDR12 and if it wasn't for this forum, I would have dumped PDR and moved on - so thanks to you and the other contributors and members.
My "personal perception" (2c) is:
The more "bells and whistles" (additional features) they add to PDR, the more difficult it becomes to squeeze them into a single program interface. Adding complexity makes it harder for users to understand and therefore increases the amount of product support required. Many problems are due to a lack of understanding of an increasingly complex product. New version marketing is based more on "new features" than fixing the current version as per user requests. All of the valuable info contained in the Forum is removed and dumped into a single "previous versions" file not followed by those with the latest version thus putting users at a support disadvantage unless they purchase the latest version every year. I would still be happy with PDR12 if it worked as it should have. I didn't upgrade to PDR13 or 14 for the new features but was hoping 13 would fix 12 and 14 would fix 13.
They are not "new versions" (re-writes) but more like a patchwork quilt that keeps getting bigger.
It has come a long way but we have had to pay for it. It has come a long way because PDR12 didn't do what they advertised and instead of fixing it as per user requests, they sold us 13, then 14 and now 15. Even worse, they are offering massive discounts on PDR14 now without mentioning 15 is around the corner. I think it's wrong because I paid the full price and new users don't know they are buying an "end-of-life" product soon to be dumped into the "other versions" forum and will be forced to upgrade if they want the functionality and support (from the forum and Cyberlink) they thought they bought.
So, Barry, it has come a long way.
Neil, you are also right. The "tech heads" are on a marketing campaign - "If you are not happy - we'll sell you a new version every year". If that works for them, why would they change?
Tony - it may be a bit negative but only Cyberlink can change that. Why don't they give us a full list of the fixes and improvements in new versions before we buy like other software does?
PDR maybe cheaper than many other NLEs but add up what you are paying every year and it's not such a bargain.
This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at Jun 24. 2016 05:33
Power Director 13&14 Ultimate, Photo Director 6, Audio Dir, Pwr2Go 10
Win 10 64, Intel MB DH87MC, Intel i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 16Gb DDR3 1600, 128Gb SSD, 2x1Tb WDBlue 7200rpmSATA6, Intel 4600 GPU, Gigabyte G1 GTX960 4GB, LG BluRay Writer